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All CollectionsDivi 5 Public Alpha
Divi 5 Public Alpha Update Status
Divi 5 Public Alpha Update Status

A complete list of all Divi 5 Public Alpha changes, complete with a detailed changelog outlining each release's new features and bug fixes.

Updated yesterday

Staying informed about the latest updates and improvements to the Divi 5 Public Alpha is crucial for maintaining your website's performance, security, and functionality.

This article provides a detailed breakdown of the changes, improvements, and fixes in each version of Divi 5. You can reference it to check what has been changed, fixed, and improved in different versions.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha 1 (Release date: 10-11-2024)


  • Added confirmation modal if global color changes were not confirmed.

  • Added dark mode support to the WordPress media library when used in the Visual Builder.

  • Added focus on Search input field when filters icon is clicked in Layers View.

  • Added Global Fonts Editor into Visual Builder.

  • Added options to set Fonts and Colors while creating quick sites using Pre-made packs.

  • Added support for different units in vertical and horizontal offset in the Position Group.

  • Added support for multiple CSS units for box-shadow values.

  • Added The Posts For Current Page field to the Blog Module for the Theme Builder.

  • Adjusted the CSS to ensure the loading icon is vertically centered.

  • Improved Divi 5 style output to combine declaration/selectors to reduce total style output sizes.

  • Improved tabbing through the settings panel and implemented more holistic hover and focus styles on buttons and icons.

  • Introducing Visual Builder load time improvement, which allows Visual Builder settings data that is not needed on load time to be delivered asynchronously after the app is loaded.

  • Made history panel items full width, which is more consistent with select menu styles.

  • Migrated PHP Composer scripts from package.json to composer.json for direct execution via Composer.

  • Optimize the shortcode framework initialization during the Divi 5 content migration process.

  • Remove Visual Builder dependency from @wordpress/block-editor package.

  • Removed duplicate styles from the Cloud App CSS file.

  • Removes auto-scroll behavior when opening and closing option groups in the settings panel.

  • Replaced the incorrect text capitalization icon in the text options group.

  • Replaced the native wp_die back button in the incompatible plugin message with a true URL, so the link will work in all browsers.

  • The unnecessary default preset class is removed.

  • Updated preset IDs to use shorter unique IDs to reduce the size of preset names in HTML output.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the Countdown Timer module's font style.

  • Fixed a bug in Dynamic Assets, which was causing style output for late detection to be incorrect.

  • Fixed a bug in the Builder's color picker that prevented saturation and opacity changes from taking effect for background gradient stops.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing a fatal PHP error for Siteground Speed Optimizer Plugin activation.

  • Fixed a bug where number value increments would sometimes not match the value's level of precision.

  • Fixed a fatal error in the Pricing Tables module when importing the Divi AI Landing page layout on PHP 8.3.

  • Fixed a PHP fatal error caused by an incorrect path for the convertInlineFont function in the Slide Module during D5 Migration.

  • Fixed a PHP warning that occurred on the WordPress Importer page.

  • Fixed Admin bar visibility when editing a Theme builder layout.

  • Fixed an issue where box shadow styles defined in presets were not rendering correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where Free-form CSS was not retained during importing layout to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors could not be applied to the background mask and pattern.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors did not reflect when added to section dividers.

  • Fixed an issue where importing older layouts could get stuck at 99%.

  • Fixed an issue where inner column settings were not appearing in specialty sections.

  • Fixed an issue where the "ET_Global_Settings" class was not found.

  • Fixed an issue where the background color for the Social Media Network module was not rendering in the settings or the Visual Builder/Front-End when defined in a preset.

  • Fixed an issue where the fullwidth portfolio module does not rerender to reflect the current layout set. It always remains in carousel mode.

  • Fixed an issue where the gradient effect was not being displayed on background images.

  • Fixed an issue where the input for the Color Pickers Default Palette option was hidden during editing.

  • Fixed an issue where the key combination Cmd + C + V (where you click the C and V while still pressing the Cmd key) does not duplicate/copy-paste a module.

  • Fixed an issue where the PHP conversion for the Specialty section did not correctly convert several attributes.

  • Fixed an issue where the sections in a page imported via Add Layout -> Your Existing Page can't be removed.

  • Fixed an issue where the upload setting field did not work in the Theme Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Builder would crash when setting various options in the Blog module.

  • Fixed an issue where the Woo Cross Sells and Woo Cart Totals modules were not rendering content in VB

  • Fixed an issue with the Divi Shortcode Module settings crashing when trying to edit a 3rd Party Module.

  • Fixed Blend mode filters not work correctly on the frontend for the D5 Column module.

  • Fixed broken motion effects when applied to the social follow module.

  • Fixed condition option strings that were not prepared for translation.

  • Fixed Divi Cloud log-in and team sidebar styles and updated colors to support dark mode.

  • Fixed export fatal error on Divi library items from the backend.

  • Fixed in Blog module border was not working in fullwidth layout.

  • Fixed issue with context menu selection, making highlights and options invisible for the module.

  • Fixed issue where Box shadow styling values did not support any values beyond 80px and negative 80px.

  • Fixed issue with converting Global Presets that use CSS variables.

  • Fixed issues where the background video, background pattern, and background mask for the sticky state were not working when the module was inside another sticky module.

  • Fixed Layers View Search field focus color for readability.

  • Fixed post content module not being rendered in front end

  • Fixed post title, fullwidth post title, and dynamic content post title that points to theme builder layout's title instead of the current post title

  • Fixed Row Module's Max Width field to maintain the same range and unit when the value changes and added a maximum value of 2560.

  • Fixed some styling inconsistencies in the Theme Builder visual builder popup.

  • Fixed Text Shadow sticky style issue when a module inside another sticky module is using it.

  • Fixed the Add Column button issue.

  • Fixed the blurb module image width.

  • Fixed the conversion process by ensuring the module conversion outlines weren't improperly getting stripped in the .zip process.

  • Fixed the incorrect colors used in the preset save confirmation modal when in dark mode.

  • Fixed the issue when compatibility checks never finished if the child theme or plugin overrides data using the et_builder_get_default_post_types filter.

  • Fixed the issue where the History Modal didn't close automatically.

  • Fixed theme builder content is not saved in the database.

  • Fixed Theme Builder template not being rendered on Front End.

  • Fixed undefined index warning on the Theme Builder page.

  • Fixed update tab icon with app color when it has value and is not opened in background sections.

  • Fixed use of a D4 library item from Divi Cloud to D5.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha (Release date: 09-26-2024)

New Features:

  • Added "Page" Module Settings breadcrumbs.

  • Added "Re-run Compatibility Check" functionality to Divi 5 Migrator.

  • Added cache for Video Module's iframe embeds code generation, improving front-end performance.

  • Added confirmation modal for Migration and Rollback actions.

  • Added foundational logic for condition options conversion in PHP.

  • Added foundational logic for Preset conversion in PHP.

  • Added Free-Form CSS to Modules / Rows / Sections.

  • Added functionality to filter split test attributes during the conversion process.

  • Added functionality to show a warning modal to alert users of unsaved changes when attempting to exit the page.

  • Added initial version of Static CSS in Divi 5.

  • Added Loader when uploading custom font.

  • Added presets conversion step for migration.

  • Added support for Customizer colors to Visual Builder.

  • Added support for multiple buttons for responsive icons and buttons without icons.

  • Added warning when editing Divi 4 modules in Divi 5.

  • All tests of the PHP conversion are fixed.

  • Allow the third party to register the custom panel, group, and field to the page setting modal.

  • Automatically open parent module settings when the edited module is removed.

  • Converted presets from API To Divi 5 during onboarding.


  • Frontend/Module traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • The gradient background for parallax and pattern color for preset is fixed.

  • Hide nonfunctional code snippet buttons until the feature is ready.

  • Implemented Conversion mechanism for converting D4 attribute to more than one D5 attribute.

  • Implemented Save and Cancel functionality in the Global Module, ensured compatibility with the new design specifications, and introduced Store Middlewares.

  • Improve initial front-end page load performance by priming page cache on save.

  • Improved frontend scripts to minimize render-blocking dependencies.

  • Improved layout rendering speed on Visual Builder.

  • Improved lazy loaded shortcode framework support for 3rd party modules so that the framework only loads if/when a 3P module is used on a given page, rather than merely because they've used a legacy hook.

  • Improved logic around conditional display options processing to improve performance.

  • Improved module registration for better performance by streamlining file system access pertaining to the module.json file.

  • Improved UI for Theme Builder Compatibility Check by consolidating and optimizing the display of post types.

  • Improved VB laggy behavior when changing module settings in a large layout.

  • The inner box shadow issue is fixed for the Fullwidth Post Slider module.

  • Load Core Divi Modules from the cache to improve frontend performance.

  • Made Exit button got to Theme builder page when pressed from Theme builder.

  • Make progress updates in the Divi 5 Migrator dash dynamic.

  • The map pin module is fixed.

  • The missing description and reset icon are fixed in the settings panel for the shortcode module.

  • Moved functions to DynamicAssets class to enqueue various script data to improve performance.

  • Optimized the SyncToServer REST endpoint to return rendered content only when the return_rendered_content option is set to true, speeding up the saving process by avoiding unnecessary content rendering.

  • Packages/Module/Options traits are refactored to improve the Visual Builder performance.

  • Preset attrs map generated in the PHP conversion.

  • Preset importing fixed for some premade layouts.

  • Presets rendering is fixed for all modules.

  • Reduce framework load on WP Admin pages to improve WP Admin page load performance.

  • Refactor page settings modal's panel, group, and field registration.

  • Refactored all the Feature Detections to improve performance.

  • Refactored Dynamic Assets to improve block and shortcode detections.

  • Refactored to reduce feature detection calls to improve performance in Dynamic Assets.

  • Refactored VisualBuilder/Hook traits to improve the autoloader performance.

  • Refactoring to improve PHP performance.

  • Remove the Dynamic Content check, and ConditionalDisplay check from Divi 5 migrator since Divi 5 now supports these 2 features.

  • Removed the use of SavingUtility::sanitize_css() to improve front-end performance by reducing the overhead of CSS sanitization.

  • Removed unnecessary traits from VisualBuilder/REST submodule.

  • The reset button is fixed for the Tablet and Phone mode for the Dynamic Content.

  • The slider module's background color is fixed for the preset.

  • Some missing preset attributes are fixed.

  • Updated admin setting state retrieving process to show Admin Bar.

  • Updated all the Feature Detections to add support for Shortcode content in DynamicAssets.

  • Updated D4 code to provide animation script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide background parallax script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide background video script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide circle counter script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide Contact Form module script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide link script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide number counter script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide signup module script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated modal style for the Save Failed modal.

  • Various code improvements to increase page load performance.

  • Various minor code improvements to improve performance.

  • Various performance improvements.

  • VisualBuilder/AssetsUtility traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/ClassicEditor traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/DiviLibrary trait is refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/Fonts traits are refactored to improve the Visual Builder performance.

  • Wrap admin menu item styles in a conditional check to ensure they are only printed when the user is logged in.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix opening module settings modal from the right-click menu for modules that do not support D5 format.

  • Fix the Page Settings style not being rendered on the front end.

  • Fixed an issue where preset list styles are not applied immediately on the first load VB in Divi 5.

  • Fixed a fatal error when editing a page with the Classic Editor enabled.

  • Fixed a fatal error that occurred when attempting to use the Visual Builder on a WooCommerce single product page.

  • Fixed Admin bar should be disabled by default.

  • Fixed admin setting and initial state to show Admin Bar.

  • Fixed alignment of the Contact Form module button on the front end.

  • Fixed all font weights selected when uploading and choosing any font weight.

  • Fixed allowing entering value outside -2 and 2 range in Text Shadow fields.

  • Fixed an issue by removing traits from the FrontEnd/BlockParser traits submodule.

  • Fixed an issue in D5 where a single module inside a Row incorrectly had a bottom margin, ensuring consistent behavior with D4.

  • Fixed an issue where a fatal error was thrown when the innerContent attribute required by the responsive content element was missing.

  • Fixed an issue where the Accordion module child elements motion effects are not applied when Apply Motion Effects To Child Elements is on.

  • Fixed an issue where the Blog module displayed all posts instead of selected category posts in VB.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a video inside a video group did not open the media library.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors unintentionally overrode custom colors during the conversion process.

  • Fixed an issue where decoded characters were not restored to their original form during conversion.

  • Fixed an issue where Divi library items were not being converted during migration.

  • Fixed an issue where the Divi migrator would convert the content of a page that is already in D5 format.

  • Fixed an issue where image overlay icon styles did not match between Divi 4 and Divi 5 in Frontend after migrating Quick sites.

  • Fixed an issue where images were not imported into the media library during layout imports.

  • Fixed an issue where importing certain layouts caused an error: "Invalid File format. You should be uploading a JSON file."

  • Fixed an issue where importing some premade layouts caused a "Save of Global Presets Has Failed" error.

  • Fixed an issue where newline characters in post content were incorrectly displayed as n after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where the cancel button in the Cloud login flow did not support color schemes.

  • Fixed an issue where the existing content was broken when edited with VB for the first time.

  • Fixed an issue where the global colors is not converted into CSS variable.

  • Fixed an issue where the Icon width in the Blurb module was not applied for presets.

  • Fixed an issue where the import fails silently when the imported layout context is invalid.

  • Fixed an issue where the lightbox image would incorrectly display the desktop version instead of the responsive content.

  • Fixed an issue where the Module Settings modal would crash when changing the column structure after deleting a column.

  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was incorrectly positioned when editing the Code field component.

  • Fixed an issue where the shortcode module would incorrectly display error messages for valid empty content.

  • Fixed an issue where the video slider did not resize correctly on mobile devices.

  • Fixed an issue where we can't open the Insert Theme Builder Set modal.

  • Fixed an issue with characters being escaped incorrectly on importing several layouts.

  • Fixed an issue with the Tab module where saving in the Visual Builder (VB) was not working.

  • Fixed an issue with uploading specific font weights in the Custom Font modal.

  • Fixed broken page bar display on smaller screens.

  • Fixed bug with applying Primary color to icons by default.

  • Fixed bug with drag&drop in layers view when element's children are visible.

  • Fixed class was not found after enabling the D4 framework from options.

  • Fixed Contact form success message html tag printed issue.

  • Fixed custom font only uploads for the first time after first-time fonts are not uploading.

  • Fixed Default text styles from Theme Customizer now reflect in the Text module's Design Tab.

  • Fixed display conditions option when using the "Display if any condition is true" setting.

  • Fixed displaying responsive value for featured image visibility toggle in the Fullwidth Post Slider module.

  • Fixed displaying responsive value for featured image visibility toggle in the PostSlider module.

  • Fixed Divi Blocks / Divi Shortcodes detections in Dynamic Assets to work with feature cache.

  • Fixed divider weight color and style were not working on responsive devices.

  • Fixed error messages or warnings were not displayed during font upload failure.

  • Fixed false positive warning for incompatible modules in Divi 5 Migrator.

  • Fixed Feature Manager Cache in Dynamic Assets.

  • Fixed filtering and searching are not working for element types in the layers view.

  • Fixed HTML entities not being decoded in the D5 Readiness FAQ section.

  • Fixed the inability to delete custom fonts.

  • Fixed the issue where the Divi layout is loaded inside the WooCommerce description tab.

  • Fixed an issue where submitting new library items in the Divi Library modal was failing.

  • Fixed issue where tooltips were not appearing on Grid View and List View icons.

  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't save elements to the library from the right-click menu.

  • Fixed an issue with the Circle Counter module where the sticky attributes did not show in FE, and when hover values were set, then they would always be displayed, and the desktop values would be ignored.

  • Fixed an issue with the Number Counter module where the sticky number value did not show in FE, and when the hover number value is set, it is always displayed, and the desktop number value is ignored.

  • Fixed issue with Specialty sections, Inner Row Width, and alignment options not converting correctly when a D4 layout is imported.

  • Fixed issue with the Use Divi Builder button missing when editing WooCommerce Products.

  • Fixed issues where editing saved and global colors did not work as the changes did not persist.

  • Fixed layers view layer titles that were too long by truncating them.

  • Fixed margin issue in the specialty section in FE when migrating from D4 into D5.

  • Fixed migration failure with a fatal error during site conversion.

  • Fixed missing triple dot icons for options and option groups.

  • Fixed module sticky styles are not properly applied when the module itself is inside another sticky module.

  • Fixed No border transition between desktop and hover styles.

  • Fixed No border transition between desktop and hover styles.

  • Fixed an issue where the Number Counter's value was not changing when the window was resized.

  • Fixed PHP warnings caused by deprecated practices in PHP 8.3.

  • Fixed Post Title module responsive elements visibility.

  • Fixed Presets Base Selector Class for the module.

  • Fixed preventing Desktop CSS rule overriding Hover CSS value in bar Counters module percentage text group in Design Panel.

  • Fixed removing the offset or excerpt length value in the post slider or fullwidth post slider generates an error in VB.

  • Fixed saved view mode setting was not applying to VB after reloading the VB.

  • Fixed Static CSS to create static cache files properly and skip re-rendering styles when cache files exist.

  • Fixed Sticky Top Offset and Sticky Bottom Offset custom values that were not working on the Tablet breakpoint.

  • Fixed styling issues for warning if the website is getting slowed down by the Divi 4 framework.

  • Fixed text color on hover for active non-regular sections in the D5 Layers View.

  • Fixed The Accordion toggle icon and toggle icon color in the frontend view.

  • Fixed The button module hover padding issue once we set padding, turned on the Use Custom Styles, and turned off the Show Button Icon.

  • Fixed the Circle Counter issue.

  • Fixed the conversion of background images for specialty section columns and corrected the padding issue in the rowInner module.

  • Fixed the Divider's weight wasn't functioning correctly in the hover state within VB.

  • Fixed the issue where the options menu would open in the wrong horizontal position(far left) when the cursor is near the right edge of the window.

  • Fixed the issue with Export/Import not working in the theme builder.

  • Fixed the module sticky state settings bar crashing issue by clicking on the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed the person module box shadow cut-off issue on the hover state.

  • Fixed Transition settings values for tablet and phone are declared in VB and FE.

  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError for $columns_data by giving a default value.

  • Fixed unexpected row focus and column dividers appearing when a new module is added to an empty row.

  • Fixed VB loading time issue when the layout contains a lot of modules.

  • Fixes Issue where the code field in the Shortcode Module incorrectly validated inputs as CSS.

  • Fixes text-shadow and body text style transitions.

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