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All CollectionsDivi 5 Public Alpha
Divi 5 Public Alpha Update Status
Divi 5 Public Alpha Update Status

A complete list of all Divi 5 Public Alpha changes, complete with a detailed changelog outlining each release's new features and bug fixes.

Updated today

Staying informed about the latest updates and improvements to the Divi 5 Public Alpha is crucial for maintaining your website's performance, security, and functionality.

This article provides a detailed breakdown of the changes, improvements, and fixes in each version of Divi 5. You can reference it to check what has been changed, fixed, and improved in different versions.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.8.1 (Release date: 02-20-2025)


  • Add support for adding custom module settings conversion data.

  • Added query-based search functionality.

  • Added support for text alignment in tablet and phone devices in both VB and FE.

  • Added the full suite of Divi AI tools.

  • Created a tutorial for adding a custom button that opens a Modal in Builder Bar.

  • Hide the OG Preset Icon for unsupported groups in Contact Form and Email Optin module.

  • Improved module options positioning on small desktop screen sizes.

  • Moved printed default padding for Row module to Critical CSS processing for front-end.

  • Updated "Customize Module Settings and Output" tutorial series to add custom modules from d5-extension-example-modules repository as examples.

  • Updated module settings snapshots for the Blog, Fullwidth Portfolio, and Filterable Portfolio modules to reflect the latest changes from the release branch.

  • Updated the "Fullwidth Map" module to use auto-generated module settings.

  • Updated the Accordion and Accordion Item modules to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Blog module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Filterable Portfolio module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Fullwidth Portfolio module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Fullwidth Slider module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Map and Map Pin module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Slider and Slide module to use autogenerated module settings.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed AI button position next to Dynamic button in respective fields in the Divi Settings modal.

  • Fixed an issue where editing a Default Preset would unexpectedly select the preset ID assigned as default, causing unintended changes.

  • Fixed an issue where other modals remained interactive while the AI modal was open, ensuring consistent modal behavior.

  • Fixed an issue where the comment module is not getting correct comments in Theme Builder Layout.

  • Fixed an issue where the dropdown modal was incorrectly visible in Option Group Preset Edit Mode.

  • Fixed an issue where tooltips were missing on duplicate buttons by ensuring unique tooltip identifiers.

  • Fixed an issue where transition custom value is not working on the Bar Counter Item module.

  • Fixed border options not working for individual toggles in the accordion module on the front end.

  • Fixed broken animations for the Post Navigation module on the front end.

  • Fixed bug with default button font size being 0px when shortcode framework is used to load non-converted Divi 4 content in Divi 5.

  • Fixed bug with Testimonial module conversion that caused image div to be rendered when the image is not set.

  • Fixed Ctrl-based keyabord shortcuts not working on Windows computers.

  • Fixed Fullscreen Header in VB not being resized correctly.

  • Fixed hover content doesn't work when attribute value is set for larger than desktop breakpoint while the frontend page is opened in larger than desktop breakpoint.

  • Fixed option group preset dropdown modal visibility issue when insufficient space in the sidebar.

  • Fixed refined prompt does not work in the first attempt.

  • Fixed the animation was not working issue in Filterable Portfolio in the visual builder.

  • Fixed the blog module's reset button error when the value was added for overlay and its background and then click on reset icon of the overlay option.

  • Fixed the Divi Helper Modal's wrong video showing issue while click on a module.

  • Fixed the font style issue of the Title of Sidebar Module while the value was getting changed from the body text settings.

  • Fixed the post title module author name persists issue in the Front end.

  • Fixed the title font style issue in Login module while changing the font style from the body text settings option.

  • Fixed the title style issue in Email module while the settings was getting changed from the Description Text settings.

  • Fixed upscale Custom Size option opens the incorrect modal.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.8 (Release date: 02-13-2025)


  • Improved the right-click menu on text fields in the Visual Builder and allowed users to use the browser's native right-click menu instead of the app's context menu.

  • Increased the number of excluded categories in the Search module.

  • Refactored Utils::get_statements() to match its Visual Builder counterpart.

  • Renamed functions and parameter names in Customizable Breakpoints to prevent unnecessary double plurals.

  • Reset active view and breakpoint to desktop when active breakpoint is disabled.

  • Standardized tests to utilize mock data in all preset and tests.

  • Updated plugin structure and needed code to run with the D5.

  • Updated the Fullwidth Header module to use auto-generated module settings.

  • Updated the Portfolio module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Post Navigation module to use autogenerated module settings.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where default presets could not be edited in Option Group Presets.

  • Fixed an issue where extra spaces in Free-Form CSS selectors prevented styles from applying correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where Module Presets and Option Group Presets did not correctly apply updates to advanced setting fields like Spacing Margin and Spacing Padding.

  • Fixed an issue where the responsive gradient did not work when the "Use Parallax Effect" option was enabled for the module background on both the Visual Builder (VB) and Front-End (FE).

  • Fixed broken divider style, background mask, and background pattern in VB when using global color.

  • Fixed broken image module disabling breakpoint settings.

  • Fixed broken keyboard navigation on the responsive state picker.

  • Fixed the Contact Form module's Padding/Margin not working when used within a Theme Builder template.

  • Fixed errors are thrown when hovering over the Add To Library button in the Divi Code module.

  • Fixed font-select field showing empty value when default value was being used.

  • Fixed selecting the first option of the responsive state picker will point to the incorrect option.

  • Fixed the blog grid layout image size issue in Visual Builder.

  • Fixed triple dot menu not working for Text Fields.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.7.2 (Release date: 02-06-2025)

New Features:


  • Added a fallback mechanism to return the default Option Group preset when no preset ID is available.

  • Added Styling support for the dev-clipboard Modal.

  • Cleaned up imports and improved code structure in modal and icon components.

  • Fixed a case where adding an overlay would disable an image lightbox.

  • Fixed a typo in the module link target option.

  • Fixed an issue where admin labels were incorrectly displayed in capitalized format in wireframe mode and Layers View.

  • Fixed an issue where sections with background patterns or masks became non-clickable, ensuring proper interaction with section settings.

  • Fixed an issue where the dropdown caret icon was not visible in dark mode by ensuring it appeared white.

  • Fixed Button module's padding in RTL mode.

  • Fixed multiple issues in bar counters where it was not transitioned properly.

  • Fixed the AI Prompt Modal "Use Text" button that does not work and shows an error when the module field contains subName.

  • Fixed the exclude category issue for the search module.

  • Implemented cancel action for option group preset edit mode.

  • Introduced new hooks to filter module settings groups and attributes specifically during module registration.

  • Organized externals in webpack.config.js and cleaned up package.json devDependencies.

  • Removed unnecessary option group presets sorting mechanism.

  • Updated Customize Module Settings and Output tutorial series to use new hooks to filter module settings, groups, and attributes specifically.

  • Updated @wordpress/scripts to version 30.10.0.

  • Updated modal component and related files to use module imports.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.7.1 (Release date: 01-31-2025)


  • Added missing tests for Options Group Presets Actions and Selectors.

  • Added support for registering and managing custom buttons in the Builder bar, enabling dynamic rendering and sorting for improved plugin integration.

  • Added the ability to copy or clone an option group preset by clicking the copy icon in the preset list.

  • Added the ability to delete an option group preset by clicking the trash icon in the preset list.

  • Added the ability to set a preset as the default by clicking the star icon in the preset list.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed AI Icon visibility based on the Role capability settings in the Divi Admin Dashboard.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented option group preset attributes from being reset to their default values.

  • Fixed an issue where module backgrounds using Dynamic Content's Featured Image did not update when the featured image was changed in Page Settings.

  • Fixed an issue where option group preset data was incorrectly loaded and saved when the feature was disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where the placeholder image was not appearing in the lightbox.

  • Fixed broken code snippets panel header.

  • Fixed missing code snippets import, export, and save panel styles.

  • Fixed mobile menu text color would revert to default blue if it matched the desktop menu text color in the Customizer.

  • Fixed outdated Webpack configurations.

  • Fixed position settings not working across different breakpoints.

  • Fixed SVG logos in the Menu module became invisible.

  • Fixed the Audio module's dynamic content modal has a scroll bar issue in Theme Builder.

  • Fixed the Exit Button dropdown option to allow opening links in a new tab by right-clicking.

  • Fixed the global font family not rendering issue in Visual Builder and Frontend.

  • Fixed the inability to change the CTA button's text color due to the color scheme option set by the customizer.

  • Fixed the Person Image in the Person module would not display in the Visual Builder when a background was applied.

  • Fixed the Social Media Follow Module icon border not showing the issue.

  • Fixed the Theme builder page settings background color is not updating issue.

  • Fixed the Typo issue in the Divi migrator confirmation message.

  • Implemented Classname Function for Logical Class Assignment in component.

  • Improved the README file for better clarity and updated it with the latest usage instructions and details.

  • Improved: Refactored the BuilderBar component for better readability, type safety, and maintainability.

  • Introduced a new tutorial page named "Rendering Additional Module Styles" that explains how to render additional module styles with module wrapper hooks.

  • Resolved an issue causing the website to break on D4.

  • Resolved an issue where the Insert Layout modal displayed an unwanted gray border below the header due to an empty tabs area.

  • Updated D5 conversion files to match the latest requirements.

  • Updated outdated attribute structures.

  • Updated outdated hooks in D5 for compatibility.

  • Updated the Counters module to use autogenerated module settings in the advanced panel.

  • Updated the Fullwidth Image module settings to use the new auto-generation approach for enhanced efficiency and consistency.

  • Updated the Tabs and Tab module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Testimonial module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the Video Slider module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated the video module to use autogenerated module settings.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.7 (Release date: 01-21-2025)


  • Added ('divi/global-data').addDefaultOptionGroupPreset() store action to handle functionality to create default presets for specified option groups.

  • Added addNewOptionGroupPreset store action to handle preset updates from current styles.

  • Added addNewOptionGroupPresetFromCurrentStyles store action to add a new preset from current styles.

  • Added assignGroupPresetToDefault store action to set an option group preset as a default.

  • Added cloneOptionGroupPreset store action to handle the clone preset mechanism.

  • Added deleteOptionGroupPreset store action to handle the delete preset mechanism.

  • Added drop down menu on the Exit button to have multi-functionalities. It consists of three menus. Namely Exit, Dashboard, View Post/Page link option.

  • Added editPresetAttribute store action to handle options group preset attributes.

  • Added functionality to display assigned group preset in group UI.

  • Added other CSS units to Transform Scale, Background Image, and Background Pattern options to accept units like px, em, rem, vh, vw etc.

  • Added support for ImageSizing and ImageSpacing components to advanced styles to output styles and its corresponding transitions.

  • Added updateOptionGroupPresetName store action to update the option group preset name.

  • Added updateOptionGroupPresetWithCurrentStyles store action to handle preset updates from current styles.

  • Added warning sections to tutorial pages in the "Converting Divi 4 Module to Divi 5" section, indicating that the tutorials are outdated and currently being updated.

  • Adding UI components for Custom Breakpoints. These are not visible to the end user yet.

  • Enhanced global data store actions ('divi/global-data').setDefaultPresetOnSave() and ('divi/global-data').unsetDefaultPresetOnSave() to support Option Group Presets handling.

  • Enhanced the dependency checker for increased efficiency.

  • Implemented auto-generated module settings for Full-width Code Module.

  • Improved: Centralized REST API root URL handling in the settings store, reducing network requests and simplifying logic.

  • Introduced a new tutorial page named "Modifying Module Output" that explains how to modify module output with module wrapper hooks.

  • Provided a robust solution for previously experienced slow loading times in Frontend rendering of shortcode content in backward compatibility mode.

  • The "Adding Custom Module Settings Via Hook" tutorial series has been renamed "Customize Module Settings and Output."

  • Reverted code explaining comments that were removed in the previous Pull request.

  • Update performance tests execution time limit into 5000ms to cover recent changes added in Visual Builder.

  • Updated "Adding Custom Options Group" and "Adding Custom Option Field" tutorial series to use the Audio module as a test case to be connected with the upcoming tutorials, such as rendering elements and styles.

  • Updated how we enqueue scripts in the Extending Page Settings tutorial and Create Simple Quick Module tutorial.

  • Updated outdated Information and preview for Creating Dynamic Divi 4 Module tutorial.

  • Updated outdated preview and corrected grammar mistakes for Adding Placeholder Content tutorial page.

  • Updated the Introduction page in the "Converting Divi 4 Module to Divi 5" section of the documentation to reference the new repository.

  • Updated the Toggle module to use autogenerated module settings.

  • Updated visual builder app frame's mechanism for Customizable Breakpoints.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed showBottomSpace option inside the Image module is not working.

  • Fixed a typo in the icon color settings explanation.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when clicking a map pin in the map module, which caused the tooltip to malfunction.

  • Fixed an issue in the pricing table where styles did not apply to the Title Text when the Title Heading Level was set to h6.

  • Fixed an issue in the Theme Builder Layout where the Post Title editor always displayed the current date instead of the correct date.

  • Fixed an issue where height transition is not working on the Image Module.

  • Fixed an issue where preset changes were not reverted after clicking Cancel Changes.

  • Fixed an issue where styles were printed twice for modules using defined presets.

  • Fixed an overcorrection of height offset when a fixed header might overlap anchored sections on tablet and phone devices.

  • Fixed broken TinyMCE panel close icon.

  • Fixed changing column structures caused the settings sidebar to unsnap unexpectedly.

  • Fixed CheckboxesContainer component where default was not working.

  • Fixed clipboard system issue when copy/paste styles didn't work in some cases.

  • Fixed Custom CSS fields not working in the Blog module when being rendered on the front-end.

  • Fixed dynamic data processing by updating regex to support nested JSON-like structures.

  • Fixed export library item with presets from Divi library.

  • Fixed Improved test isolation and reliability by updating REST API-related mocks.

  • Fixed issue where resetting checkboxes wouldn't work.

  • Fixed parallax images defined at the desktop level do not appear for smaller breakpoints.

  • Fixed post count default value issue for the post slider and full-width post slider module.

  • Fixed the alignment issue of the "Read More" text in the Blog module when using the grid layout.

  • Fixed the Button design option jumps on selecting any button design on the visual builder.

  • Fixed the condition display option's Manual custom fields toggle issue.

  • Fixed the Full Width Image Module overlay option missing issue.

  • Fixed the image module Hover icon overlay issue on the Hover state.

  • Fixed the Media Uploader Button name while uploading a video file from the Slider Module.

  • Fixed the Pricing Tables module title tag while parent level value is in use.

  • Fixed the range slider local step issue.

  • Fixed the Theme builder help modal type.

  • Fixed the wireframe showing the background color issue.

  • Fixed video module plays button transitioning issue from desktop and hover.

  • Fixed WooCommerce-based speed issues that significantly boosted Divi's speed and efficiency when used with WooCommerce.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.6 (Release date: 01-03-2025)


  • Added a comprehensive tutorial for ElementStyle and AdvancedStyles.

  • Added inline editor to Pricing Table module.

  • Added missing module shortcuts to the keyboard shortcut help module.

  • Added multiple selector support in the Custom CSS.

  • Added px, vw units with % unit in background Mask Vertical and Horizontal fields.

  • Added shifting of the Module Options and Add new Module button to prevent their overlapping with parent or child modules if modules have small margins and paddings.

  • Customized the Not Found page with helpful links for improved user navigation.

  • Improved performance by limiting unnecessary re-renderings of the Sidebar Modals that are not being interacted with.

  • Passed customizer settings’ button values as default for the Visual Builder button options group.

  • Prevented drag and drop of columns beyond the row maximum limit.

    Removed unwanted sidebar border that appeared when using wireframe most on a post.

  • Update JEDI 3rd party addon reference to version 3.

  • Updated copy-paste style option label to not use module name.

  • Updated Dynamic content field structure to support group header.

  • Updated the Menu option name from Select a menu to 'Default'.

  • Users can now Drag&Drop elements in the Visual Builder by Module Options, which is useful for full-width sections and Sections and Rows that have no padding.

  • Wrapped font family in quotes to ensure fonts with special characters in their names work correctly in all browsers.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the Call To Action module where a button with no alignment set failed to inherit the module's Text Alignment setting.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing Divi 5 to load shortcode framework unnecessarily when only video or audio shortcode was used on a page.

  • Fixed Added a new title prop to the Gradient component.

  • Fixed an issue causing some core Gutenberg blocks like Calendar and Latest Comments to break in the default editor.

  • Fixed an issue in batchFetch utility where special characters in request data caused response handling errors.

  • Fixed an issue where a new post can have a shortcode module already added before adding content.

  • Fixed an issue where the Accordion module closed title text size differed between Divi 4 and Divi 5 after migration.

  • Fixed an issue where applying font styles, e.g., Capitalize/Italicise the font, to the body of a Blurb module resulted in the styles being applied to the header/title text as well.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking through videos in the main video slider via the next button sometimes results in one of the videos disappearing from the main slider.

  • Fixed an issue where copying and pasting the same text in the editor would remove the existing content.

  • Fixed an issue where custom CSS added via Advanced > CSS > Main Element was incorrectly applied to the button module wrapper instead of the button itself.

  • Fixed an issue where custom margin values in the Row module would override the "auto" value from Row Alignment.

  • Fixed an issue where enabling the parallax option caused the mobile background image to override background images for other devices.

  • Fixed an issue where map pins did not appear immediately in the Visual Builder and Settings panel after being added.

  • Fixed an issue where one could not import premade layouts.

  • Fixed an issue where the Button module bar should not hide when the border-radius was set to high values.

  • Fixed an issue where the Conditions options were missing in the Advanced tab of the Blog module settings.

  • Fixed an issue where the custom gutter width setting for inner rows of Specialty Sections was not applied correctly in Divi.

  • Fixed an issue where the Empty Trash confirmation modal in the Divi Library panel could not be closed using the close or cancel buttons.

  • Fixed an issue where the Icon module would not correctly display the default icon on the front end.

  • Fixed an issue where the migration process would fail due to a missing value expansion function.

  • Fixed an issue where the Post Slider module could enter an infinite loop on the front end, crashing the page or server.

  • Fixed an issue where the settings modal re-rendered when clicking on the responsive state picker.

  • Fixed an issue where the settings modal would re-render when opening global presets.

  • Fixed an issue where the Slide module failed to render correctly when setting different Title and Content values for Desktop, Tablet, and Phone breakpoints.

  • Fixed an issue where Un-Ordered nested lists in Ordered List lacked proper text indentation.

  • Fixed an issue where unwanted top padding was applied on the page container when fixed navigation was disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where Vimeo unlisted videos were not working correctly with overlay images due to incorrect URL parameter handling.

  • Fixed broken builder settings’ “Settings Modal Default Position” option.

  • Fixed broken links and added some new links on the "Introduction" page.

  • Fixed bug with responsive styles order if a scenario where the module has some settings changed only for desktops and tablets and other settings changed for mobile devices.

  • Fixed button spacing issue when the icon is enabled and only is set shows on hover.

  • Fixed clicking component area hides the actions bar.

  • Fixed column drag and drop issue inside the row in wireframe mood.

  • Fixed column structure not updating after drag-and-drop operations in Layers View.

  • Fixed D4 presets migration to D5 if migrator is used multiple times.

  • Fixed default styling of Audio-format posts in a Blog module when set to "Grid.".

  • Fixed dynamic content crashes when I press enter in the Link options.

  • Fixed emptying the trash progress bar goes above 100 and never finishes on Divi Cloud.

  • Fixed horizontal offset not working correctly when an element's position was set to absolute.

  • Fixed incorrect CSS selector used for the testimonial module's description element.

  • Fixed incorrect padding applied to the person module social links when the person module was used in a theme builder template.

  • Fixed inserting a regular row into an inner column of specialty sections.

  • Fixed missed background position and size styles for the circle counter module.

  • Fixed parallax images defined at the desktop level do not appear for smaller breakpoints.

  • Fixed PHP 8.4 deprecated warnings caused by implicit nullable parameters in MultiViewUtils by adding explicit ? type hints.

  • Fixed placeholder image displaying in the Image module when no image URL is available for the Featured Image in TB templates.

  • Fixed Safe Mode Not Working.

  • Fixed Server Side Rendering Element tutorial errors.

  • Fixed the column equalizer issue for the Inner Row of the Specialty Section in the FE.

  • Fixed the icon styling issue in the Blurb module in which the quote issue was present in the content attribute of the icon, which was causing the breaking of styles.

  • Fixed the inability to split a page layout into sections, rows, etc.

  • Fixed the Issue into settings-design.tsx component where the border group visible functions did not use the updated module attribute values.

  • Fixed the issue where copying and pasting Fullwidth Slider item styles could break the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed the issue where the Button module did not apply CSS transitions defined in its decoration attributes.

  • Fixed the overlapping icon in the settings panel while editing the accordion module.

  • Fixed the PHP fatal error related to shortcode handling in the video post format in the Divi 5 Blog module.

  • Fixed transition duration issue in the login module.

  • Fixed Trash items retrieval from Cloud in the Library modal.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.5 (Release date: 12-09-2024)


  • Added a list of auto-generated modules for easier reference.

  • Added Action Icons shift to prevent overlapping of Action Icons if modules have small margins and if structural elements have small margins and padding.

  • Added an explanation page in the documentation for the shortcode lazy-loading feature and guidance on how to adapt it.

  • Added documentation explanation page for responsive content management in the Visual Builder.

  • Added example codes of adding a selector property in Custom CSS.

  • Added guide page for module icon design.

  • Added scrollbar in preset selection modal.

  • Added support of modules copy/paste between pages.

  • Added tests for the Positioning Order-class in Custom CSS Selector.

  • Added tutorial for integrating selector property in customCssFields Divi 5 modules.

  • Enable the module to be dragged when the module is being edited.

  • Enhanced Conversion::maybeConvertContent() to include the application of ShortcodeMigration::maybe_migrate_legacy_shortcode() within the function.

  • Improved Dynamic Content rendering by properly escaping special characters in block attributes.

  • Improved transition style processing by merging Heading Font and Body Font transition styles with other transition styles on the same module element.

  • Introduced new hooks to filter rendered module elements on VB and FE.

  • Introduced new hooks to filter rendered module wrappers on VB and FE.

  • Made auto-generated modules trigger warnings to ensure they are noticed.

  • Resolved an issue where CSS was not being fully generated for a specialty section when rendering Divi 5 layouts/blocks with the do_blocks() function in a page template.

  • Updated "Adding Custom Options Group" and "Adding Custom Option Field" tutorial series to have more realistic examples to be connected with the upcoming tutorials, such as rendering elements and styles.

  • Updated console errors to include uncoded module and path names to improve debugging clarity.

  • Updated Drag and Drop feature to allow Modules to be dragged and dropped even when in Editing mode in the Visual Builder.

  • Updated Extending Divi 5 Page Settings tutorial with the new PHP hook.

  • Updated packages to match onboarding configuration.

  • Updated the documentation of Static and Dynamic module conversion.

  • Updated the Extensions Example Plugin to incorporate advancedStyles within the Elements class, ensuring compatibility wherever necessary on both the Visual Builder and Frontend.

  • Updated the Static and Dynamic module conversion documentation's code with valueExpansionFunctionMap code snippet added.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix to prevent memory exhaustion caused by the Blog module recursion loop that occurs when the Blog Module is used on a single post and the Blog Module inadvertently includes the current post itself in the list of displayed posts.

  • Fix transition issues with modules dependent upon property selectors and add tests to support the code changes.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the Row's max-width in Visual Builder did not respect the Website Content Width setting from the Theme Customizer.

  • Fixed a bug that was rendering unwanted <p></p> tags for some cases in D5 backward compatibility mode.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing parallax backgrounds not to work properly in D5 backward compatibility mode.

  • Fixed a performance issue with shortcode attribute checks that assist frontend rendering of legacy layouts.

  • Fixed a PHP error during 3rd-party module imports by updating ShortcodeMigration::should_handle_migration() to handle null values.

  • Fixed a PHP notice error on the front end caused by an undefined property.

  • Fixed all sections that are not visible on FE after importing a premade layout.

  • Fixed an issue where a settings modal can be dragged beyond the top of the browser window, effectively hiding a part of it.

  • Fixed an issue where adding a new custom option group script in tutorials didn't work as expected.

  • Fixed an issue where an empty gradient background incorrectly inherited styles from other background options, ensuring a default white background is applied instead.

  • Fixed an issue where categories were not displayed in the Post Title module and Fullwidth Post Title module's meta information on the front end when using the Theme Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where custom content width in the Fullwidth Header Module was not applied on the FE.

  • Fixed an issue where custom preset values were not displayed as default when the custom preset was active.

  • Fixed an issue where font-weight in Fullwidth Header modules would incorrectly display as Regular when migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where legacy shortcodes were not properly migrated during the layout import process.

  • Fixed an issue where opening & closing the global color picker without modification prevents the page elements from clicking.

  • Fixed an issue where presets could not be saved after generating a site using Divi Quick Sites.

  • Fixed an issue where responsive options for the Parallax Method in Background Image settings were not working correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where Section Divider color is enforced to black when color is not set.

  • Fixed an issue where the combination between Text color and Light/Dark Text Color doesn't work as expected.

  • Fixed an issue where the first section settings bar would hide behind the header after switching from wireframe mode to desktop view.

  • Fixed an issue where the logo image in the Menu modules was stretched due to missing CSS rules in D5.

  • Fixed an issue where the open state of the accordion item is not consistent, resulting in the first item showing open state attributes/properties even when it is not the open one. This only affects VB.

  • Fixed an issue where the Text Alignment and Text Color option in the Menu Module was not migrated correctly from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where trailing spaces in checkbox labels caused validation errors in the Contact Form module.

  • Fixed an issue where when editing a global color, the confirmation dialog for saving changes now appears in the correct sidebar if multiple sidebars are open.

  • Fixed an issue with the "Selected Categories" option being lost for Filterable Portfolio, Portfolio, and Fullwidth Portfolio modules after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue with HTML markup differences between D4 and D5 in the Blurb module.

  • Fixed an issue with special characters in font icons not being properly escaped.

  • Fixed backslashes being removed from Page Settings' Custom CSS.

  • Fixed bug when the Save to Library button was clicked.

  • Fixed bug with Drag&Drop reliability for the Button Module.

  • Fixed build issues with the Dynamic Module tutorial.

  • Fixed category selection does not show a title as a divider.

  • Fixed development build errors in onboarding.

  • Fixed drag-and-dropping module on wireframe mode, causing all modules to be re-rendered.

  • Fixed fatal error when adding a new post because of theme builder data imported as a shortcode.

  • Fixed glitchy drag and drop behavior on wireframe mode under specific circumstances due to incorrect covered area and bottomOffsetTop state values.

  • Fixed Global Colors import when importing Theme Builder templates.

  • Fixed an issue where row data added from a regular section was not displaying in the Specialty section's row library.

  • Fixed issues with React hooks usage, component naming, and code structure to improve reliability, readability, and compliance with best practices.

  • Fixed modal z-index issue where they appeared under the snapped sidebar.

  • Fixed only a single column in the row of specialty section should not be draggable.

  • Fixed post content module gets imported even outside of the theme builder.

  • Fixed Presets importing issue in Theme Builder.

  • Fixed quick sites generation error and blank page when the user is not logged in.

  • Fixed rendering the Section divider's color based on the sibling section's background color.

  • Fixed SCSS warnings while developing on onboarding.

  • Fixed sections with top or bottom padding set to 0 were not rendering correctly on the front end when importing specific layouts.

  • Fixed single product view page fatal error when no WooCommerce module is used on the page.

  • Fixed slider module first slide image is hidden on the visual builder.

  • Fixed the issue when clicking inside the color picker closes the inline editor.

  • Fixed the issue where [video] shortcodes were not rendered into <video> tags within the Divi 5 TinyMCE editor.

  • Fixed the issue with library items editing after permalinks update.

  • Fixed the unexpected jumping behavior of the Sticky module on the front when the sticky state is activated and the default Divi header is set to be Fixed.

  • Fixed type/linter issue in test file.

  • Fixed the inability to add an inner row from Divi Library.

  • Fixed unnecessary group field re-renders caused by hovering over the right-click context menu.

  • Fixed various transition style issues related to Body Text on some modules, such as Pricing Tables and Blurb modules.

  • Fixed video transitions in the slider module where the video jumps from the bottom before starting the animation.

  • Fixed the visibility issue of the Read More button into the Post Slider and Fullwidth Post Slider module.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.4 (Release date: 11-21-2024)


  • Added a tutorial on how to create a new custom dynamic content field for D5.

  • Added alphabetic CSS values support in Spacing and Sizing options.

  • Added no-results messaging in Layers View, aligned with D4 behavior.

  • Added selector property to handle module order position in customCssFields.

  • Corrected the conditional logic for displaying the counter value in the bar counter module when the "show percentage" setting is toggled.

  • Disabled scrolling when the Insert New Row modal is opened.

  • Disabled undo/redo options when there are no actions to undo or redo.

  • Enhanced server response times when using Theme Builder templates.

  • Ensure Project titles are correctly displaying special characters by decoding HTML entities in VB in Portfolio modules.

  • Improved clarity and performance by refactoring dynamic asset handling.

    Improved modal behavior to ensure any interaction brings the modal to the top when one or more modals are open and partially overlapping.

  • Improved the clickability of add-column buttons that appear when hovering between columns.

  • Prevent Group Settings Into Closed Toggles from being unwantedly toggled off after saving the page on D4.

  • Prevented unnecessary confirmation modal when editing a global color in a theme builder.

  • Properly migrate Group Settings Into Closed Toggles saved setting into Divi 5.

  • Refactored @divi/modal-library and @divi/right-click-options packages to eliminate code duplication, ensuring alignment with S.O.L.I.D principles.

  • Remove the horizontal scrollbar that appears in the Visual Builder when setting a row's width to 100%.

  • Resolved issue in Theme Builder where the global color confirmation modal was not registering clicks on the "X" and "Yes" buttons.

  • Updated documentation to remove old JS API references and redirect URLs to the new JS-Beta API reference.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed "Add Module" modal positioning for correct alignment when the zoom is applied.

  • Fixed a few modules containing child modules that aren't getting saved.

  • Fixed ACF checkbox compatibility with custom field display condition.

  • Fixed an issue causing the VB to crash when the selected categories in the Fullwidth Portfolio Module were reset.

  • Fixed an issue in the Fullwidth Slider and Slider module where updating the button link URL in individual slides added an extra tag and reduced font size.

  • Fixed an issue where adding a border to the Blog module caused an error due to incorrect handling of border-radius attributes.

  • Fixed an issue where automatic paragraph formatting was not applied on the front end.

  • Fixed an issue where changing the animation speed in Fullwidth Slider and Slider modules could cause the module to malfunction in VB.

  • Fixed an issue where dynamic content was displaying the meta key instead of the custom field's name.

  • Fixed an issue where Mailchimp custom fields prevented form submission in the Email Optin module.

  • Fixed an issue where modules with blank URLs in parent elements (such as Column, Section, or Row) prevented module link options from functioning correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where presets with ID _initial are not imported/applied to the content when importing layouts.

  • Fixed an issue where responsive divider settings for sections were not working on tablet and mobile breakpoints.

  • Fixed an issue where scrolling to a module position in the Layers View was incorrect when fixed navigation was enabled.

  • Fixed an issue where shortcode modules displayed as "Shortcode module" instead of their Admin Labels in the Layers View.

  • Fixed an issue where shortcode modules displayed as "Shortcode module" instead of their Admin Labels in the Wireframe Mode.

  • Fixed an issue where slide text color only updated upon hover in the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where the Layers View did not update the active element when navigating to parent elements through the Settings Modal breadcrumbs.

  • Fixed an issue where the Special character dialog window in the TinyMCE editor could be opened multiple times.

  • Fixed Background Video Stretch When Modules With Async Data Are Loaded.

  • Fixed bold text not being bold in the module text editor.

  • Fixed bug with the single global section not being rendered on the front end if no other content is present on the page.

  • Fixed Circle Counter and Number Counter modules to display the original text value at the end of the animation.

  • Fixed condition in gradient stops so that once the value is not present, then it is considered undefined, and a fallback value is assigned.

  • Fixed Dynamic Content (menu) list not closing when clicked outside.

  • Fixed fade animation behavior in the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed FilterableCheckboxes' search field to be visible only if it has more than 10 items.

  • Fixed full-width header covers drop-down menu on mobile devices.

  • Fixed incorrect positioning of the Insert New Row modal when the page is scrolled.

  • Fixed Inline Editor toolbar positioning with Divi nav menu and admin bar.

  • Fixed issue where post content was deleted during D5 migration when WPML was active.

  • Fixed the issue where styles were missing on the global header and footer with "Blog Style Mode" enabled.

  • Fixed issue with Blurb Module icon/image placement not updating correctly for Tablet and Phone breakpoints..

  • Fixed issue with the left sidebar docking area in Visual Builder being too big if the modal width is increased.

  • Fixed issue with module action icons not appearing in Theme Builder if Tablet or Phone Responsive View is turned on.

  • Fixed issue with preset styles not applying correctly in the button module when the "Use Custom Button Styles" option is not enabled in Presets.

  • Fixed menu module active/regular/sticky color render for (frontend, visual, theme) builders.

  • Fixed misalignment and overlap issues in fullwidth section icons when no modules are present.

  • Fixed missing Undo/Redo options in the right-click menu on Visual Builder.

  • Fixed removing internal notes content from the documentation.

  • Fixed resize constraints for the Builder's Help modal and the appearance of its resize handle.

  • Fixed save theme builder template modal can not be closed.

  • Fixed spacing issue between dropdown menu items in Menu and Fullwidth Menu module.

  • Fixed sticky options aren't reflected in VB with no sticky position itself.

  • Fixed the Checkbox filed by setting its value property to a [] empty array.

  • Fixed the issue where button link text, generated by dynamic content Page Link, displayed HTML tags instead of plain text.

  • Fixed the issue where users couldn't edit Divi Library items after adding them.

  • Fixed the Live Preview of Theme Builder Templates to handle Global TB templates correctly.

  • Fixed the Live Preview of Theme Builder Templates to handle the absence of a header or footer template correctly.

  • Fixed the output of Global Colors variables when Dynamic Assets are disabled on the Frontend.

  • Fixed update Tab icon with app color when its field has any modified value.

  • Fixed WPML migration compatibility issue to fully translate posts in Divi 5.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.3 (Release date: 11-11-2024)


  • Add explanatory documentation page detailing how to handle responsive content on the server side.

  • Added Global Colors Styles output to Static CSS cache files to improve performance.

  • Added Global Font Weight options on Font Options' Font Weight field.

  • Added the Go To Layer option when right-clicking a module when in the Layers view modal and when the filter is active.

  • Disabled Settings modal interactions during Global Module save.

  • Enhanced Divi 5 modules by adding support for custom Options Groups and Option Fields through JavaScript and PHP hooks.

  • Ensure Post titles are correctly displaying special characters by decoding HTML entities in VB.

  • Implemented the conditions options for the shortcode modules.

  • Improved elements highlighting in layers view when dragging items.

  • Improved Global Colors Styles output to only include the global colors that are being used on a page.

  • Prevent unnecessary rerendering on the section's module settings group component when the breakpoint is changed.

  • The range slider's starting value is fixed for the sizing group.

  • Re-introduced the old Dynamic Assets function for backward compatibility, which is now marked as deprecated.

  • Remove the option to enable and disable the "latest Divi Builder experience" since this option is no longer relevant in Divi 5.

  • Removed unwanted new lines from the Compatibility Report file.

  • Resolved an issue where post meta was displayed on the front end despite the "Show Post Meta" option being set to "off.".

  • Updated code to check if there is a post before getting post content data.

  • Updated Converting Dynamic Module tutorial to cover new changes about how to add custom styles output to Style::add method.

  • Updated dynamic data variables when importing cloud theme builder template.

  • Updated module_styles method of all example modules to cover new changes about how to add custom styles output to Style::add method.

  • Updated the preset directory and renamed the Preset Attribute page. Improved directory sorting and corrected a typo on the Preset Attribute page.

  • Updated the readme.txt file.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the body layout's order class name with no layout suffix, which causes the custom style to affect both the body and default layout when both are used.

  • Fix button text being pasted when copy paste style button into another button.

  • Fixed a bug in DynamicAssets which was causing some social-media icons to not work properly on a 404 page.

  • Fixed a bug in the appearance of Background Gradient stops in the Builder when the Gradient Length is less than 100%.

  • Fixed a React 18 lifecycle bug in the Builder when enabling the "Use Custom Styles For Button" option.

  • Fixed ACF Compatibility with Dynamic Content Custom Meta Field.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when selecting a heading level in the Settings Modal.

  • Fixed an issue where Shortcode module options are not populated when opened through a click in Layers View.

  • Fixed an issue where absolutely positioned elements are not properly positioned when placed on a parent element, e.g., a column that has parallax enabled.

  • Fixed an issue where box shadow and border styles were not inheriting correctly in hover states.

  • Fixed an issue where certain premade layouts, including (the Water Non-Profit Landing Page layout, Travel Agency Packages Page layout, and Eatery Landing layout) are not imported properly.

  • Fixed an issue where Contact Form's Submit button hover styles were not matching with Divi 4 after migration to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where editing a global color does not reflect the preview on the section divider, background mask, and background pattern in VB.

  • Fixed an issue where setting one of the right/left values for absolute position causes the other to appear with a CSS value of "undefined" in VB.

  • Fixed an issue where shortcode modules displayed as "Shortcode module" instead of their Admin Labels in the Layers View.

  • Fixed an issue where the Blog module did not display all categories in settings when there were more than 10 categories.

  • Fixed an issue where the module order class (selector) was not correctly applied to multiple selectors when the selectorSuffix contained multiple items separated by commas.

  • Fixed an issue where the Portfolio/Filterable Portfolio/Fullwidth Portfolio module did not display all categories in settings when there were more than 10 categories.

  • Fixed an issue where the Post Slider/Fullwidth Post Slider module did not display all categories in settings when there were more than 10 categories.

  • Fixed an issue where the z-index property in the Row and Column modules was not adding the!important declaration.

  • Fixed an issue with item conversion in Divi Library to allow for more flexibility and enhanced functionality.

  • Fixed an issue with item conversion in Divi Library, enabling users to split and convert rows, sections, and modules as needed.

  • Fixed the broken "Use The Divi Builder" button in the Block Editor header.

  • Fixed broken HTML tags during saving of Divi Onboarding layouts after conversion to D5.

  • Fixed broken modal behavior; Render last opened or dragged modal on top of another modal.

  • Fixed broken visual builder layout on visual and wireframe mode when the menu is set as vertical menu.

  • Fixed bug with FullwidthSlider Automatic Animation not working on the front end.

  • Fixed Contact Form's Field Focus Text color not appearing in the Builder and in the front end.

  • Fixed Default Border Width Inconsistency for left, right bottom, and top border width. The default is 2px now.

  • Fixed dropdown display issue in Layers view when using a searchable keyword and filter simultaneously.

  • Fixed dynamic content rendering in theme builder.

  • Fixed elements are not grayed out when hidden on all devices.

  • Fixed Ensured the settings modal consistently opens with the first option group expanded in the content tab.

  • Fixed ET_DEBUG PHP constant issue preventing dependencies from loading in release versions without development dependencies.

  • Fixed fatal error due to missing Portfolio style declaration trait file after Public Alpha release.

  • Fixed history record for Copy/Paste module action.

  • Fixed history record for Duplicate action.

  • Fixed hover behavior in Conditions Options to ensure only one field is highlighted at a time.

  • Fixed the Incompatible posts list in the Migrator compatibility report file and "Download" button visibility.

  • Fixed inconsistencies between Divi 4 and Divi 5 styles when modules have applied border-radius settings.

  • Fixed Inconsistent height of media library popup modal.

  • Fixed incorrect imported background gradient from the layout that was made prior to Divi v4.16.

  • Fixed Inner Border Widths Not Working with the Main Border Width Set.

  • Fixed an issue where unsaved changes were not prompting a warning popup.

  • Fixed issue with Fullwidth Post Content module Frontend rendering.

  • Fixed the Layers View issue where filtering did not update after removing a search term.

  • Fixed missing WooCommerce pages group in the Theme Builder template list.

  • Fixed Overlay settings copy/paste when copying slide styles.

  • Fixed recently used font context.

  • Fixed Rollback button visibility after rollback in migrator.

  • Fixed showing Divi Plus animation and icons for Flip Box modules.

  • The fixed significant lag that can happen when expanding all layers view module or switching to wireframe mode if the layout has a significant amount of modules (e.g. 200+ modules in a page).

  • Fixed sticky elements have no transition of width when sticky.

  • Fixed the PHP warnings generated in debug.log file.

  • Fixed the positioning of the progress bar during Theme Builder import/export so it aligns correctly within its container.

  • Fixed the Post Slider meta content showing issue in the Front-end.

  • Fixed the post-navigation module to show the correct link when the module is added from the theme builder.

  • Fixed update Tab icon with app color when its field has any modified value.

  • Fixes inconsistent copy-paste style results due to the absence of clipboardCategory prop on divi/composite group component.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.2 (Release date: 10-25-2024)


  • Added documentation page for Preset Attribute.

  • Added support of VB Save shortcut from Inline Editor.

  • Adding missing fixed and absolute positioning classes for sections resulted in fixed sections that were not full-width by default.

  • Automated the generation of the _all_modules_metadata.php file to reduce manual updates and ensure consistency.

  • Changed the x-ray line color to a medium gray that will be visible on a wider variety of background colors.

  • The conditional Logic conversion issue is fixed.

  • Converted Visual Builder's Exit Button Into a Link.

  • Improved select fields UX and fixed broken navigation on selects option by keyboard shortcut (arrow up, down, enter)

  • Introduced Initial E2E Performance Tests.

  • Position style is fixed if the offset origin and transform are set.

  • Prevent unnecessary re-rendering on the module settings panel and group when modifying any module attributes.

  • Refactored module settings group, sub-group, and field visibility mechanism. Use function callback for its prop.visible instead of passing boolean.

  • Remove the option to enable and disable the "latest Divi Builder experience" since this option is no longer relevant in Divi 5.

  • Removed right click actions from specialty columns in the layers panel.

  • Removed right click actions from specialty columns in the layers panel.

  • Removed the Preset confirmation modal when adding a new preset and when adding a preset from current styles.

  • Upgraded jQuery Mobile from v1.4.5 to v1.5.0 alpha and removed unused code.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that was causing free-form-css output in the front end not to work properly.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing PHP errors when using the Restaurant Starter pack to create a quick site in D5.

  • Fixed a bug that was not loading some Google font on the front end after the 2nd-page load when the customizer used a Google font for the header font.

  • Fixed a fatal error in the TextShadow::value() method if some layouts do not contain the text-shadow value for the desktop breakpoint.

  • Fixed a fatal error in the Transform::value() method if some layouts do not contain the transform value for the desktop breakpoint.

  • Fixed a fatal error that occurred in the Critical CSS height calculator when placing global modules within a specialty section's inner column.

  • Fixed an issue causing errors when migrating content with special characters in Contact Form and Email Optin modules.

  • Fixed an issue where certain SVG images were not visible when added using the Image Module.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking the "New preset from current styles" and the "Add new preset" buttons, as well as clicking the clone and/or "Preset Settings" (cog wheel to edit a preset) buttons, does not open/expand the preset options group.

  • Fixed an issue where custom CSS was not applied to modules in a layout.

  • Fixed an issue where module conversion for split test attributes incorrectly hid modules by normalizing ab_subject_id values during conversion.

  • Fixed an issue where sections set to absolute positioning were not visible in the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting a box shadow preset showed incorrect options in the module settings.

  • Fixed an issue where the Featured Image's Box Shadow in the Blog module was different after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed Blurb icon styles copy/paste.

  • Fixed blurb module text styles, such as text-shadow, affecting the blurb icon.

  • Fixed broken code in the code module caused by stripped newline characters placing JavaScript comments on the same line as valid code.

  • Fixed broken gallery module when using slider mode.

  • Fixed broken transition styles due to selector conflicts on built-in element styles.

  • Fixed broken transition styles for advanced styles when there are built-in element styles module attributes modified.

  • Fixed Cloud items refresh after saving new items to the Cloud.

  • Fixed cmd/ctrl + s shortcut fail from the inline editor.

  • Fixed context menu on tinyMCE, code, and text fields.

  • Fixed duplicate Delete item in the layers panel right-click menu.

  • Fixed duplicate Delete item in the layers panel right-click menu.

  • Fixed empty blurb image wrapper rendering in the Visual Builder when no image was defined in the module settings.

  • Fixed empty button(no text) not displayed/editable from VB.

  • Fixed empty row changes the height of the section hovering over the layers.

  • Fixed HTML tags escaping issue in Global Modules after edit.

  • Fixed Images imported system for gallery module.

  • Fixed the inability to copy the module style of the module with no attribute into a module that has the attribute.

  • Fixed incorrect Critical CSS height calculation when global modules were used in a layout.

  • Fixed interaction options are not saved in the database.

  • Fixed irrelevant position options showing up in the shortcode module's position option group, each of which should only appear when a relevant position is defined.

  • Fixed issue where default divider styles were being printed, which were overriding custom divider styles on mobile.

  • Fixed issue where responsive view width value tooltip displayed on both sides when dragging.

  • Fixed layer view scrollbar does not work while using the Go To Layer option.

  • Fixed missing default border width value for grid layout in the Blog Module.

  • Fixed overlapping text and buttons in smaller inner columns when in wireframe mode.

  • Fixed the Progress bar not showing the actual progress when editing & saving a Divi cloud item.

  • Fixed the Progress bar not showing the actual progress when editing & saving a Divi cloud item.

  • Fixed right-click action labels for the shortcode module to get the actual name.

  • Fixed saving of Wireframe mode and Layers view as app preferences.

  • Fixed the button custom style fields visibility issue in the module settings modal after closing the preset settings modal.

  • Fixed the display of Button Module alignment options in both the Visual Builder and frontend.

  • Fixed the divider overlay color issue.

  • Fixed the inline editor color picker opening outside the bottom of the viewport.

  • Fixed the issue when Shift was not applied to numeric fields in case of mouse input.

  • Fixed the issue with the featured image not being displayed in the Post Title module if used in a Theme Builder template.

  • Fixed tooltips for Global Color swatches when viewed in the Recent palette.

  • Fixed unable to edit and save a Divi Cloud item.

  • Fixed unable to edit and save a Divi Cloud item.

  • Fixed unexpected autoclosing of the Add To Library modal when interacting with the Help modal.

  • Fixed unnecessary rendered transition style selectors.

  • Fixed unwanted et_pb_module class on module sub-elements that were causing gutter width issues on modules such as the contact form module.

  • Fixed unwanted right-click options appearing for specialty section inner columns.

  • Fixed Zero division error in Divider in FE.

  • Fixes drag and drop module that does not work when a certain sequence of action is done beforehand.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha.1.1 (Release date: 10-18-2024)


  • Added missing --with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections that contained a menu module and improved the logic only to add these classes when the menu module contains a dropdown.

  • Added missing --with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections that contained a menu module and improved the logic only to add these classes when the menu module contains a dropdown.

  • Added missing --with-menu classes to columns, rows, and sections that contained a menu module and improved the logic only to add these classes when the menu module contains a dropdown.

  • Improved Divi 5 Style Rendering Performance.

  • Improved Exit button in VB to redirect the user back to the previous page.

  • Increase the z-index on columns that contain dropdown menus to ensure they sit above adjacent sections with section dividers.

  • Increase the z-index on columns that contain dropdown menus to ensure they sit above adjacent sections with section dividers.

  • Increase the z-index on columns that contain dropdown menus to ensure they sit above adjacent sections with section dividers.

  • Removed open and close icons from option groups when the "Group Settings Into Closed Toggles" option is disabled.

  • Updated validation to use default zoom value instead of NaN% in the app bar zoom level when input is invalid.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed "Free Form CSS" Not Working on Certain Modules in VB.

  • Fixed a bug where intentionally removing the background color for a specific breakpoint or state caused the parent breakpoint or state's background color to be rendered (instead of applying no background color whatsoever).

  • Fixed a bug that was causing module animation to not work in some cases.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the module preset not to work properly.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing some modules/features that require script data to not work on the front end.

  • Fixed a console error that appeared in the Visual Builder when using Woo modules that stemmed from a missing constant.

  • Fixed Accordion icon wasn't vertically centered when the icon size was larger.

  • Fixed an issue where a module animations beyond the parent row bounds (in VB and FE) when sticky and transition are used in combination with width and/or max-width.

  • Fixed an issue where customizer font-weight values weren't being considered, which affected some modules' final text/heading font-weight.

  • Fixed an issue where dynamic content was not processed correctly after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5 due to different escaping mechanisms.

  • Fixed an issue where enabling "Background Overlay" and setting a color in Slider or Fullwidth Slider modules caused a broken module.

  • Fixed an issue where enabling parallax in a preset showed incorrect options in the module settings.

  • Fixed an issue where the checkbox did not return the correct value when its default was set in the module.json file.

  • Fixed an issue where the default theme header was not visible in the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where the role attribute was not rendering from HTMLUtility::render()

  • Fixed an issue where the zoom level value was not rounded to the nearest whole number for display purposes.

  • Fixed an unwanted gap in the top left corner of module hover highlights that could be seen when module hover buttons were disabled.

  • Fixed broken fullscreen header height calculation that resulted in fullscreen headers that exceeded the height of the browser viewport.

  • Fixed broken overflow-x and overflow-y CSS rules, which will applied to page wrappers due to an incorrect default value saved in post_meta.

  • Fixed broken portability modal styles in the Divi Library and replaced the legacy loader animation.

  • Fixed broken View Live Preview button for saved library items in the Theme Builder.

  • Fixed delay issue when clearing search term in Layers View.

  • Fixed Divi menu overlapping page content on the front end and in the builder.

  • Fixed email service account attribute conversion and corrected field rendering logic.

  • Fixed exporting a page with Gallery module only contains the ID, not the images encoded values.

  • Fixed a fatal error that occurred on the front end after converting certain Divi 4 Email Option modules that were using custom button icons.

  • Fixed image stretching issue by setting width to auto when maxHeight is applied.

  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appearing hidden below the following section content.

  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appearing hidden below the following section content.

  • Fixed menu module dropdowns in Theme Builder headers appearing hidden below the following section content.

  • Fixed menu module not showing all menu items on VB.

  • Fixed the Preview button in Safari.

  • Fixed the Copy Delete Post plugin's interface from interfering with the Visual Builder top bar.

  • Fixed the issue of not opening the settings panel for the Row module.

  • Fixed the issue with Modules, Rows, and Sections imported from Divi Cloud.

  • Fixed the issue with unintended triggers of VB shortcuts in some fields.

  • Fixed the misleading Preview button on Theme Builder layouts by removing the button.

  • Fixed warning about unique "key" props while accessing Shortcode Module Background settings.

  • Fixed WooCommerce Fatal Error on Admin's Area Product Page.

  • Fixed wrong keyboard shortcut title for ? key.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha 1 (Release date: 10-11-2024)


  • Added confirmation modal if global color changes were not confirmed.

  • Added dark mode support to the WordPress media library when used in the Visual Builder.

  • Added focus on Search input field when filters icon is clicked in Layers View.

  • Added Global Fonts Editor into Visual Builder.

  • Added options to set Fonts and Colors while creating quick sites using Pre-made packs.

  • Added support for different units in vertical and horizontal offset in the Position Group.

  • Added support for multiple CSS units for box-shadow values.

  • Added The Posts For Current Page field to the Blog Module for the Theme Builder.

  • Adjusted the CSS to ensure the loading icon is vertically centered.

  • Improved Divi 5 style output to combine declaration/selectors to reduce total style output sizes.

  • Improved tabbing through the settings panel and implemented more holistic hover and focus styles on buttons and icons.

  • Introducing Visual Builder load time improvement, which allows Visual Builder settings data that is not needed on load time to be delivered asynchronously after the app is loaded.

  • Made history panel items full width, which is more consistent with select menu styles.

  • Migrated PHP Composer scripts from package.json to composer.json for direct execution via Composer.

  • Optimize the shortcode framework initialization during the Divi 5 content migration process.

  • Remove Visual Builder dependency from @wordpress/block-editor package.

  • Removed duplicate styles from the Cloud App CSS file.

  • Removes auto-scroll behavior when opening and closing option groups in the settings panel.

  • Replaced the incorrect text capitalization icon in the text options group.

  • Replaced the native wp_die back button in the incompatible plugin message with a true URL, so the link will work in all browsers.

  • The unnecessary default preset class is removed.

  • Updated preset IDs to use shorter unique IDs to reduce the size of preset names in HTML output.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the Countdown Timer module's font style.

  • Fixed a bug in Dynamic Assets, which was causing style output for late detection to be incorrect.

  • Fixed a bug in the Builder's color picker that prevented saturation and opacity changes from taking effect for background gradient stops.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing a fatal PHP error for Siteground Speed Optimizer Plugin activation.

  • Fixed a bug where number value increments would sometimes not match the value's level of precision.

  • Fixed a fatal error in the Pricing Tables module when importing the Divi AI Landing page layout on PHP 8.3.

  • Fixed a PHP fatal error caused by an incorrect path for the convertInlineFont function in the Slide Module during D5 Migration.

  • Fixed a PHP warning that occurred on the WordPress Importer page.

  • Fixed Admin bar visibility when editing a Theme builder layout.

  • Fixed an issue where box shadow styles defined in presets were not rendering correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where Free-form CSS was not retained during importing layout to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors could not be applied to the background mask and pattern.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors did not reflect when added to section dividers.

  • Fixed an issue where importing older layouts could get stuck at 99%.

  • Fixed an issue where inner column settings were not appearing in specialty sections.

  • Fixed an issue where the "ET_Global_Settings" class was not found.

  • Fixed an issue where the background color for the Social Media Network module was not rendering in the settings or the Visual Builder/Front-End when defined in a preset.

  • Fixed an issue where the fullwidth portfolio module does not rerender to reflect the current layout set. It always remains in carousel mode.

  • Fixed an issue where the gradient effect was not being displayed on background images.

  • Fixed an issue where the input for the Color Pickers Default Palette option was hidden during editing.

  • Fixed an issue where the key combination Cmd + C + V (where you click the C and V while still pressing the Cmd key) does not duplicate/copy-paste a module.

  • Fixed an issue where the PHP conversion for the Specialty section did not correctly convert several attributes.

  • Fixed an issue where the sections in a page imported via Add Layout -> Your Existing Page can't be removed.

  • Fixed an issue where the upload setting field did not work in the Theme Builder.

  • Fixed an issue where the Visual Builder would crash when setting various options in the Blog module.

  • Fixed an issue where the Woo Cross Sells and Woo Cart Totals modules were not rendering content in VB

  • Fixed an issue with the Divi Shortcode Module settings crashing when trying to edit a 3rd Party Module.

  • Fixed Blend mode filters not work correctly on the frontend for the D5 Column module.

  • Fixed broken motion effects when applied to the social follow module.

  • Fixed condition option strings that were not prepared for translation.

  • Fixed Divi Cloud log-in and team sidebar styles and updated colors to support dark mode.

  • Fixed export fatal error on Divi library items from the backend.

  • Fixed in Blog module border was not working in fullwidth layout.

  • Fixed issue with context menu selection, making highlights and options invisible for the module.

  • Fixed issue where Box shadow styling values did not support any values beyond 80px and negative 80px.

  • Fixed issue with converting Global Presets that use CSS variables.

  • Fixed issues where the background video, background pattern, and background mask for the sticky state were not working when the module was inside another sticky module.

  • Fixed Layers View Search field focus color for readability.

  • Fixed post content module not being rendered in front end

  • Fixed post title, fullwidth post title, and dynamic content post title that points to theme builder layout's title instead of the current post title

  • Fixed Row Module's Max Width field to maintain the same range and unit when the value changes and added a maximum value of 2560.

  • Fixed some styling inconsistencies in the Theme Builder visual builder popup.

  • Fixed Text Shadow sticky style issue when a module inside another sticky module is using it.

  • Fixed the Add Column button issue.

  • Fixed the blurb module image width.

  • Fixed the conversion process by ensuring the module conversion outlines weren't improperly getting stripped in the .zip process.

  • Fixed the incorrect colors used in the preset save confirmation modal when in dark mode.

  • Fixed the issue when compatibility checks never finished if the child theme or plugin overrides data using the et_builder_get_default_post_types filter.

  • Fixed the issue where the History Modal didn't close automatically.

  • Fixed theme builder content is not saved in the database.

  • Fixed Theme Builder template not being rendered on Front End.

  • Fixed undefined index warning on the Theme Builder page.

  • Fixed update tab icon with app color when it has value and is not opened in background sections.

  • Fixed use of a D4 library item from Divi Cloud to D5.

Version 5.0.0-Public-Alpha (Release date: 09-26-2024)

New Features:

  • Added "Page" Module Settings breadcrumbs.

  • Added "Re-run Compatibility Check" functionality to Divi 5 Migrator.

  • Added cache for Video Module's iframe embeds code generation, improving front-end performance.

  • Added confirmation modal for Migration and Rollback actions.

  • Added foundational logic for condition options conversion in PHP.

  • Added foundational logic for Preset conversion in PHP.

  • Added Free-Form CSS to Modules / Rows / Sections.

  • Added functionality to filter split test attributes during the conversion process.

  • Added functionality to show a warning modal to alert users of unsaved changes when attempting to exit the page.

  • Added initial version of Static CSS in Divi 5.

  • Added Loader when uploading custom font.

  • Added presets conversion step for migration.

  • Added support for Customizer colors to Visual Builder.

  • Added support for multiple buttons for responsive icons and buttons without icons.

  • Added warning when editing Divi 4 modules in Divi 5.

  • All tests of the PHP conversion are fixed.

  • Allow the third party to register the custom panel, group, and field to the page setting modal.

  • Automatically open parent module settings when the edited module is removed.

  • Converted presets from API To Divi 5 during onboarding.


  • Frontend/Module traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • The gradient background for parallax and pattern color for preset is fixed.

  • Hide nonfunctional code snippet buttons until the feature is ready.

  • Implemented Conversion mechanism for converting D4 attribute to more than one D5 attribute.

  • Implemented Save and Cancel functionality in the Global Module, ensured compatibility with the new design specifications, and introduced Store Middlewares.

  • Improve initial front-end page load performance by priming page cache on save.

  • Improved frontend scripts to minimize render-blocking dependencies.

  • Improved layout rendering speed on Visual Builder.

  • Improved lazy loaded shortcode framework support for 3rd party modules so that the framework only loads if/when a 3P module is used on a given page, rather than merely because they've used a legacy hook.

  • Improved logic around conditional display options processing to improve performance.

  • Improved module registration for better performance by streamlining file system access pertaining to the module.json file.

  • Improved UI for Theme Builder Compatibility Check by consolidating and optimizing the display of post types.

  • Improved VB laggy behavior when changing module settings in a large layout.

  • The inner box shadow issue is fixed for the Fullwidth Post Slider module.

  • Load Core Divi Modules from the cache to improve frontend performance.

  • Made Exit button got to Theme builder page when pressed from Theme builder.

  • Make progress updates in the Divi 5 Migrator dash dynamic.

  • The map pin module is fixed.

  • The missing description and reset icon are fixed in the settings panel for the shortcode module.

  • Moved functions to DynamicAssets class to enqueue various script data to improve performance.

  • Optimized the SyncToServer REST endpoint to return rendered content only when the return_rendered_content option is set to true, speeding up the saving process by avoiding unnecessary content rendering.

  • Packages/Module/Options traits are refactored to improve the Visual Builder performance.

  • Preset attrs map generated in the PHP conversion.

  • Preset importing fixed for some premade layouts.

  • Presets rendering is fixed for all modules.

  • Reduce framework load on WP Admin pages to improve WP Admin page load performance.

  • Refactor page settings modal's panel, group, and field registration.

  • Refactored all the Feature Detections to improve performance.

  • Refactored Dynamic Assets to improve block and shortcode detections.

  • Refactored to reduce feature detection calls to improve performance in Dynamic Assets.

  • Refactored VisualBuilder/Hook traits to improve the autoloader performance.

  • Refactoring to improve PHP performance.

  • Remove the Dynamic Content check, and ConditionalDisplay check from Divi 5 migrator since Divi 5 now supports these 2 features.

  • Removed the use of SavingUtility::sanitize_css() to improve front-end performance by reducing the overhead of CSS sanitization.

  • Removed unnecessary traits from VisualBuilder/REST submodule.

  • The reset button is fixed for the Tablet and Phone mode for the Dynamic Content.

  • The slider module's background color is fixed for the preset.

  • Some missing preset attributes are fixed.

  • Updated admin setting state retrieving process to show Admin Bar.

  • Updated all the Feature Detections to add support for Shortcode content in DynamicAssets.

  • Updated D4 code to provide animation script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide background parallax script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide background video script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide circle counter script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide Contact Form module script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide link script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide number counter script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated D4 code to provide signup module script data in D5 format since D5 handles all script code.

  • Updated modal style for the Save Failed modal.

  • Various code improvements to increase page load performance.

  • Various minor code improvements to improve performance.

  • Various performance improvements.

  • VisualBuilder/AssetsUtility traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/ClassicEditor traits are refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/DiviLibrary trait is refactored to improve Visual Builder performance.

  • VisualBuilder/Fonts traits are refactored to improve the Visual Builder performance.

  • Wrap admin menu item styles in a conditional check to ensure they are only printed when the user is logged in.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix opening module settings modal from the right-click menu for modules that do not support D5 format.

  • Fix the Page Settings style not being rendered on the front end.

  • Fixed an issue where preset list styles are not applied immediately on the first load VB in Divi 5.

  • Fixed a fatal error when editing a page with the Classic Editor enabled.

  • Fixed a fatal error that occurred when attempting to use the Visual Builder on a WooCommerce single product page.

  • Fixed Admin bar should be disabled by default.

  • Fixed admin setting and initial state to show Admin Bar.

  • Fixed alignment of the Contact Form module button on the front end.

  • Fixed all font weights selected when uploading and choosing any font weight.

  • Fixed allowing entering value outside -2 and 2 range in Text Shadow fields.

  • Fixed an issue by removing traits from the FrontEnd/BlockParser traits submodule.

  • Fixed an issue in D5 where a single module inside a Row incorrectly had a bottom margin, ensuring consistent behavior with D4.

  • Fixed an issue where a fatal error was thrown when the innerContent attribute required by the responsive content element was missing.

  • Fixed an issue where the Accordion module child elements motion effects are not applied when Apply Motion Effects To Child Elements is on.

  • Fixed an issue where the Blog module displayed all posts instead of selected category posts in VB.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a video inside a video group did not open the media library.

  • Fixed an issue where global colors unintentionally overrode custom colors during the conversion process.

  • Fixed an issue where decoded characters were not restored to their original form during conversion.

  • Fixed an issue where Divi library items were not being converted during migration.

  • Fixed an issue where the Divi migrator would convert the content of a page that is already in D5 format.

  • Fixed an issue where image overlay icon styles did not match between Divi 4 and Divi 5 in Frontend after migrating Quick sites.

  • Fixed an issue where images were not imported into the media library during layout imports.

  • Fixed an issue where importing certain layouts caused an error: "Invalid File format. You should be uploading a JSON file."

  • Fixed an issue where importing some premade layouts caused a "Save of Global Presets Has Failed" error.

  • Fixed an issue where newline characters in post content were incorrectly displayed as n after migrating from Divi 4 to Divi 5.

  • Fixed an issue where the cancel button in the Cloud login flow did not support color schemes.

  • Fixed an issue where the existing content was broken when edited with VB for the first time.

  • Fixed an issue where the global colors is not converted into CSS variable.

  • Fixed an issue where the Icon width in the Blurb module was not applied for presets.

  • Fixed an issue where the import fails silently when the imported layout context is invalid.

  • Fixed an issue where the lightbox image would incorrectly display the desktop version instead of the responsive content.

  • Fixed an issue where the Module Settings modal would crash when changing the column structure after deleting a column.

  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was incorrectly positioned when editing the Code field component.

  • Fixed an issue where the shortcode module would incorrectly display error messages for valid empty content.

  • Fixed an issue where the video slider did not resize correctly on mobile devices.

  • Fixed an issue where we can't open the Insert Theme Builder Set modal.

  • Fixed an issue with characters being escaped incorrectly on importing several layouts.

  • Fixed an issue with the Tab module where saving in the Visual Builder (VB) was not working.

  • Fixed an issue with uploading specific font weights in the Custom Font modal.

  • Fixed broken page bar display on smaller screens.

  • Fixed bug with applying Primary color to icons by default.

  • Fixed bug with drag&drop in layers view when element's children are visible.

  • Fixed class was not found after enabling the D4 framework from options.

  • Fixed Contact form success message html tag printed issue.

  • Fixed custom font only uploads for the first time after first-time fonts are not uploading.

  • Fixed Default text styles from Theme Customizer now reflect in the Text module's Design Tab.

  • Fixed display conditions option when using the "Display if any condition is true" setting.

  • Fixed displaying responsive value for featured image visibility toggle in the Fullwidth Post Slider module.

  • Fixed displaying responsive value for featured image visibility toggle in the PostSlider module.

  • Fixed Divi Blocks / Divi Shortcodes detections in Dynamic Assets to work with feature cache.

  • Fixed divider weight color and style were not working on responsive devices.

  • Fixed error messages or warnings were not displayed during font upload failure.

  • Fixed false positive warning for incompatible modules in Divi 5 Migrator.

  • Fixed Feature Manager Cache in Dynamic Assets.

  • Fixed filtering and searching are not working for element types in the layers view.

  • Fixed HTML entities not being decoded in the D5 Readiness FAQ section.

  • Fixed the inability to delete custom fonts.

  • Fixed the issue where the Divi layout is loaded inside the WooCommerce description tab.

  • Fixed an issue where submitting new library items in the Divi Library modal was failing.

  • Fixed issue where tooltips were not appearing on Grid View and List View icons.

  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't save elements to the library from the right-click menu.

  • Fixed an issue with the Circle Counter module where the sticky attributes did not show in FE, and when hover values were set, then they would always be displayed, and the desktop values would be ignored.

  • Fixed an issue with the Number Counter module where the sticky number value did not show in FE, and when the hover number value is set, it is always displayed, and the desktop number value is ignored.

  • Fixed issue with Specialty sections, Inner Row Width, and alignment options not converting correctly when a D4 layout is imported.

  • Fixed issue with the Use Divi Builder button missing when editing WooCommerce Products.

  • Fixed issues where editing saved and global colors did not work as the changes did not persist.

  • Fixed layers view layer titles that were too long by truncating them.

  • Fixed margin issue in the specialty section in FE when migrating from D4 into D5.

  • Fixed migration failure with a fatal error during site conversion.

  • Fixed missing triple dot icons for options and option groups.

  • Fixed module sticky styles are not properly applied when the module itself is inside another sticky module.

  • Fixed No border transition between desktop and hover styles.

  • Fixed No border transition between desktop and hover styles.

  • Fixed an issue where the Number Counter's value was not changing when the window was resized.

  • Fixed PHP warnings caused by deprecated practices in PHP 8.3.

  • Fixed Post Title module responsive elements visibility.

  • Fixed Presets Base Selector Class for the module.

  • Fixed preventing Desktop CSS rule overriding Hover CSS value in bar Counters module percentage text group in Design Panel.

  • Fixed removing the offset or excerpt length value in the post slider or fullwidth post slider generates an error in VB.

  • Fixed saved view mode setting was not applying to VB after reloading the VB.

  • Fixed Static CSS to create static cache files properly and skip re-rendering styles when cache files exist.

  • Fixed Sticky Top Offset and Sticky Bottom Offset custom values that were not working on the Tablet breakpoint.

  • Fixed styling issues for warning if the website is getting slowed down by the Divi 4 framework.

  • Fixed text color on hover for active non-regular sections in the D5 Layers View.

  • Fixed The Accordion toggle icon and toggle icon color in the frontend view.

  • Fixed The button module hover padding issue once we set padding, turned on the Use Custom Styles, and turned off the Show Button Icon.

  • Fixed the Circle Counter issue.

  • Fixed the conversion of background images for specialty section columns and corrected the padding issue in the rowInner module.

  • Fixed the Divider's weight wasn't functioning correctly in the hover state within VB.

  • Fixed the issue where the options menu would open in the wrong horizontal position(far left) when the cursor is near the right edge of the window.

  • Fixed the issue with Export/Import not working in the theme builder.

  • Fixed the module sticky state settings bar crashing issue by clicking on the Visual Builder.

  • Fixed the person module box shadow cut-off issue on the hover state.

  • Fixed Transition settings values for tablet and phone are declared in VB and FE.

  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError for $columns_data by giving a default value.

  • Fixed unexpected row focus and column dividers appearing when a new module is added to an empty row.

  • Fixed VB loading time issue when the layout contains a lot of modules.

  • Fixes Issue where the code field in the Shortcode Module incorrectly validated inputs as CSS.

  • Fixes text-shadow and body text style transitions.

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