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Divi 5 Public Alpha FAQ's
Divi 5 Public Alpha FAQ's

Find answers to common questions about Divi 5 Public Alpha, including installation, features, and compatibility in this FAQ guide.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Will Divi 5 cost extra money?

No, Divi 5 will be available free of charge to any Elegant Themes user with an active subscription.

Can I use Divi 5 Public Alpha on a live website?

We recommend using it on new WordPress websites or testing it in a staging environment. If you have an existing Divi 4 site and don't rely on all its features, you can explore Divi 5 today.

Migration is supported, but we strongly advise backing up your website first to ensure a smooth transition. Since Divi 5 is still in active development, you may encounter incomplete features or occasional bugs.

Will all Divi 4 features be available in Divi 5 Public Alpha?

Not all features from Divi 4 are available in the Public Alpha. For example, certain modules, like WooCommerce, are not yet included. As we approach the final release of Divi 5, these features will be introduced in future updates.

How do I update Divi 5 Public Alpha?

The Divi 5 Public Alpha will automatically update through your WordPress Dashboard as new versions become available. We strongly recommend keeping your website up to date to ensure you have the latest stable build.

Where is the changelog for Divi 5?

You can view a list of all changes made to Divi 5 in the changelog here.

Will Third-Party Divi modules and plugins work in Divi 5 Public Alpha?

Divi 5 was built to be backward-compatible. The Divi 4 modules will function on the front end using this mode. However, pages using legacy modules will not benefit from Divi 5's front-end performance improvements.

Legacy modules can also be edited in the new Visual Builder. However, certain limitations exist, and some field types are not yet supported.

Backward compatibility mode is still a work in progress, and we'll be improving it and fixing bugs throughout the alpha phase.

Backward compatibility mode is a temporary solution to help bridge the gap while creators develop new versions of their modules in preparation for the final release of Divi 5.

Are plugin authors responsible for compatibility issues in Divi 5 Public Alpha?

No, plugin authors are not responsible for compatibility issues during the Alpha phase. Divi 5 Public Alpha is still a work in progress, and any issues encountered will likely be resolved as we approach the full release.

Plugin authors are responsible for updating their plugins to provide full Divi 5 support. However, you shouldn't expect third-party modules to be ready for Divi 5. Creators are working hard to create new versions of their modules in preparation for the final release of Divi 5.

Until then, legacy modules will function using Divi 5's backward compatibility mode.

What happens when I run the Divi 5 migrator?

The Divi 5 Migrator will parse all your website content and look for Divi 4 shortcodes. It will convert those shortcodes to the new Divi 5 format and update each post.

Modules that do not yet support Divi 5, such as modules from the Divi Marketplace, will not be converted and will continue to function using the legacy Divi 4 framework.

Pages that use such modules will not benefit from Divi 5's performance improvements.

The migrator makes sweeping changes to your entire site, so it should only be used for testing on non-production websites.

How does backward compatibility work in Divi 5 Public Alpha?

Divi 5 prioritizes backward compatibility, so most of your existing content and designs from Divi 4 should function correctly in the Public Alpha. However, some features and modules from Divi 4 are temporarily unavailable in this early version.

Please check the Backward Compatibility and Third-Party Divi Module Support article for more information.

Will Divi 5 work with modules from the Divi Marketplace?

Creators from the marketplace are hard at work updating their modules for Divi 5. However, most will not be ready during the Divi 5 Alpha.

Thanks to Divi 5's backward compatibility mode, legacy modules can still be used. However, this mode is still a work in progress and has some limitations.

Will there be performance issues if I use third-party Divi modules in Divi 5 Public Alpha?

Yes, you might experience a performance hit when using third-party Divi modules because they will run in compatibility mode.

This mode is temporary until full compatibility is ensured in later releases, particularly as we approach the Divi 5 Public Beta.

Why am I getting an orange warning in the admin bar?

This warning will appear if a page contains an unconverted Divi 4 module or one of your plugins uses the legacy Divi 4 framework.

We built Divi 5 to be backward-compatible with Divi 4 plugins, such as modules from the Divi Marketplace. Until creators update their plugins for Divi 5, legacy plugins will continue to function using the legacy Divi 4 framework.

However, loading the Divi 4 framework comes at a performance cost. The orange warning informs you that a plugin you are using is tapping into the legacy framework, and the page is not benefiting from Divi's performance improvements.

It's not an error. It is just there for informational purposes during the alpha and beta phases.

When will full compatibility with third-party products be available?

During this period, creators from the Divi Marketplace are hard at work redeveloping their modules for Divi 5. Third-party modules should be ready as we approach the final release of Divi 5, but not at this early stage.

In the meantime, legacy modules will continue to function using Divi 5's backward compatibility mode.

Can I switch back to Divi 4 after testing Divi 5 Public Alpha?

It is recommended that you do not use Divi 5 Public Alpha on live sites or critical projects, so rolling back should not be necessary. However, you can use the Rollback option if you are testing Divi 5 on a staging site and wish to revert to Divi 4.

Please check the How to Rollback to Divi 4 article for more information.

Will Divi 5 Public Alpha break my website?

As this is an Alpha version, some bugs may occur. However, the Migrator system is designed to ensure a smooth transition from Divi 4 to Divi 5 Public Alpha.

What if something breaks after I run the migrator?

Since Divi 5 is still in its alpha stage, we recommend not using it on production websites. Instead, test it only on local and staging sites. For your convenience, you can also run a backup before you migrate.

Finally, the Divi 5 Migrator automatically backs up your post content, and you can restore it and roll it back to Divi 4 if you choose.

What should I do if I encounter bugs or issues?

Please provide feedback if you experience any bugs or issues while testing Divi 5 Public Alpha. Your feedback will help improve the final product and ensure a smoother transition when the full version is released.

For more information, please check the How to Report a Divi 5 Alpha Bug article.

When will the full version of Divi 5 be available?

While the final version of Divi 5 has no specific release date, it is expected to undergo several stages, including Public AlphaPublic Beta, and additional updates, before being released fully.

Please check the Divi 5 Roadmap article for more information.

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