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What is the Divi 5 Migrator System?
What is the Divi 5 Migrator System?

Learn about the Divi 5 migrator system, which ensures a smooth transition to Divi 5 by checking compatibility and preparing for upgrades.

Updated over a week ago

The Divi 5 Migrator System checks your website’s compatibility with Divi 5 and provides key information to ensure a smooth upgrade.

This article guides you through using the Migrator System to transition your Divi 4 site to the Divi 5 Alpha.

What does the Migration process do?

When the Migrate This Site to Divi 5 Alpha button is clicked, behind the scenes, the modules supported by Divi 5 Public Alpha will be automatically converted to the new Divi 5 framework, which doesn't use shortcodes. Instead, it uses a modern storage format similar to WordPress's block editor.

The modules that are not fully supported will continue to work by being wrapped into the Divi 4 Framework.

⚠️ Note: If a page contains any module not supported by Divi 5 Alpha, the Divi 4 framework will be loaded for that page, potentially affecting performance. Pages using only Divi 5 Alpha-supported modules will maintain performance with no speed impact.

Example of a supported Divi 4 module conversion

A Divi 4 module is built and rendered using shortcodes. For example, the Text module, which has a red Background Color and white text, looks like this:

[et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.27.0″ _module_preset=”default” theme_builder_area=”post_content” background_color=”#E02B20″ text_text_color=”#FFFFFF” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]

Exercitation dolor dolore dolore reprehenderit eiusmod in tempor ad nulla cillum. Nulla sunt velit dolore dolore consequat velit aliquip sit nostrud laborum. Laboris pariatur ullamco incididunt eiusmod in nisi ex irure aute ex amet velit ullamco sint. Occaecat labore incididunt sit est sit minim eiusmod. Quis duis magna labore sint cillum velit consectetur. Commodo ullamco nisi excepteur sunt ipsum laboris ex. Minim consequat nulla quis exercitation ipsum id labore aliquip velit occaecat consequat. Ex minim pariatur nulla laborum est quis nisi proident amet irure minim consequat magna minim incididunt.


Since the Text module is supported in Divi 5 Public Beta after the conversion, the module will look like this:

<!-- wp:divi/text {"builderVersion":"4.27.0","modulePreset":"default","themeBuilderArea":{"desktop":{"value":"post_content"}},"module":{"decoration":{"background":{"desktop":{"value":{"color":"#E02B20"}}}}},"content":{"decoration":{"bodyFont":{"body":{"font":{"desktop":{"value":{"color":"#FFFFFF"}}}}}},"innerContent":{"desktop":{"value":"<p>Exercitation dolor dolore dolore reprehenderit eiusmod in tempor ad nulla cillum. Nulla sunt velit dolore dolore consequat velit aliquip sit nostrud laborum. Laboris pariatur ullamco incididunt eiusmod in nisi ex irure aute ex amet velit ullamco sint. Occaecat labore incididunt sit est sit minim eiusmod. Quis duis magna labore sint cillum velit consectetur. Commodo ullamco nisi excepteur sunt ipsum laboris ex. Minim consequat nulla quis exercitation ipsum id labore aliquip velit occaecat consequat. Ex minim pariatur nulla laborum est quis nisi proident amet irure minim consequat magna minim incididunt.</p>"}}}} --><!-- /wp:divi/text -->

⚠️ Note: The example above won't be visible on the front end of your website because the conversion occurs at the database level.

However, the Text module (in this case) will be converted to the new Divi 5 Framework and will function as expected.

Running the Divi 5 Migrator on an existing Divi site

When you first install the Divi 5 Public Alpha on an existing Divi website, you will be greeted by the Divi 5 Migrator System.

⚠️ Important Notes: Read Before Using Divi 5

  • Best for New Sites & Staging
    We recommend using Divi 5 on new WordPress websites or in a staging environment before deploying it live.

  • Migration Considerations
    If you have a Divi 4 site and don’t rely on all its features, you can explore Divi 5 today. Migration is supported, but we strongly recommend backing up your site first.

  • Active Development & Feature Limitations
    Divi 5 is still in development, so you may encounter incomplete features or occasional bugs. Third-party Marketplace products and some Divi 4 features, like WooCommerce modules, may not be fully supported. Unsupported modules migrated via the Divi 5 Migrator System will run in compatibility mode with some limitations.

Divi 5 Migrator System will perform a few actions:

  1. It will scan your website and check if you are using any Divi 4 features or third-party modules not natively supported by the current version of Divi 5.

    Divi 5 Migrator - Compatibility Check

  2. It will generate a report about which pages, Theme Builder templates, Woo Products, Divi Library items, and WordPress Widgets on your website are affected, if any.

    Divi 5 Migrator - Compatibility Report

    The Divi 5 Migrator system will show 9 different sections. Each section is responsible for displaying compatibility details regarding different areas of your website: Pages, Posts, Theme Builder templates, and much more.

  3. Migrate This Site to Divi 5 Alpha allows you to migrate the existing Divi 4 content to the Divi 5 framework.

    Divi 5 Migrator - Migrate to Divi 5

Proceeding with the update will initiate a migration process. This process will convert all compatible Divi 4 modules to the Divi 5 format and wrap unsupported modules into shortcodes in the Divi 5 format to continue functioning using the legacy Divi 4 framework.

Clicking the Migrate This Site to Divi 5 Alpha button will prompt you with a confirmation message.

Divi 5 Public Alpha - Migration Confirmation

Clicking the Confirm button will proceed with the migration, migrating everything to the Divi 5 framework. Once the Migration process is complete, a Green Card will be displayed:

Divi 5 Public Alpha - Migration complete

You can restore your Divi 4 content by clicking on the Restore Divi 4 Content button. For more information, please read the How to Rollback to Divi 4 article. 

Divi 5 Public Alpha - Restore Divi 4 Content

Running the Divi 5 Migrator on a Divi website that contains only modules and features supported by Divi 5 Public Alpha

When you first install Divi 5 Public Alpha on an existing Divi website, which contains only modules and features that Divi 5 Public Alpha supports, and you check the Divi 5 Migrator page, you will be prompted with a Blue Card, which gives you the option to migrate/convert the existing Divi 4 content to the new Divi 5 framework.

Divi 5 Migrator - Compatibility Check

Clicking on the Upgrade This Site to Divi 5 Alpha button will activate all the new Divi 5 Framework's supported modules and features. Once the upgrade process is complete, a new Green Card will be displayed, providing a brief explanation regarding the website's status and also providing the option to revert to Divi 4 content:

Divi 5 Migrator - Migration Complete

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