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How to Add a WordPress Multi-Site to Divi Dash
How to Add a WordPress Multi-Site to Divi Dash

Learn how to add a WordPress Multi-Site (network) to Divi Dash and efficiently manage its themes, plugins, and users.

Updated over 7 months ago

Managing multiple websites efficiently can be daunting. With Divi Dash, WordPress site owners, developers, and designers can quickly manage the most important aspects of a WordPress site, such as managing installed plugins, themes, users, and much more.

Divi Dash is a comprehensive dashboard designed to simplify and enhance the management of any WordPress site. It offers a quick and easy way to manage any WordPress site.

This article will guide you through the steps of adding a WordPress Multi-Site(network) to your Divi Dash.

Add a WordPress site using WordPress username and password

  1. Log in to your Elegant Themes account

  2. Click on the Dash tab

    Divi Dash tab

  3. Click on the Add Website button (top right corner)

    Divi Dash - Add Website

  4. Enter the WordPress site details:

    • The main site's URL - this is the main site's URL of your Network

    • The main site's WordPress Username

    • The main site's WordPress Password

  5. (optional) Choose if you also want to install the Divi Theme, Bloom, and Monarch plugins. If your WordPress site already has Divi installed, Bloom, or Monarch plugin, or if you don't need them to be installed, you can skip this step

  6. Click on the Add Website button

  7. Choose to add all the subsites available on your network or choose to add only a few selected websites

    Divi Dash - Select the subsites

  8. Click on the Add Subsites button

Add a WordPress Multi-Site (network) using a Connection Key

  1. Log in to your Elegant Themes account

  2. Click on the Dash tab

  3. Click on the Add Website button (top right corner)

  4. Click on the Use Connection Key option

  5. Click on the Divi Dash Plugin link to download the Divi Dash plugin to your computer

    Divi Dash - Download the Divi Dash plugin

  6. Log in to your main WordPress site

  7. Go to Plugins β†’ Add New Plugins

  8. Click on the Upload Plugin button (at the top)

    WordPress - Add a New plugin

  9. Click on Choose File and choose the zip file downloaded at step 5

  10. Click on the Install Now button

  11. Click on the Network Activate button

    WordPress - Activate the plugin

  12. Find the Divi Dash plugin in your plugin's list and click on the Divi Dash Connection link

    Divi Dash - Open the Connection window

  13. Click on the Connection Key field to copy the key to your clipboard

    Divi Dash - Copy the Connection Key

  14. Add the main website's URL

  15. Paste in the Connection Key obtained at step 13

  16. Click on the Add Website button

At this point, since this is a WordPress Multi-site, Divi Dash will detect that and will give you three options:

Divi Dash - Continue adding websites
  1. Add another website - Use this button to add another WordPress sites

  2. Add Network Subsites - Clicking on this button will ask you to choose which sub-sites you want to add to Divi Dash

    1. Add all subsites by checking the Select all Subsites checkbox

    2. Add only the selected subsites

    Divi Dash - Select the subsites

  3. View Website Dashboard - Clicking this button will load the dashboard.

Since a WordPress Network site works differently than a single WordPress site, in your Websites Tab, you will see two instances of the main website.

Divi Dash - Websites Lists

That's because both instances are different:

  1. The first one is the network admin area from where you can control the entire WordPress Network settings

  2. The second one is the admin area of the main site: from where you can control the settings of the main WordPress site inside your network

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