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How to Create a Backup of Your Website

Back your site up with Updraft Plus WordPress plugin.

Updated over 9 months ago

Regularly backing up your website is essential for safeguarding your data and ensuring you can quickly recover from any issues, such as server crashes, hacking, or accidental deletions.

In this article, we'll be using the famous plugin UpdraftPlus to back up our sites

Install and activate the UpdraftPlus plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress website

  2. Go to Plugins → Add New Plugin

  3. Use the Search form and search for UpdraftPlus

  4. Install and Activate the UpdraftPlus plugin.

Create a manual backup

The first thing we should do after installing the plugin is create a quick backup immediately.

  1. Log in to your WordPress website

  2. Go to Dashboard → Settings → UpdraftPlus Backups

  3. Click on the Backup/Restore tab

  4. Click on the Backup Now button

UpdraftPlus - Take a manual Backup

A window will pop up to choose the folders and whether to back up the database as well or not. We recommend using the default settings: 

UpdraftPlus - Take a manual Backup settings

It should take a while for the backup to complete. The larger your site is, the longer it will take. Once it's done, you can download it to your computer by clicking here: 

UpdraftPlus - Save a manual Backup

With this action, you save a backup for your site on the same server and on your computer. 

Restore a backup

  1. Log in to your WordPress website

  2. Go to Dashboard → Settings → UpdraftPlus Backups

  3. Click on the Backup/Restore tab → Existing Backups

  4. For the backup you want to restore, click on the Restore action button

UpdraftPlus - Restore a manual Backup

Note: In order to be able to restore a backup created by UpdraftPlus, the backup needs to remain stored on the server.

Schedule Automatic Backups

Now that we have our first backup manually, we can set the plugin to take regular backups automatically.

  1. Log in to your WordPress website

  2. Go to Dashboard → Settings → UpdraftPlus Backups Settings

  3. Choose the file backup schedule, whether manual, daily, weekly, etc. Also, look at the other settings and change them according to your needs.

  4. Choose where the backups will be stored. You may save it on the server, but keep in mind that if the server data is lost, you won't get the backup. Because of that, sending backups elsewhere, such as DropBox or Google Drive, is recommended.

    UpdraftPlus - Schedule a Backup


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