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A Complete Overview Of The Monarch Plugin
A Complete Overview Of The Monarch Plugin

Learn the basics of the plugin in this complete video overview. Newcomers, start here!

Updated over a week ago

What Is Monarch?

Monarch is a Social Sharing and Social Following plugin built to get you more shares and followers on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Monarch does this using various social sharing integration methods, such as social sharing sidebars, inline sharing buttons, popups and flyin boxes.

By encouraging your visitors to share and making it easy for them to do so, Monarch can greatly increase the social sharing activity on your website. In addition, Monarch also helps you get more followers on such social networks by making it easy to link to your social profiles and display your follower count.

Monarch excels by giving you more effective social sharing methods, in-depth design customization options, and statistics.

Using Monarch's Social Sharing Locations

Monarch's social sharing methods are broken up into different integration locations. These locations can be enabled, disabled and customized using the Monarch settings dashboard. Monarch has 5 social sharing locations: Sidebar, Inline, Flyin, Popup and Media.

Each location grabs your visitor's attention in different ways, giving you various tools for promoting sharing activity on your website.



The floating sidebar is a great way to promote sharing across your website. The sidebar places floating buttons on the left side of the screen that follow the visitor as they scroll, giving them an easy way to share no matter where they are on the page.

These buttons also break down on mobile devices into a sliding toggle to improve user experience. If you only enable a single sharing location on your website, then the floating sidebar is a great choice. Read the Full Tutorial.



Inline sharing buttons are the most basic of the 5 sharing locations. Enabling this location will place sharing buttons above or below your post content, giving your readers an easy way to share before and after they finish reading your article.

If you want the simplest and cleanest way to add social sharing to your website, then the Inline location is a great choice. Read The Full Tutorial.



The flying box is a unique and highly effective method of social sharing, and it's also highly customizable. The flyin box will slide up from the bottom of the page, giving your visitor a clear queue to share.

Furthermore, these flyin boxes can be triggered based on different user interactions, such as timing delay, when a visitor reaches the bottom of a post, or when a visitor leaves a page. These triggers give you a unique opportunity to capture lost shares and promote sharing from your most engaged visitors. Read The Full Tutorial.



Popups are the most effective integration area available in Monarch. Nothing grabs your visitor's attention quite like a popup, and you can be sure your visitors get the message when popups are enabled. Moreover, these popups (like the flyin) can be triggered based on user interactions.

This gives you control over exactly how popups are displayed and what types of visitors they are displayed to.

For example, a popup might only be displayed when a visitor finishes reading your post - the optimum moment to ask a visitor to share your page. If you want to boost your site shares, then the popup is a great option. Read The Full Tutorial.



Media sharing automatically adds sharing buttons on hover to all the images in your post or to certain images you select using the Media shortcode. This is great for photo-centric networks such as Pinterest or Tumblr, and it gives visitors an easy way to share the beautiful images within your blog posts.

If you run a photography or art blog, this integration location is the perfect way to engage with your visitors and promote more sharing activities. Read The Full Tutorial

Using Monarch's Social Following Locations

Social following differs slightly from the Social Sharing methods we have covered. Instead of promoting the sharing of your posts from your visitors to their friends, the social follow portion of Monarch seeks to gain you more followers on your online social profiles.

Example: If you have a Facebook page for your business, you can use Monarch to advertise that profile page and encourage visitors to follow you. You can also display your social follower counts for each network, giving your visitors social proof of your popularity.

Social follow buttons can be displayed using two different methods:

  • Widgets

  • Shortcodes



The social follow widget in Monarch allows you to place links to your online social profiles and display the follower counts from those profiles within your sidebar or any other widget-ready area on your website.

Placing large, enticing social follower buttons at the top of your blog's sidebar is a great way to get more followers and show how many people are already following you. Read The Full Tutorial.



The social follow shortcode can be used to display social profile links and social profile counts anywhere on your website.

Using Monarch's shortcode generator, you can build your customized shortcodes and then paste those shortcodes into your posts or pages to display your follower buttons.

Shortcodes are the perfect way to display social follow buttons anyway - you can even place them within a custom text widget in Divi! Read The Full Tutorial.

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