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I don't get update notifications

No updated are avaiable

Updated over a week ago

If you're sure a newer version of our products (Divi / Extra / Monarch / Bloom) is available, yet you do not see any update notifications when going to Dashboard -> Updates, then almost in all cases, the folder isn't properly named.

If you're using the Divi theme, you must ensure the folder is called Divi and not any other names such as Divi-2, Divi-old, Divi-new, etc. The same goes for the Extra theme.

You can check (if the folder name is the correct one) by going into Appearance > Themes, hover on the "Customize" button (if Divi is already enabled) or the "Live Preview" button (if our theme isn't the active one) and checking the bottom bar, you should see the name of the theme there: 

If it's different than Divi or Extra (depending on the theme you use), then you will need to download the latest version from our website and install it as a normal theme. You should receive future updates from that moment on.

After installing it, make sure to remove the old copy with the wrong folder name. 

The same thing applies to Plugins, even though it's more rare. 

You can check the folder name by going to the Plugins menu item in the dashboard and hovering over any link on the plugin (Activate / Deactivate or Delete). You should see it there:

It should be divi-builder, bloom, or monarch, depending on the plugin you use.

In case you have the correct folder name and still don't receive any notification, you may be using a very old version of Monarch and Bloom, you can disable them temporarily, and you should see the updates showing up for the other products(e.g., Divi or Extra). 

In this case, it's best to remove and re-install the plugin manually.

Make sure also to check our article here in case you see the update notification, and you can't update: Error When Updating, Can't Update 

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