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Getting Started With The Divi Builder
Getting Started With The Divi Builder

Divi is best used in visual mode, allowing you to build your page on the front-end of your website.

Updated over 9 months ago

What is the Divi Visual Builder?

Divi is a modern no-code visual drag-and-drop website builder for WordPress. With Divi, you can build stunning websites from the ground up without touching a single line of code (unless you want to!).

Divi harnesses the power of complex web development and lets you design custom websites by using the Divi Visual Builder so you can see the changes you are making in real-time.

What is Divi Visual Builder?

All Divi Builder Settings and Features Explained

Let's explore all the features, settings, and functionality available within the Divi Visual Builder.

How To Load The Visual Builder

Once Divi is installed on your website, you can access the Visual Builder on every Page.

To do so, navigate to any page and click Enable Visual Builder on the top admin bar.

How to Load the Visual Builder

Creating a New Page and Enabling the Visual Builder

To start fresh on a blank page, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click Page → Add New.

Creating a new Page and Enabling the Visual Builder

Give your Page a title, then click Use Divi Builder. This will reload the page onto the front end of the website with the Divi Visual Builder enabled.

As your page reloads, you'll notice three options:

  • Build From Scratch

  • Choose A Premade Layout

  • Build with AI

Build From Scratch

This option loads the Divi Builder with a blank page design. Choose this option if you'd like to start your page design from Scratch.

Choose a Premade Layout

This option lets you choose from our large library of pre-designed Divi layouts. You can choose from premade layouts by Divi, which you've designed and saved to your Divi Library, and existing pages on your website that you can clone.

Build with AI

This option allows you to create an entire page layout using Divi AI. Using your text prompt and information about your website, you can create the perfect page outline, then build it and fill it with content and imagery, bringing it all to life in no time.

Select, Build From Scratch. By default, a standard section is automatically added to the Page.

Insert a Row

Divi Visual Builder Basics

Let's start with the basics. The building blocks of Divi. The main building blocks of Divi are Sections, Rows, Columns, and Modules.

Sections contain Rows, which contain Columns, which contain Modules.

Divi elements explained


In Divi, everything you build starts with a section. Sections are the biggest building blocks in the Divi builder.

You can think of them as horizontal stacking blocks that can group your content into visually distinguishable areas.

This content wrapper has various settings that can be used to do some awesome things.

There are three types of sections:

  • Standard

  • Fullwidth

  • Specialty

Types of Sections

Standard Sections

Standard sections are the most commonly used section within Divi.

It expands to the browser's width and contains a row set to 80% width by default. However, many customization options are available within the standard section to get it to do whatever you want.

Fullwidth Sections

Fullwidth sections give you access to a set of Fullwidth Modules.

These modules act a little differently because they take advantage of the full width of the browser. Fullwidth modules can only be placed within Fullwidth sections.

Fullwidth modules

Specialty Sections

Specialty sections allow for more advanced column structures.

When you select Specialty, you'll see all the available column structures.

Unlike Regular Sections, when you use a Specialty Section, you can add complex column variations next to full-spanning vertical sidebars without adding unwanted breaks to the Page.

These types of layouts are not possible using normal sections. Below is an example of a Speciality Section in action.


Rows are nested inside sections and can contain a variety of column layouts that help structure your content.

Row's columns structure


Columns are nested inside rows, creating a basic boxed structure for your content. Every row has a column, even if it's just one column.

Column structure


Modules are the content blocks of Divi. Some examples include:

  • Contact Form

  • Image

  • Text

  • Sliders

  • Blurb.

Check out all the modules Divi has to offer here. To learn how to use the modules, check out the link below.

Parent / Child Element Hierarchy in Divi Builder Elements

When adjusting settings and applying styles in Divi, it's important to remember the hierarchy of Divi's Sections, Rows, Columns, and Modules.

  • Sections contain Rows

    • Rows contain Columns,

      • Columns contain Modules

These are called parent and child elements.

Child elements are nested inside parent elements and are affected by any design style you apply to the parent element.

Parent / Child Element Hierarchy in Divi Builder Elements

The Element Settings Window Pop-Up

Whenever you open an element's settings, a window will pop up with all the content, design, and advanced settings available to that element.

Let's take a closer look at what's available.

Name of the Element

At the top left, you'll see the name of the builder element you're working on. That could be a Section, Row, Column, Module, Page settings, etc.

If you ever get confused about what element you're currently editing, look here; it will tell you!

Name of the element


Underneath the name of the module is where you can access Global Presets. Click on the dropdown to load a saved preset, create a new preset, or delete a preset.

Presets are pre-designed and saved settings for any section, row, column, or module within Divi.

Element Presets

Expand Modal:

The next icon expands the modal to the width of your browser.

Expand Modal

Snap or Separate Modal

The next icon either snaps or separates the modal. Snap affixes the modal to the left of your browser window and does not hover over your Page's content but adjusts next to it. To exit the left sidebar position of the snapped model, click the icon again, and it will separate and return to the position it was in before.

Other Settings

When clicked, the three vertical ellipses icon gives you access to even more settings for that element.

Other Settings
  • Save To Libray: Saves this element to your library.

Save to Library
  • Save To Divi Cloud: Saves this element to your Divi Cloud.

Save to Divi Cloud
  • Split Test: Conduct a split test with this modal. Learn how to split test here.

Split Test
  • Disable: Quickly disable the element on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. When an icon is green, that means it's visible. When it's red, it's hidden.

  • Lock: Locks the element so no design styles and settings are changed. To unlock, right-click on the element and click Unlock.

  • Copy Module: Copy the module to your clipboard to paste it anywhere on the page.

  • Copy Module Styles: Copies the module's styles and settings so you can apply them to another module.

Copy Module and Module Styles
  • Paste Button One Styles: Paste styles from the button. This will only take effect if you have copied the styles by clicking the above option.

  • Copy Module Styles.

  • Reset Module Styles: Resets the module's styles to the default styling. This removes any customization you did to the module.

  • Paste Module: After you've copied the module, click this to paste the module anywhere on your website. For this to work, you must first click Copy Module.

Paste Module
  • View Modified Styles: Selecting this option will only display the settings of that module that have been modified. This is helpful when you've made many changes or need to remember which changes you've made because it quickly shows the settings that have been modified within that module, allowing you to make fast updates.

View Modified Styles
  • Extend Button Styles: When extending a module's styles, you can extend those styles throughout the entire Page, including headers and footers, the page design, the section, the row, or the column that the module is in.

Extend Button Styles
  • Apply Styles To Active Preset: Applies styles defined in the element's Design Tab to the active Preset, which by default is the Default Preset.

Apply to Active Preset
  • Edit Preset Style: This option will allow you to access the current preset's settings and stylings.

Edit Preset Styles
  • Go To Layer: Once clicked, the Layers panel will open up and go to the layer that the design element is in. This is helpful to quickly access builder elements to access their settings, rearrange them, and more.

Go to Layer

You can also access these settings by right-clicking on the design element you're working on. When right-clicking to access these settings, you'll notice Undo and Redo are added at the top of the list.

This is handy for when you want to quickly undo or redo a certain action.

Undo and Redo

Search Options Bar

Next in the module window is the Search Bar. You can quickly find and access settings and styles using the search field. Type what you're looking for to search.

Search options bar

+ Filter

The filter button works similarly to the search function, allowing you to quickly access modified styles, responsive styles, hover state styles, and active content.

How to filter settings

Tabs: Content, Design, Advanced.

All modal windows have three tabs:

  • Content

  • Design

  • Advanced

This is where the content, design, and advanced settings are for any Divi Builder element you're working on (whether a section, row, column, or module).

Content Tab

The Content tab allows you to adjust the content settings of the Divi Builder element you're working on. What's in the Content tab varies depending on which element you are working on.

Content tab settings

Design Tab

The Design tab allows you to adjust the design settings for the Divi Builder element you are working on.

Design tab settings

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab allows you to access the advanced settings for whatever Divi Builder element you work on. Settings like:

  • Custom CSS

  • Visibility

  • Scroll Effects

  • Conditions

Advanced tab settings

Bottom Buttons: Exit, Undo, Redo, Save.

At the bottom of the modal window, you'll see 4 buttons from left to right:

  • Exit (red): If you exit the modal window without saving your changes first, they will be lost

  • Undo (purple): Undoes previous actions

  • Redo (blue): Redoes undone actions

  • Save (green): Saves your changes

Tour the Divi Visual Builder

In this section, we'll review the interface of the Divi Visual Builder and explain what each option does.

Tour of the Divi Visual Builder

Bottom Divi Toolbar

The bottom Toolbar is where you can access a variety of settings. Let's look at what each of these icons means.

Bottom Toolbar

The left side of the Toolbar:

We'll start from the left and work our way to the right side of the Divi toolbar.

Divi bottom toolbar left

Three Dots: Builder Settings

Click the three dots to access settings that customize the Divi Builder interface. Here, you can customize what icons are on the bottom Toolbar, the Builder default view mode, the modal default position, and more.

Builder Settings

Customize Builder Settings Toolbar

Show or hide icons on the Toolbar for quick access here. Click the icon to show or hide it on the Toolbar.

From left to right, the icons are:

  • Wireframe View: Click to view the wireframe layout of the Page you are working on.

Wireframe view

  • Zoom in / Zoom Out: Click this icon to zoom in or out on your page design.

Zoom in/out

  • Desktop View: Click this to resize the Builder window to a desktop size.

  • Tablet View: Click this to resize the Builder window to a tablet size.

  • Mobile View: Click this to resize the Builder window to a mobile device size.

Responsive views

  • Hover Mode: When the hover mode is on, the element settings toolbar shows on hover rather than on-click.

  • Click Mode: When the click mode is on, the element settings toolbar will show on-click rather than on-hover.

  • Grid Mode: When gride mode is on, all of the element settings toolbars and containers will be visible without hovering or clicking on them.

History State Interval

The History State Interval determines how often Divi auto-saves your page design. You can auto-save after every action or every 10, 20, 30, or 40 actions.

History State Interval

Settings Modal Default Position

Here, you can set the default position of the modal when it's opened.

Settings Modal Default Position

You can choose from:

  • Last Used Position

  • Floating Minimum Size

  • Fullscreen

  • Fixed Left Sidebar

  • Fixed Right Sidebar

  • Fixed Bottom Panel

Page Creation Flow

Here, you can choose how new pages are loaded. You can choose for the Page to load as a build-from-scratch page, with the Divi Library window open, by cloning an existing page, or with the three options presented with Give Me a Choice.

Page Creation Flow

Builder Interface Animations

Toggle this option on or off to enable or disable the Divi Builder animations when you click an object.

Show Disabled Modules at 50% Opacity.

Toggle this option on to show disabled modules at 50% opacity. Disabled modules are hidden from view depending on the device used (desktop, tablet, or mobile).

When working within the Visual Builder, it's helpful to display disabled modules at 50% opacity so you know they are disabled for the view just by looking at them.

Disabled On

If this option is toggled off, the disabled element will not show in the view mode it's disabled on.

Example: Below, I have the image module disabled on Desktop view, and the show disabled modules are set off at 50% opacity. The result is the image is not showing.

Group Settings Into Closed Toggles

This setting will show module settings as closed toggles when it is toggled on. If this setting is toggled off it will show the module settings as open toggles.

Add Placeholder Content to New Modules

This option allows you to choose whether or not you want modules to display placeholder content when you add them to your Page.

If you toggle this option off, new modules added to your Page will not display placeholder content, as shown below.

Placeholder Content

Theme Builder Template Editing

This setting allows you to choose whether or not you'd like to be able to edit Theme Builder templates in the Visual Builder.

If you only want those templates to be editable through the dashboard Theme Builder, then toggle this option off.

Editable Theme Builder Templates

Middle Toolbar Section

Now, let's look at the icons in the middle section of the Divi Toolbar.

Middle Toolbar

Load From Library

The Plus icon loads the Divi Library when clicked. Here, you have three choices:

  • Premade Layouts: Load any of the available premade layouts

  • Your Saved Layouts: Load any Layouts saved locally to Divi Library

  • Clone an Existing Page: Clone the layout of an existing page.

Load From Library

Premade Layouts

Divi comes packed with hundreds of free Layout Packs designed by our in-house design team just for you!

If you'd like to use a premade layout on your Page, click the Premade Layouts tab at the top of the Divi Library window and browse the hundreds of available designs.

You can even use the sidebar on the left to filter through categories or the search bar to find what you're looking for.

Premade layouts

Your Saved Layouts

In this section, you can load any saved layouts from your Divi library and your Divi Cloud.

Click the Your Saved Layouts tab to view your saved layouts, and use the sidebar options to sort and filter through your saved layouts. One way to use this feature is to create templated wireframes to save as a layout and then load onto new websites.

Make this even easier by saving and loading from Divi Cloud, which you can access on any Divi website signed in with your account. Learn More: Save and Load Custom Layouts With Divi Library.

Clone Existing Page

This feature is handy when you've already designed a page layout you like and want to use the same layout on another page.

To clone an existing page, click the Clone Existing Page tab and navigate to the Page you want to clone. What does this do, and when/why would you want to use it?

Save to Library (Downward Arrow Icon)

It allows you to save your page layout to your Divi Library and/or Divi Cloud Library. Once clicked, an options window will pop up where you can name your layout, assign it to certain categories and tags and save it to your Divi Cloud.

  1. Layout Name: Give the layout a name that's descriptive and memorable.

  2. Save to Divi Cloud: To save this layout to your Divi Cloud, toggle this option.

  3. Add to Categories: Assign a category to this Page to keep things organized. Categories with a blue cloud icon beside them signify Divi Cloud Categories.

  4. Add to Tags - Further sort and organize page templates by assigning tags to your saved template. For example, light mode, dark mode, holiday, seasonal. You can also create new tags.

  5. Save to Library - Click this button to save the page template to your library.

Save to Library

Delete Page Layout (Trash Icon)

If you want to wipe your Page clean and start fresh, click the trash can icon to delete the entire page design.

Trash Icon

X Icon

This is the icon that either opens or closes the Divi Toolbar.

When the Toolbar is open and expanded, you'll see an x icon; when it's closed, you'll see a + icon to open and expand it.

Page Settings (Gear Icon)

The gear icon brings up the Page Settings window.

This is where you can apply custom settings to that Page only. These are not global settings but will only apply to the Page you are working on.

Page Content Settings

  • Title: This is your Page's title. You can edit it here or on the backend too.

  • Excerpt: This is the excerpt description for the Page.

  • Background: You can add

  • Split Testing: You can even do a split test on pages! Learn more about Split Testing here.

Page Content Settings

Page Design Settings

  • Spacing: Gutter width is the amount of space in between columns. The higher the number, the more space. Suppose you want to decrease gutter width spacing; type in a lower number or drag the range slider to the left.

  • Text: For this Page, you can set a custom light text color and a custom dark text color.

Page Design Settings

Page Advanced Settings

  • Custom CSS: Here, you can add custom CSS to apply only to this Page.

  • Performance: By default, this option is toggled on. Generating a static CSS file improves the speed and performance of the Page by compiling any CSS on the Page into minified static CSS files that can be served more efficiently and cached without your visitor's browser.

Page Advanced Settings

Revision History (Clock Icon)

Click this icon to view the revisions made to the Page. Here, you can easily view history states for the Page you're working on and global history states (like edits to a global footer, header, or module).

To view the changes you've made, click on the action toggle.

Portability (Double Arrow Icon)

Click this icon to Export or Import page layouts. Learn More here: Importing & Exporting Divi Builder Layouts & Library Collections.

Portability Icon

Search Icon

The search icon helps you quickly access what you're looking for. You can change your device view, manage the page layout, access builder settings, search documentation, and open elements.

If you're looking for something within the builder and need to know where it is, use this search feature to find it.

Search Icon

Layers Icon

Click this icon for a bird' s-eye view of the page layout. You can open and close all the layers and use the filter function to quickly find your desired design element.

Drag and drop the layers to rearrange the page design, or use the icons on the layers to access settings, duplicate that item, or delete it.

Divi Builder Helper (Question mark icon)

This question mark icon loads the Divi Builder Helper when clicked. Here, you can browse Divi's documentation, watch how-to videos, and look up keyboard shortcuts.

In the Video Tutorials tab, click on the topic you're interested in and watch the video on-screen. To view Divi's Documentation, visit Divi's Documentation Hub.

Divi Builder Helper

All keyboard shortcuts available on both Mac and PC are listed in the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can help speed up your design process and quick access and edit elements. Learn More: Divi Keyboard Shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts


A feature you'll use often. Before exiting the Visual Builder, it's important to save your design.

Divi automatically saves your design periodically, but this button is also here for instant saves.

Save Divi Visual Builder Settings

Always make sure to save your work! The Divi Builder periodically auto-saves your work; however, it's best to do a final manual save before exiting the Visual Builder.

To save your design, click the green Save button at the bottom right of the screen or use the keyboard shortcut cmd + (mac) or ctl + s (PC).

Then click Exit Visual Builder on the top Toolbar to exit the Visual Builder.

Save and Exit

Divi Builder Capabilities

Let's take a look at what you can do with the Divi Builder!

Divi Gives You Complete Design Control

Divi isn't just a WordPress theme. It's a complete design framework that allows you to design and customize every part of your website from the ground up.

You have control over everything down to the finest detail. Create the perfect websites for you and your clients. Explore all the design features that Divi has to offer!

Divi Design Controls

Responsive Editing

Making responsive websites is easy with Divi.

Divi is responsive by default but takes the responsive design further by giving you complete control over every design setting on each mobile device.

This allows you to perfectly tailor the appearance of each element on computers, tablets and smartphones.

Let's explore some of the core features that make Divi, Divi!

Essential Features of the Divi Visual Builder

Let's take a look at the essential features of Divi's Visual Builder and what's available to you at your fingertips.

Design Visually on the Front End

With Divi's Visual Builder, you can drag and drop elements, format text, resize design elements, adjust responsive sizing, and show or hide elements based on the device used.

Design Visually on the Front End

The Theme Builder

Divi's Theme Builder is a powerful way to build your website templating system using the power of Divis' Visual Builder to design your website's header, footer, product templates, blog post templates, category pages, project templates, 404 page, and more.

Drag and Drop to Move and Resize Elements

With Divi, you can design complex layouts by dragging and dropping elements on the front end.

That way, you can visually see your changes before saving and publishing your design. You can also resize elements on your website by dragging the sides of the elements to adjust settings like height, width, padding, and margins.

Drag and Drop to Move and Resize Elements

Copy and Paste Styles

In Divi, anything can be copied from one element and pasted onto another. You can copy individual settings, groups of settings, or an element's entire design and transfer it to another element on the Page.

There is no need to open up design settings and edit things repeatedly. Design it once, and then copy and paste.

Copy and Paste Styles

Extendable Stlyes

If you have a design style you just created, and you want to use that elsewhere on the Page or even across the entire Page, you can extend that style automatically to your desired location.

Update hundreds of elements at once! Control exactly where and to which elements your styles should be extended to.

Example: You crafted the perfect button style but have dozens of buttons on the Page. You can extend that style to the rest of the buttons instantly by extending the style.

Extendable Stlyes

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are the key to ultimate efficiency. Divi has a full range of keyboard shortcuts that advanced users can use to speed up their workflow significantly. Once you get the hang of shortcuts, you wonder how you ever lived without them!

Multi-Select & Bulk Editing

If you want to edit multiple elements simultaneously, like a group of images, use Divi's multi-select bulk editing capabilities!

To select multiple elements, press Cmd or Ctrl and click each element you want to edit on the Page at once.

You can edit these elements simultaneously, changing their style and content or moving them to different locations on the Page as a group.

Multi-Select & Bulk Editing

Find & Replace Styles

Make sweeping changes across your entire Page instantly, saving you hours of editing time. Using find and replace allows you to change any design value, such as colors or fonts, across the entire Page or within specific locations.

Instead of opening up each element individually and changing colors repeatedly, find and replace across the entire document.

Find & Replace Styles

Global Website Styles

Customize your website with its overarching design system by editing the default design of any element.

When you modify a module's default design, it updates across your whole website at once. Site-wide theme building plus site-wide design editing is the ultimate combo.

Global Website Colors

Divi lets you create a global color palette for your website. These global colors are dynamic and can be changed at any time.

This lets you quickly transform your website's color scheme in just a few moments.

Global Website Colors

Advanced Code Editing

While you don't need to know code to use Divi, you still have the option to write and edit code if you desire!

Divi has a fully-featured code editor that makes writing and editing code so much easier and enjoyable.

Features include syntax highlighting, error reporting, auto-complete, color picking, multi-line select, search, find and replace and more.

Add custom CSS to any element or add your code to any page using the Divi Code module or Page Settings Custom CSS area.

Build Your Design Library

Each installation of Divi comes with access to the Divi Library, where you can save design elements, page layouts, headers, footers, and more for easy access when building websites.

Divi also comes with thousands of premade layouts you can use anytime!

Build Your Design Library

Global Elements and Dynamic Content

With Divi, you can save builder elements (sections, rows, modules) as global designs across your website.

That means whenever you update a global element, it will automatically synch those changes anywhere else that element appears on your website, saving you time and headaches!

Divi can also display dynamic content (like your logo, a blog post's title, search results, and more) so that you can spend less time editing every Page and make changes with one click.

Mobile and Wireframe View Modes

There are multiple ways to build with Divi. You can freely switch between different view modes, choosing the one that best suits you or your current project.

Zoom in and out, toggle through mobile device views, switch between unique interaction modes or build your page structures quickly in wireframe mode. It's up to you.

Mobile and Wireframe View Modes

History, Auto Saves & Browser Backups

Divi has your back. Every action you perform while building is saved into your editing history.

You can undo, redo and explore revisions with ease. If something goes wrong, like your internet going down or your computer crashing, Divi will automatically save your progress so that you can restore it.

History, Auto Saves & Browser Backups

Right Click Options

Divi also comes with powerful right-click options that make designing even faster! Learn all about what's possible with Divi's right-click options here.

Right Click Options

Divi Builder Best Tips & Practices

There are many ways to use Divi in your design business, and each Divi designer and developer will have their own method and workflow that works for them. We encourage you to find what process works best for you!

However, we have a few recommendations for maximizing Divi, simplifying your workflow, and streamlining your design processes.

Switch Back and Forth Between Visual Builder & Wireframe Mode

One of the great things about Divi's Visual Builder is that it's easy to switch between the front and backend editing.

Changing between both views takes less than one second. Switching between viewing your design on the front end and viewing the wireframe layout can help you quickly drag and drop elements and view the structure of your design.

Use the Zoom Out Feature

I'm sure you've done it, too - take a screenshot of your page design to see how everything looks together.

The Zoom icon on the Divi toolbar lets you quickly take a bird's eye view of your design instead of having to save, exit, and take a screenshot.

Divi Builder Resources

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