Rating Systems
Extra comes with two different rating systems out of the box:
A system that lets you add a product rating to any post
A user rating system.
Both of these features are perfect for fostering reader engagement.
Product Ratings: The Product Review can be added to any post. You will notice a box labeled Review Box Contents when creating a new post. Within this box are fields with which you can configure the content for the Product Review Box.
If you do not want a Product Review Box shown below a post's content, leave the fields empty.Review Box Title: This text will be the Review Box's heading.
Summary: The text entered here will appear to the right of the product's overall rating.
Summary Title: This text will appear in bold before your summary.
Breakdown: Breakdowns are the components that make up the overall rating.
Title: This is the title text describing the breakdown.
Rating: This is your rating for the breakdown. It should be a number between 0 and 100.
User Ratings
Your site's visitors can submit a star rating on any posts you haven't explicitly disabled (hidden) Ratings.
You will notice a box labeled Extra Settings when you create a new post. To disable ratings for the post, select the option labeled Hide Post Rating.
A post's overall star rating is displayed with its meta-information (e.g., Date, Category, Tags, etc.) throughout the theme.
You can enable/disable the inclusion of ratings in post meta information globally for your site's posts, pages, & archive pages from within Extra's Theme Options.
You can also control the inclusion of ratings in the post meta information for any modules that display post meta (e.g., Blog Module, Posts Modules, Portfolio Modules, etc).