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The Extra Tabbed Posts Module

Tabbed posts are a great way to consolidate posts into a smaller area, allowing to tab through categories.

Updated over 11 months ago

Module Overview

Extra Tabbed Posts Module

The Tabbed Posts Module is just like the Posts Module but with one extra feature. It allows you to display a tab for each category you enable, making the posts filterable by category on the front end.

How to Add the Extra Tabbed Posts Module to a Category Layout

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Extra → Category Builder

  2. Create or Edit a Category Layout

  3. Click on the Insert Module(s) button

    Add Extra Text Module

  4. Click on the Tabbed Posts module.

    Add Extra Text Module

All Extra Text Module Options Explained

Once added, the module's Settings modal window will automatically pop up. This is where this module's content and design styles are configured.

These settings are organized into three groups via the tabs at the top of the module:

  • Content

  • Design

  • Advanced

All Extra Text Module Options Explained

Content Tab

Extra Tabbed Posts module Content Tab settings


  • Posts Limit - Define the number of posts shown in the slider.


  • Show Featured Image - Toggle the display of each post's Featured image on or off.

  • Show Author - Toggle the display of each post's author on or off.

  • Show Categories - Toggle the display of each post's category on or off.

  • Show Comments - Toggle the display of each post's number of comments on or off.

  • Show Rating - Toggle the display of each post's ratings on or off.

  • Show Date - Toggle the display of each post's publish date on or off.

  • Date Format - Set the format to display each post's publish date. This must be specified using a PHP date() format string.


In the Background option group, the following options can be set:

  • Background Color

  • Background Gradient

  • Background Image

  • Background Video

  • Background Pattern

  • Background Mask

For more in-depth guidance regarding all background options, please check this guide.

Admin Label

The Admin Label is where you can give the module a name only visible to you to assist in keeping things organized and easy to understand on the back end. By default, the admin label will be the name of the module. You can change the text of the admin label to reflect what you’d like.

Design Tab


  • Remove Drop Shadow - Toggle on or off for displaying/removing the module's box shadow.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Layout settings


  • Hover Overlay Color - Define the overlay color displayed when hovering each post.

  • Hover Overlay Icon Color - Define the icon color when hovering each post.

  • Hover Overlay Icon Picker - Choose the overlay icon displayed when hovering each post.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Overlay settings

Post Format Icon

  • Post Format Icon Background Color - Choose the background for each post format.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Post Format Icon settings

Tabs Background

  • Active Tab Background Color - Choose the background color for the active Tab.

  • Inactive Tab Background Color - Choose the background color for the inactive Tab.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Tabs Background settings

Tab Text

  • Active Tab Text Color - Choose the active Tab's text color.

  • Tab Font - Choose a custom font to use for the Tab. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your custom font files.

  • Tab Font Weight - Choose the thickness of the Tab's text font.

  • Tab Font Style - Choose the font style:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • Tab Text Alignment - Align the Tab's text:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • Tab Text Color - Choose a color for the Tab's text.

  • Tab Text Size - Choose the Tab's text font size.

  • Tab Letter Spacing - Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Tab.

  • Tab Line Height - Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Tab text. This becomes noticeable if the Tab is long and wraps onto multiple lines.

  • Tab Text Shadow - Choose a text-shadow style to enable text-shadow for this element. Once enabled, you can customize your text shadow style further. To disable the custom text-shadow style, choose the None option.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Tab Text settings

Main Title Text

  • Main Title Font - Choose the font you want to use for the heading text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.

  • Main Title Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the heading text font.

  • Main Title Font Style - Choose the style of the heading text font:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • Main Title Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the heading text only:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • Main Title Text Color - Choose a specific color for the heading text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • Main Title Text Size - Choose the font size of the heading text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.

  • Main Title Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Title Line Height - Choose the line height of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Title Text Shadow - Add a drop shadow to the heading text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Main Title Text settings

Main Meta Text

  • Main Meta Font - Choose the font you want to use for the heading text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.

  • Main Meta Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the heading text font.

  • Main Meta Font Style - Choose the style of the heading text font:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • Main Meta Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the heading text only:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • Main Meta Text Color - Choose a specific color for the heading text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • Main Meta Text Size - Choose the font size of the heading text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.

  • Main Meta Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Meta Line Height - Choose the line height of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Meta Text Shadow - Add a drop shadow to the heading text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Main Meta Text settings

Main Body Text

  • Main Body Font - Choose the font you want to use for the heading text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.

  • Main Body Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the heading text font.

  • Main Body Font Style - Choose the style of the heading text font:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • Main Body Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the heading text only:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • Main Body Text Color - Choose a specific color for the heading text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • Main Body Text Size - Choose the font size of the heading text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.

  • Main Body Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Body Line Height - Choose the line height of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.

  • Main Body Text Shadow - Add a drop shadow to the heading text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Main Body Text settings

List Title Text

  • List Title Font - Choose the font you want to use for the heading text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.

  • List Title Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the heading text font.

  • List Title Font Style - Choose the style of the heading text font:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • List Title Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the heading text only:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • List Title Text Color - Choose a specific color for the heading text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • List Title Text Size - Choose the font size of the heading text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.

  • List Title Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.

  • List Title Line Height - Choose the line height of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.

  • List Title Text Shadow - Add a drop shadow to the heading text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.

Extra Tabbed Posts module List Title Text settings

List Meta Text

  • List Meta Font - Choose the font you want to use for the heading text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.

  • List Meta Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the heading text font.

  • List Meta Font Style - Choose the style of the heading text font:

    • Italicized

    • Capitalized

    • Small Capitals

    • Underlined

    • Strike-through

  • List Meta Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the heading text only:

    • Left

    • Center

    • Right

    • Justify

  • List Meta Text Color - Choose a specific color for the heading text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • List Meta Text Size - Choose the font size of the heading text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.

  • List Meta Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.

  • List Meta Line Height - Choose the line height of the heading text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.

  • List Meta Text Shadow - Add a drop shadow to the heading text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.

Extra Tabbed Posts module List Meta Text settings


Extra Tabbed Posts module Sizing settings


You can add margins or spacing to this module by typing numerical values.

Margin adds space outside the module, and padding adds space inside the module. To lock in ratios and keep the values the same, click the chainlink icon between the values you want to always be identical (ex, top and bottom).

  • Default margin values for the module are 0.

  • Default padding values for the module are 0.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Spacing settings


Add a border to the module. You can add a complete border or a border to only one side of the module. Adjust the width via the range slider and select a color. Choose a border style by clicking the dropdown.

  • Border Radius – Type in a numerical value if you want round border corners. The higher the number, the rounder the corners will be. The corner values are automatically linked (as seen by the highlighted blue chainlink in the middle); however, if you’d like to have different values for each corner, click the blue chainlink to unlink the values. If the values are automatically linked, they will always have the same value and update automatically if one value is changed.

  • Border Styles – Add a border to all sides of the module or individual sides (top, right, bottom, and left).

  • Border Width - Set the width of the border. For a thicker border, increase the number. The border width must be at least 1px to show.

  • Border Color – Choose the color of the border. You can select a color from your default site color palette that is already displayed or click on the eyedropper icon to find a new color.

  • Border Style – Select what border style you’d like: solid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, or none.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Border settings

Box Shadow

Add a drop shadow to the entire module. Once a shadow style is clicked, you can customize the following options:

  • Box Shadow Horizontal Position - Defines the horizontal position of the drop shadow.

  • Box Shadow Vertical Position - Defines the vertical position of the drop shadow.

  • Box Shadow Blur Strength - Defines the strength of the shadow's blur. The higher the value, the bigger the blur and the wider and lighter the shadow becomes.

  • Box Shadow Spread Strength - Defines the spread strength of the blur. Increasing the spread strength will increase the density of the box shadow. Higher density results in a more intense shadow.

  • Shadow Color - Defines the shadow's color.

  • Box Shadow Position - Defines the shadow's position. It can be inside the module or outside the module.


Here, you can apply animation to the module. Once you choose a style, you can adjust the following options:

  • Animation Duration - Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.

  • Animation Delay - Define the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.

  • Animation Starting Opacity - Define the starting opacity value.

  • Animation Speed Curve - Define the easing method of your animation. Easing your animation in and out will create a smoother effect than a linear speed curve.

  • Animation Repeat - By default, animations will only play once. If you want to loop your animation continuously, choose the Loop option here.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Animation settings

Advanced Tab

Within the Advanced Tab, you will find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS.

Here, you can apply custom CSS to your module. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module's styles with more advanced CSS properties or to apply custom CSS code using the module's CSS class.

CSS ID and Classes

Assign a specific CSS ID or Class to this module. This is helpful when applying custom CSS to a module by using your child theme's stylesheet.

Extra Tabbed Posts module CSS ID and Classes settings

Custom CSS

Provide multiple options to add custom CSS rules to individual areas of the module.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Custom CSS settings


  • Disable on - Defines the visibility of the module. You can disable it (hide it from view) when the display window is a Phone, Tablet, or Desktop by clicking the corresponding checkbox.

  • Horizontal Overflow - Defines what shows when content overflows a block-level element's left and right edges. This may be:

    • Visible - The content will show if the module's content overflows its height.

    • Scroll - If the module's content overflows its height, a vertical scroll bar will be used to scroll through its content.

    • Hidden - If the module's content overflows its height, the part of the content that overflows will be hidden.

    • Auto - The browser will decide whether a scroll bar will be shown.

  • Vertical Overflow - Defines what shows when content overflows a block-level element's top and bottom edges. This may be:

    • Visible - The content will show if the module's content overflows its height.

    • Scroll - If the module's content overflows its height, a vertical scroll bar will be used to scroll through its content.

    • Hidden - If the module's content overflows its height, the part of the content that overflows will be hidden.

    • Auto - The browser will decide whether a scroll bar will be shown.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Visibility settings


This controls the hover animation's transition duration, delay, and speed curve.

  • Transition Duration - Defines the duration (in milliseconds) of the transition of the hover animation.

  • Transition Delay - Defines the transition delay of the hover animation (in milliseconds).

  • Transition Speed Curve - Defines the transition speed curve of the hover animation.

Extra Tabbed Posts module Transitions settings
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