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The Extra Ads Module

The ad block can be used to place advertisements within your category feed.

Updated over a week ago

Module Overview

docs image

As you might have guessed, the Ads Module allows you to display ads in your category layouts.

You can upload ad images and define where they should be linked and/or you can insert custom HTML Ad Code.

The Module Options

Extra Ads Module

General Tab

Header Text

This allows you to display a text heading above the module on the front end.


This allows you to set the background for Extra's Ads Module. The Background option includes:

  • Background Color.

  • Background Gradient

  • Background Image

  • Background Video

Admin Label

This will change the module's label in the builder for easy identification.

Design Tab

  • Remove Drop Shadow: Enable this option to remove the default Box Shadow that the Ads module has.

  • Header Text Color: Define the text color for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Font: Define the font family for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Font Weight: Define the font thickness for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Font Style: Define the font styles for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Text Alignment: Define the text alignment for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Text Size: Define the text size for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Letter Spacing: Define the letter spacing for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Line Height: Define the line height for the module's Header Text.

  • Header Text Shadow: Customize the text shadow effect applied to the module's Header Text.

  • Show Top Border: Enable the display of the Top Border.

  • Rounded Corners: Set the radius of each of the four corners.

  • Boder Styles: Define the module's border styles, size, color, and thickness, as well as the radius.

  • Max Width: Define the maximum width the module will take in the page layout.

  • Margin: Define the outer space on all four sides. The amount of space set here is the space the module will have outside its box model.

  • Padding: Define the inside space on all four sides. The amount of space set here is the space the module will have inside its box model.

  • Box Shadow: Define the Box Shadow of the entire module.

  • Animation: Defeine the Aniamtion type.

Advanced Tab


Enter an optional CSS ID to be used for this module. An ID can be used to create custom CSS styling or links to particular sections of your page.

CSS Class

Enter optional CSS classes to be used for this module. A CSS class can be used to create custom CSS styling. You can add multiple classes separated by a space.

Custom CSS

Used to add custom CSS properties for each option:

  • Before

  • Main Element

  • After

  • Ad Link

  • Ad Image

Module Item Settings

Note: You can add multiple advertisements to an Ads Module.

Admin Label

This will change the module's label in the builder for easy identification.

Image URL

You can place a valid image URL here or choose/upload an image via the WordPress Media Library.

Link URL

Place a valid web URL in this field to create a link with the image you selected. Leaving this field blank will leave your ad image as a static element.

Start On New Line

Make this ad item start on a new line.


Use this field to insert custom HTML Ad code instead of defining an image and link URL.

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