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How to enable WordPress debug mode

Enabeling WordPress debug mode, helps to get more information for different errors.

Updated over a week ago

Out of the box, WordPress will have the debug mode deactivated. That means, in cases where something is not working correctly or in cases where Blank screens are displayed, we don't have any information about what's going on.

WordPress allows us to enable the debug mode, which will provide useful details about different errors that might appear.

Enable WordPress debug mode with a plugin

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Plugins → Add new

  2. Use the search field to search for wp debugging

  3. Install and Activate the WP Debugging plugin

    Install and active the WP Debugging plugin

  4. Go to Tools → WP Debugging

    Open WP debugging settings

  5. Ensure that the following options are checked:

    1. Set WP_DEBUG to true.

    2. Set WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to false, default is true.

    Set the options for activating the WordPress debug mode

  6. Click on the Save Changes button.

With the WordPress debug mode enabled, all the errors will be displayed (with additional information in Divi → Support Center → Logs.

Divi's Logs section

Pro tip: you can also access the debug.log file, which will contain all the errors, by using a File manager (either from your host or by using a File Manager plugin) and navigating to wp-content folder.

Enable WordPress debug mode without a plugin

  1. Using your host's File Manager app or by installing the Advanced File Manager plugin, edit the wp-config.php file located in the root folder of the WordPress installation.

  2. In the wp-config.php file find this line of code: define("WP_DEBUG", false);

  3. Replace that line with the following lines of code:

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

  4. Save the file.

The WordPress will log any errors in the debug.log file, which will be created in the wp-content folder.

Also, all the information from the debug.log file will be displayed in Divi → Support Center → Logs section.

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