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Adding a Button to a Divi Blurb Module: Step-by-Step Guide
Adding a Button to a Divi Blurb Module: Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the easy steps to enhance your Divi Blurb Module with a button addition in this informative guide.

Fozla Rabbi avatar
Written by Fozla Rabbi
Updated over a week ago

By default, Divi's Blurb module lacks an option to include a button. In many cases, you may want to place a button after the blurb description without adding a separate button module.

Step-by-Step Guide: Adding a Button to the Blurb Module

  1. Create a Blurb Modul.

  2. Go to the Content Tab -> Body -> Text tab and insert the following code:

    <span><a href="#" class="et_pb_button et-blurb-button">Click Here</a></span>
  3. Customize the Button:

    • Modify the button's URL by replacing the "#" symbol in the code with your desired link.

    • Note that the "et_pb_button" class provides the default Divi button style, while the "et-blurb-button" class allows for custom design specific to this button.

    • Change the "Click Here" text within the HTML to set your preferred button label.

  4. Style Your Blurb Button with Custom CSS:

    • For further customization, apply custom CSS to style your Blurb button, you can add the code below in Divi > Theme Options > Custom CSS:

      /* Blurb Button Style CSS */ {
      /* Define your button styles here */
      background-color: #3498db; /* Change the background color */
      color: #fff; /* Change the text color */
      padding: 10px 20px; /* Adjust padding for spacing */
      border-radius: 5px; /* Add rounded corners */
      text-decoration: none; /* Remove underline from links */
      transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; /* Smooth transition on hover */

      /* Blurb Button Hover effect */ {
      background-color: #ff5733; /* Change background color on hover */
      color: #fff; /* Change text color on hover */

Feel free to modify the CSS and button text to align with your design preferences and website needs.

The end result can be seen in the screenshot below:

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