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How to Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in Divi

CLS is a user-centric metric for measuring visual stability, helping to quantify how often users experience unexpected layout shifts.

Updated over a week ago

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) can negatively impact your website’s user experience by causing unexpected layout movements during page load. Fixing CLS is essential for maintaining a stable and visually appealing site.

This article will guide you through the steps to identify and resolve CLS issues in Divi, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable browsing experience for your visitors.

What is CLS?

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a user-centric metric for measuring visual stability because it helps quantify how often users experience unexpected layout shifts—a low CLS helps ensure that the page is delightful.

Unexpected page content movement usually happens because resources are loaded asynchronously. DOM elements get dynamically added to the page above existing content.

The culprit might be an image or video with unknown dimensions, a font that renders larger or smaller than its fallback, or a third-party ad or widget that dynamically resizes itself.

CLS measures the total of all individual layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift during the page's lifespan.

A layout shift occurs whenever a visible element changes its position from one rendered frame to the next.

What is a good CLS score?

To provide a good user experience, sites should strive to have a CLS score of 0.1 or less.

To ensure you're hitting this target for most of your users, a good threshold to measure is the 75th percentile of page loads, segmented across mobile and desktop devices.

Example of CLS mettric

Why does CLS happen in the first place?

Let's see what happens on any given HTML page while the user interacts with it:

  1. A page load begins when a user selects a hyperlink, submits a form, or types a URL in a browser. This is also referred to as the initial request or the navigation start. The user's action sends a request across the network to the web application server.

  2. The request reaches the application for processing. (It may take some time to process. This could be the result of request queuing or other factors.)

  3. The app finishes processing and sends an HTML response to the user's browser across the network. This is sometimes referred to as response start or first byte.

  4. The user's browser receives the HTML response and processes the Document Object Model or DOM.

  5. The DOM finishes loading; this point is known as DOM ready. Using the DOM, the user's browser starts to render the page.

  6. The page finishes rendering in the user's browser, and the window load event fires.

The CLS will usually happen between steps 4, 5, and 6. A lot is going on since the initial request was made until the page is fully visible in the browser. This whole process can be faster or slower, the speed depending on many factors, the most important ones being:

  • Server Speed;

  • Server Resources;

  • Server Optimization - cache, gzip compression, header expiration dates, and so on;

  • Number of active plugins—any active plugin will "fight" over server resources and create additional HTTP requests, which might delay the loading time.

What can be done to avoid or reduce CLS on a web page?

A simple answer will be to reserve space for the layout elements: Sections/Rows/Modules.

Reserving space can be done by setting a min-height value for each element that creates the CLS. The min-height property's value should be equal to the final height of a particular element—section, Row, or module.

Real-world example

Consider a page which has the following structure:

  1. Theme Builder Header Template

  2. Page Content - Fullwidth Slider Module

  3. Theme Builder Footer Template

The Theme Builder Header Template contains a Normal Section with a Row that has a layout of 3 columns:

  • the first column contains an Image Module

  • the second column contains the Menu Module

  • the third column contains the Social Media Follow Module

The Page Content contains a Fullwidth Section, which also contains the Fullwidth Slider Module

The Theme Builder Footer Template contains a Normal section, which is set to be Fixed at the bottom in the page's layout with a Row that has a 2 columns layout:

  • the first column contains 3 Text Modules

  • the second column contains 2 Text Modules and the Social Media Follow Module

If the example page is checked in Google Page Speed Insights, its CLS score is 0.249—which is not bad, but it can be improved even further.

Google Page Speed Insights - Elements that creates CLS issues

Google Page Speed Insights will also provide information about the elements in that page's layout that create the CLS. Scrolling down on the Report page and expanding the Avoid large layout shifts option, exact information is provided

Google Page Speed Insights - Elements that creates the CLS issue

In this case, the elements that create CLS (even if that is really low) are:

  • The Fullwidth Slider Module

  • The row inside the Header Template layout

  • The row inside the Footer Template layout

The easier thing we can do would be to reserve the space for each of the marked elements, generally speaking, setting a min-height value for the container element should suffice.

Note: A container element is an element that contains all other elements. EG: for the Menu Module, the container element can be either the Row or the Section.

In the page layout, setting the min-height value for the Section that contains all the Header Template elements to be 63px and also setting the Section of the Page Layout (that contains the Fullwidth Slider Module) to be 737px will decrease the initial CLS from 0.025 to 0.001:

Google Page Speed Insights - Second check

Find out which values should be used for each element that creates CLS

To find out which is the value that can be used as the min-height value Developer Tools can be used.

Using the same page example, on the Front end, clicking anywhere on the page and choosing Inspect from the contextual menu will open the Developers Tools. Inspecting any element will provide details, including its Height.

In this case, I was inspecting the Header's Section. As soon as I hover over it, it gets highlighted on the page; the width (1920px) and height (63px) are provided. The min-height value for that Section can be set to 63px.

Testing the results

Another option would be to install and configure a cache plugin. There are a few good choices out there (free and premium). In this example, I used the WP Rocket cache plugin. You can also use the free WP Fastest Cache plugin.

After installing the Cache plugin and configuring it to work on the specific server used in this example, the new CLS score for the demo page is 0.001.

Google Page Speed Insights - Reducing the CLS

Besides, setting the correct values for the elements that create CLS for mobile also helps to reduce the CLS to 0 for mobile devices while using a cache plugin:

Google Page Speed Insights - CLS score after installing a cache plugin
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