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How to Build Extra Theme's Demo Homepage Layout

Learn how to build and customize a dynamic homepage using the Extra theme, utilizing its unique modules and layout options effectively.

Updated over 7 months ago

Creating a visually appealing and functional homepage is essential for capturing visitors' attention and providing a great first impression.

The Extra theme offers versatile tools and features to help you build a dynamic and engaging homepage that effectively showcases your content.

This article will guide you through the steps to create the Extra theme homepage as seen in our demo.


  • Before starting, please ensure your site has sufficient blog posts ( as most Extra theme modules are post-based). These posts are distributed among a few categories, and featured posts are assigned to them.

  • If you are starting and your website lacks content, you can use the How to Add Dummy Text to WordPress (And Why You’d Want To) article to add some dummy content.

Header's Top Bar Layout

Extra - Set up the logo image

  1. From WordPress Dashboard, go to Extra → Theme Customizer → Header & Navigation Settings → Header Elements Settings and enable/disable the following options:

    1. Show Social Icons

    2. Show Search Bar

    3. Show Trending Bar

Navigation Area

  1. To set up the Logo image, go to Extra → The Options → General Tab → Logo and upload your logo image

    Extra - Setup the logo image

  2. Go to Appearance → Menus and create your Menu

  3. Set the Menu as Primary Menu

The Extra themes offer three different types for the Primary Menu.

Type 1

Extra theme - Main Menu layout One

Type 2

Extra theme - Main Menu layout Two

Type 3

Extra theme - Main Menu layout Three

The Type 1 and Type 2 layouts can be triggered only when using a category in the menu. As soon as you add a category to your custom menu, you will see the option to select these menu types.

Type 3 can be used with pages. Please refer to the gif below ( you can right-click on the gif and open it in a new tab to see it in full size):

Extra - Build the WordPress menu using Categories

Content Area 

The Content Area (between the Header and Footer areas) is built using Extra's Category Builder.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Extra → Category Builder

  2. Click on the Add New button

    Extra - Create a new Category Layout

  3. Name the new layout

  4. Check the option Use this layout as the home layout

    Extra - Setup a Category Layout

  5. In the first Row, add the Featured Post Slider module

    Extra - Featured Post Slider module

  6. Add a new Row with a two-column layout

  7. In each column, add the the Tabbed Post module

  8. For each Tabbed Post module, choose from which category posts will be displayed

    Extra - Tabbed Posts module

  9. Add a new Row

  10. Add the Post Carousel module

    Extra - Posts module

  11. Add a new Row with a three-column layout

  12. In each column, add the Posts module

  13. Add a new Row with a one-column layout

  14. Add the Tabbed Posts module

    Extra - Tabbed Posts module
  15. Click on the Publish button.

The final layout should look like this 👇

Extra - Homepage Layout

Note: We have exported the whole layout created during this tutorial, so you can use the same one if you need to; change your post categories and module settings if you want. Here is the JSON file of the exported layout.

Import the provided Layout

  1. Download the provided JSON file

  2. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Extra → Divi Library

  3. Click on the Export and Import button at the top

  4. Choose the JSON file

  5. Click on the Import Divi Builder Layouts button

    Extra - Import JSON file

Use the imported JSON layout

  1. Go to Extra → Category Builder

  2. Open the Layout that was created before

  3. Click on the Load Layout option

    Extra - Load a JSON file

  4. Click on Your Saved Layouts tab

  5. Click on the Load button

    Extra - Add a saved layout to the page

Sidebar Area

WordPress Widgets can be added to the Sidebar area.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Widgets

  2. Drag and drop any Widgets you want into the Main Sidebar widget area

Footer Area

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Widgets

  2. Drag and drop any Widgets you want into the Footer Sidebar Left and Footer Sidebar Right widget areas.

You can check the Extra Widgets help article to learn more about the types of Widgets that Extra provides.

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