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Divi Dash History Tab
Divi Dash History Tab

Learn about the History tab, which offers a complete history overview of all WordPress added to Divi Dash.

Updated over a week ago

The History tab offers a complete history of all the actions performed on any WordPress site added to Divi Dash.

Divi Dash - History tab

Note: If you are using Divi Teams and have already added members, the History Tab will show each member's activity, depending on each member's permissions.

At the top of the History tab, click on the Export as CVS button to export the entire history log as a .cvs file, which can be saved to your local computer.

Below that, different filtering options are available to filter the history list based on the following filters:

  • The Search Field is used to filter the list of history entries based on the searched keyword

    Divi Dash - History tab - Search Filter

  • The Time Frame dropdown shows all the history entries based on the time frame selected - you can see entries from the last 7, 14, 30, or 60 days:

    Divi Dash - History tab - Time Frame Filter

  • The Action dropdown shows all the history entries based on the action's type:

    Divi Dash - History tab - Action Filter

    • Updated shows all the updates (plugins, themes, and WordPress core) that were performed on any of the websites added to your Divi Dash

    • Activated shows the history entries related to plugin and theme activation on each WordPress site added to Divi Dash

    • Deactivated shows the history entries related to plugin(s) and theme deactivation on each WordPress site added to Divi Dash

    • Deleted shows the history entries related to WordPress website(s) on which plugins/themes were

    • Optimized shows the optimized history entries related to WordPress website(s) (spam comments were cleared, post revisions were deleted, the Trash was emptied, etc.)

    • Synced shows the history entries related to which website was synced with WordPress using the Sync Site Data button or the Sync All icon

    • Added shows the history entries related to websites added to the Divi Dash. It also includes the date the website was added, its name, and its tagline (if it is defined).

    • Reconnected shows the history entries related to WordPress sites that were disconnected and reconnected again using the connection key or username/password combination

    • Changed shows the history entries related to any WordPress site added to Divi Dash that was changed. Changes include adding/removing tags and assigning/removing a client.

  • The Type dropdown shows the history entries based on the type:

    Divi Dash - History tab - Type Filter

    • The Theme option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site added to Divi Dash that had the theme(s) activated/deactivated/updated

    • The Plugin option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site added to Divi Dash that had the plugin(s) activated/deactivated/updated

    • The WordPress option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site added to Divi Dash that had the WordPress core updated

    • The Website option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site that was:

      • Added

      • Removed

      • Reconnected

      • Synced

      • Optimized

      • Updated to/from Divi Dash.

    • The Website settings option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site for which the settings were changed. Changes include adding/removing tags and assigning/removing a client.

    • The Site Users option shows the history entries related to any WordPress site added to Divi Dash for which the site user was changed. Changes include:

      • Add a new user

      • Editing an existing user

      • Deleting an existing user

Pro Tip: You can combine any of the filters to refine your results. For example, you can use the Action Filter and the Type Filter to only show history entries of WordPress core updates.

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