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Using Divi Hover Options

Apply hover states to the content settings, design settings, and advanced settings of virtually any Divi design element (sections, rows...

Updated over a week ago

Divi Hover Options are available for any content or element you add to a page in Divi.

You can add hover effects to text, icons, links, images and more within a module. Or you can add hover effects to entire modules, columns, rows, and/or sections.

This allows creativity to soar, enabling designers to create fun, interactive elements on their Divi websites. Customizing hover options is easy and is accessible anywhere in the Visual Builder.

Hover Options in Divi

What's Possible With Hover Options in Divi

You can apply hover states to the content, design, and advanced settings of virtually any Divi design element (sections, rows, columns, and modules).

Changing Content on Hover

Changing your page content on hover (elements like text, images, buttons, blurs, and more) is possible. In the video below, you will see an image change on hover and the text of the button on hover.

Changing Content on Hover

Changing Design Styles on Hover

You can also change design settings on hover, like background colors, font styles, filters, transformations, and more. Check out the video below to see an example of what's possible.

Changing Design Styles on Hover

Accessing Divi Hover Options

Hover options are available in virtually all of Divi's design elements! This includes Sections, Rows, Columns, and Modules.

You can access hover options in the same location as regular customization options in the settings modal. This allows you to customize an element's background design for both the default desktop view and the hover state in one convenient location.

Divi Hover Options

How To Access Hover Options

  1. Click on the gear icon to open the element's Settings modal window

    Access Hover Options
  2. Navigate to the setting you would like to apply a hover effect on

  3. Hover over it and click the Hover icon to enable the hover option

    Access Hover Options
  4. Click on the Hover icon tab

    Access Hover Options

Note: If an option doesn’t have the cursor icon available, it doesn’t support hover option capabilities.

Accessing Content Hover Options

In this example, let's change the button text on hover so that the button behaves like this on hover:

Accessing Content Hover Options
  1. Click the gear icon to bring up the module's Settings modal window

    Accessing Content Hover Options
  2. Navigate to the Content tab and

  3. Click on the Text Options group

    Accessing Content Hover Options
  4. Hover over Text and click the hover icon to bring up the hover tab

    Accessing Content Hover Options
  5. Click on the hover tab and enter the text displayed on the hover state

    Accessing Content Hover Options

Accessing Design Hover Options

For this example, let's change the button background color on hover.

  1. Click on the Design tab

  2. Open up the Button options group

  3. Click on the hover icon and go into the hover tab

  4. Select the background color you want to display on the hover state

  5. Click the green check button at the bottom of the module to save your changes.

Accessing Design Hover Options

Accessing Advanced Hover Options

To add custom CSS on hover to the button module:

  1. Click on the Advanced tab

  2. Click the Custom CSS → Module CSS tab

  3. Hover over the box you want to put CSS in, click the hover icon , and go into the hover tab.

  4. Paste your CSS.

  5. Click the green check button to save your edits.

Accessing Advanced Hover Options

Using Hover Options In Divi (Examples)

While hover effects are available in all Divi elements, you'll likely use them mostly within modules. Here are a few examples of how you can use hover options!

How To Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module

To change a blurb's background color on hover, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the gear icon to open the Blurb's Settings modal window

    Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module
  2. Click on the Content tab

  3. Open the Background Options group

    Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module
  4. Hover over the Background, click the hover icon

  5. Click on the Hover tab

    Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module
  6. Set the hover Background color

    Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module
  7. Click the green check button to save your edits.

    Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module

And here's the result!

Change a Background Color on Hover for a Blurb Module

How to Change the Blurb Image or Icon On Hover

To change the blurb icon on hover, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Content tab

  2. Click into the Image & Icon options group.

  3. Hover over the Icon and click the hover icon

  4. Click on the Hover tab

  5. Choose the icon you want to display on hover

  6. Save your edits

Change the Blurb Image or Icon On Hover

And here's the result!

Change the Blurb Image or Icon On Hover

How to Change Blurb Body Text Color On Hover

  1. Click on the Design tab

  2. Open the Body Text options group

  3. Go to Text Color, hover over it and click the hover icon

  4. Click on the Hover tab

  5. Set the text color to #ffffff

  6. Click the green check button to save your edits

Change Blurb Body Text Color On Hover

Here is the final result:

Change Blurb Body Text Color On Hover

Using Hover Options in Sections, Rows, and Columns

Hover options are available within sections, rows, and columns, too.

Change a Column's Background Color

In the example below, let's change a column's background color on hover.

  1. Click on the gear icon to open the Row's Settings modal window

    Change a Column's Background Color

  2. Click on the gear icon for any of the columns

  3. From the Content tab, expand the Background options group

    divi background hover options

  4. Hover over the Background, click the hover icon , and click into the hover tab

  5. Change the background color for the Hover state

    add background color Divi

  6. Save the changes.

And here is the final result:

Changing Hover States in Sections and Rows

You can also change content, design, and advanced options on hover with Sections and Rows. Use the same steps above to access those.

How to Control Transition Duration of Hover Effects

When hover effects are applied to an element, there is a default speed and duration that they happen.

You can tweak the hover effect's speed and duration by navigating to the Advanced tab Transitions and adjusting the available controls.

You can adjust the hover effect's duration, delay, and speed curve. Transition settings are in the Advanced tab of modules, columns, rows, and sections.

Divi transition settings

You can change how your hover effects behave by combining hover options and transition effects. You can control the duration of the transition by adjusting the duration slider.

Additionally, you can set a delay for your transition if you'd like it to start before or after another transition effect.

Lastly, there is an option to set the speed curve using several different options.

Example: A 50px white border is applied to an image on hover. The transition duration is 300ms with no delay, and the transition speed curve is set to Ease.

How to Control Transition Duration of Hover Effects

Taking the same example as above, we'll adjust the transition duration to 0ms, with no delay, and the transition speed curve will be set to Linear.

See how much faster and snappier it is? Tweaking these settings allows you to create custom transitions that achieve your desired effect.

How to Control Transition Duration of Hover Effects

Using Transform Options With Hover Options

Combining Transform options with Hover options gives you the power to create even more dynamic designs.

Below is an example of some effects you can achieve when combining these two options.

Using Transform Options With Hover Options

To learn how to recreate this demo, check out this blog post.

Check out our Transform Options Guide to learn more about Transform Options.

Hover Options Are Element Specific

Hover options are activated when hovering over the space of a specific Divi element. Hover space refers to the entire element and the space within it.

Parent / Child Element Hierarchy

When applying hover effects in Divi, it’s important to remember the hierarchy of Divi’s Sections, Rows, Columns, and Modules.

  • Sections contain Rows

    • Rows contain Columns

      • Columns contain modules.

These are called parent and child elements.

Child elements are nested inside parent elements and are affected by any design style you apply to the parent element.

applying Divi hover effects

Hover Options Are Set At The Element Level

To understand how Divi Hover options work, it's important to note that they are set at the element level. Each Divi element has its own hover space, which is the element's size.

Here is an illustration of Divi's hover space for each building block element.

hover effects at element level

Each element has built-in hover options activated when hovering over that element or any of the child elements it contains.

Example: If you have added hover options to a section, only those options will become active whenever you hover over the section.

built-in hover effects
  • Hovering over the Row inside the Section, you will activate any hover options added to the Row. But because the Row is a child of the Section, you will also activate the section hover options as well.

activate hover options
  • Hovering over the Column within the row will activate any hover options added to the column and its parent row and section.

parent row options
  • Hovering over the Module within the Column will activate any hover options added to the module and its parent elements with hover options (Column, Row, and Section).

module hover effects

Hovering over a module will also trigger the hover effects of its parent elements. However, when you hover over just a section, it will not trigger the module hover effects.

Hover Options Are Set At The Element Level

Use Case Examples for Divi Hover Options

Let's look at some practical use case examples of where you would use hover options.

Apply the Hover Effect to Icon Buttons and Social Media Follow Buttons

Hover Effect to Icon Buttons and Social Media Follow Buttons

It is always a good idea to use hover options on buttons to encourage users to click.

With Divi, you can add simple and creative hover effects to icon buttons. This also includes social media follow buttons as well.

Add Hover Effects To Images and Image Galleries

Add Hover Effects To Images and Image Galleries

With Divi's hover effect, you can easily change the design of your images on hover creatively.

This is great for images and image galleries that allow the user to see an alternative image design (like a black-and-white version of the image) on hover.

Plus, you can combine this hover effect with clickable lightbox functionality.

Use Hover Options to Show or Hide Content

By adjusting the opacity of your elements, you can show or hide elements on hover. Modules such as buttons, images, social media, or even full-content sections can be manipulated to create stunning effects with hovers.

This is perfect for a call to action or for showcasing featured products.

Use Hover Options to Show or Hide Content.

Applying Hover Options to Multiple Elements Activated Simultaneously

Hover options are applied to each element. However, it can create simultaneous hover effects when hovering over child elements.

Example: Ensuring all elements span the full width of their parent container would allow them to all share the same hover space.

Now, whenever hovering over an element, it will activate the hover effects for each element simultaneously.

Below is a Row, Column, and Module that all share the same hover space. Therefore, hovering over their shared area will simultaneously activate each hover option.

Applying Hover Options to Multiple Elements Activated Simultaneously

For more, check out how to trigger hover effects on elements simultaneously in Divi. You can also get creative by combining hover effects on multiple elements to reveal content cleverly.

For example, you can create pop-out service descriptions when hovering over a multiple-column row in Divi.

Divi Hover Options

Using Blur On Hover To Highlight Content

Additionally, you can combine hover options and visibility settings to achieve some cool effects.

Example: When using a blurb module, you can spotlight the blurb module by blurring out the rest of the content on the page on hover.

Using Blur On Hover To Highlight Content

FAQ: Divi Hover Options

How do I turn an element with hover effects into a clickable link?

Turning an element into a clickable link (whether that be a Section, Row, Column, or Module) is easy in Divi.

  1. Open up the element's settings

  2. Navigate to the Content tab → Module Link

  3. Paste the URL there.

Divi Hover Options

Should I Use Hover Options on Mobile?

There is no hover capability on mobile devices.

The closest thing to hover is touch. In most mobile browsers, hover effects will be triggered on touch.

Although this can be useful for certain functionality like toggles or revealing content on touch, it is not recommended as a best practice.

This is especially true when using hover effects on links and buttons on mobile. If you have a hover effect on a clickable link, users may need to click on the element twice (once to trigger the hover effect and then another to click the link).

That is why, in most cases, it would be better to disable hover effects on mobile devices.

How Do I Disable Hover Options on Mobile?

If some of your hover effects reveal hidden content on hover, that could be a problem on mobile devices since they don't have hovering capabilities.

To solve this issue, we recommend setting your mobile design styles to match your hover state design styles so that hidden content is visible on mobile devices.

Example: Below, we have text that appears on hover. However, we'll need that text to be visible on mobile without hovering over it (since hovering on mobile isn't a thing).

To remedy this situation, go into the mobile design settings for the background and text colors and make them match the hover state styles so that this content is displayed on mobile devices without hovering.

Divi Hover Options

Divi Hover Options

Will Hiding and Showing Content on Hover Affect SEO?

No. It's important to understand that your content is still there. You are only adjusting their transparency.

Therefore, Google and other search engines can see them in the code. You can rest assured that using Divi's hover effects will not affect your site's SEO.

Tips & Best Practices For Hover Options

There's no limit to Divi's Hover Options. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when you are deploying them.

Be Purposeful When Using Hover Options

Changing the style of an element on hover will prompt the user with some further engagement or call to action (like clicking on the element).

That's why, in most cases, hover effects are used on buttons because most people will think that the hover effect means it is clickable. Thankfully, Divi allows you to add a link URL to any element to make it clickable, in addition to hover options.

Of course, you can also do other purposeful hover effects, like revealing additional content to engage the user to read more about a feature. But, in most cases, it's best to avoid adding hover effects strictly for design's sake.

This may affect the user experience negatively, leaving them needing clarification about the purpose of the hover effect.

Hover Options are great for Desktop, but not Mobile

It's generally a good idea to only apply hover effects on desktop views. While hover effects can be applied to mobile devices, they are discouraged because users usually have to double-tap to see the effect.

This can confuse and frustrate your site's visitors, or they may miss the effects altogether. Good use of animation is encouraged, but keep the user's experience in mind when using them.

Use Hover Options to Highlight an Element

Using hover effects to highlight an important site area is a great idea to draw your visitor's attention. Any micro-animation hover effect on a link or button will help users understand it is clickable.

Consider using a hover effect to change an important line of text or a call-to-action module. When deciding which elements to use hover effects on, consider your options carefully. Modules such as Buttons, Call to Action, and Blurb are great options to help get your message across.

Another idea would be to use hover options on columns containing important information. Differing background colors on hover is an excellent way to highlight content.

Don't Overdo Hover Options

While animation and interactive elements are a great way to boost user engagement, be careful to do what is necessary.

Using too much animation or visual effects can confuse visitors. This could cause them to miss your message altogether. Keep effects to a minimum and only highlight the most important areas of your pages.

Tips for Transform Hover Options

When using transform options on hover, consider avoiding transform translate to move an element on hover.

This will cause jumping in some cases when the cursor falls outside the element during the hover effect. Using a transform scale (in addition to translating and/or rotating) to increase the element's size is a good way to achieve the look you are going for without distracting your users with jumpy, unpredictable results.

Transition hover options are perfect for icons or icon buttons because you can add micro-interactions (like scale or rotate) to make them more engaging.

Transform rotation works best on circular elements. To make any element circular, set the rounded corners option values to 50% on all four corners.

Continue Learning

Hover options can help you create stunning layouts in Divi. To learn how to create some of the effects we feature in our post, check out these great tutorials to sharpen your design skills while learning how to use Divi's hover options.

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