The Divi Login Module makes creating a login area for registered users to access a member's area, gated content, downloads, resources, and more easy.
How to Add the Divi Login Module to Your Page
Add a new page or edit an existing page.
By default, the Standard Gutenberg Editor loads whenever a new post or page is added to WordPress.Click the purple button underneath the page title. Use The Divi Builder.
Once clicked, the page will be reloaded with the Divi Visual Builder.
As your page reloads, you'll notice three options:
Build From Scratch
Choose A Premade Layout
Build with AI
Build From Scratch
This option loads the Divi Builder with a blank page design. Choose this option if you'd like to start your page design from Scratch.
Choose a Premade Layout
This option lets you choose from our large library of pre-designed Divi layouts. You can choose from premade layouts by Divi, which you've designed and saved to your Divi Library, and existing pages on your website that you can clone.
Build with AI
This option allows you to create an entire page layout using Divi AI. Using your text prompt and information about your website, you can create the perfect page outline, then build it and fill it with content and imagery, bringing it all to life in no time.
Add the Divi Login Module
When you load the Visual Builder, Divi automatically adds a Section.
Click the green
icon to insert a Row.Click the gray
icon inside the Row to open the Divi Module Library, which contains all the modules included with the Divi theme.Find the Login module and click on it to load the module.
The module library is also searchable. Type the module name you want in the search bar at the top.
All of the Divi Login Module Options Explained
Once you add a module, its settings will appear automatically. These settings allow you to configure the module's content and design styles. The settings are divided into three tabs that you can access through the tabs located at the top of the module. These tabs include Content, Design, and Advanced.
Content Tab
Inside this tab, you’ll find the content options available for this module.
This tab is where you'll add and configure the content for this module.
Title - If you'd like a title displayed at the top of this module, then type the title here. If this field is left blank, no title will display.
Body - If you'd like body text to display underneath the title, then type that text here. If this field is left blank, no body text will be displayed.
Redirect To The Current Page - Toggle this option to yes if you’d like the user to be redirected back to the current page after logging in.
If you would like to apply a clickable link to the entire module, you can do so here.
Module Link URL - Paste the URL of the link you would like to apply to this module here. This makes the entire module clickable, and when clicked, it will direct visitors to the URL pasted here.
Module Link Target - Defining a link target determines whether the link, when clicked, opens in a new tab or the same window.
In The Same Window - if you want the link to open in the same window
In The New Tab - if you want that link to open in a new tab.
In the Background option group, the following options can be set:
Background Color
Background Gradient
Background Image
Background Video
Background Pattern
Background Mask
How to Add a Background Color
Click the first tab, the Paint Bucket icon.
Click Add Background Color and choose from your site's color palette, or use the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
How to Add a Background Gradient
Click the second tab, the Gradient icon,
Click Add Background Gradient.
To change the gradient colors, click on the gradient stops and select a color from your site's color palette or use the eyedropper icon to choose a new color. Gradient stops allow you to add more colors to the gradient. Click anywhere on the range slider to add a new stop.
Background Gradient options
Gradient Type - You can change the gradient type by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting the desired one.
Gradient Direction - You can change the direction of the gradient by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.
Repeat Gradient - Toggle this option to yes if you want the gradient to repeat.
Gradient Unit - The gradient unit changes how the gradient stop points are calculated. Select the dropdown to change the unit.
Place Gradient Above Background Image - If a background image is applied, you can place the gradient above the background image by toggling this option to yes.
How to Add a Background Image
Click the third tab, the Image icon.
Click the gray
icon to bring up the Media Library, where you can select an already uploaded photo from your library or upload a new one.
Background Image options
Use Parallax Effect - To apply a parallax effect to the image (where the image scrolls faster than the foreground content, giving the illusion of a 3D effect) then toggle this option to on. By default, this setting is set to off.
Background Image Size - Choose the size of your background image by selecting a size from the dropdown menu.
Background Image Position - Choose the position of the background image by selecting a position from the dropdown menu.
Background Image Repeat - Choose if and how the background image repeats by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.
Background Image Blend - Choose how the background blends with other layers in the module by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.
How To Add a Background Video
Click the fourth tab, the Video icon.
Click the gray
icon to bring up the media library, where you can select an already uploaded photo from your library or upload a new one.
Background Video options
Mp4 vs WebM. - We recommend uploading both a
version and awebm
version of the video because not all browsers support WebM video formats. Uploading both file types ensures your video will play on all devices and browsers.Background Video Width - Set the video's width by typing in a numerical value.
Background Video Height - Se the height of the video by typing in a numerical value.
Pause Video When Another Video Plays - If you'd like the background video to pause when another video is playing, toggle that option to yes. By default, the video will pause when not in view. If you want the video to continue, toggle this option to no.
How to Add a Background Pattern
Click the 5th tab, the Pattern icon
Click Add Background Pattern
Choose the pattern type you want from the dropdown
Background Pattern options
Pattern Color - Select the pattern color from your site’s color palette or use the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Pattern Transform - This is where you can transform the pattern horizontally, vertically, rotate it, or invert it.
Pattern Size - Pattern size is where you can select the pattern size: the actual size, cover, fit, stretch to fill or custom size. If you select custom size, the following options will appear: pattern width and pattern height. Drag the range slider or type in a numerical value to define those options.
Pattern Repeat Origin - Here, you can select the origin from which the pattern repeats.
Pattern Horizontal and Vertical Offset - You can also adjust the horizontal and vertical offsets for the pattern.
Pattern Repeat - Here, you can choose how the pattern repeats – horizontally, vertically, and more.
Pattern Blend Mode - This defines how the pattern layer interacts with the layers beneath it. Select from one of the 16 blend modes available from the dropdown.
How to Add a Background Mask
Click the 6th tab, the Mask icon
Click Add Background Mask
Select the mask type you want via the dropdown menu
Background Mask options
Mask Color - Choose the mask color from your site’s color palette, or use the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Mask Transform - Here, you can transform the mask horizontally, vertically, rotate it, or invert it.
Mask Aspect Ration - Here, you can set the aspect ratio of the mask. The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height.
Mask Size - You can select the mask size: the actual size, cover, fit, stretch to fill or custom size. If you select custom size, the following options will appear: mask width and height. Drag the range slider or type in a numerical value to define those options.
Mask Blend Mode - This defines how the mask layer interacts with the layers beneath it. Select from one of the 16 blend modes available from the dropdown.
Admin Label
The Admin Label is where you can give the module a name only visible to you to assist in keeping things organized and easy to understand on the back end. By default, the admin label will be the name of the module. You can change the text of the admin label to reflect what you’d like.
Design Tab
Inside this tab, you’ll find all the design styles and settings for this module.
Style the login fields here.
Fields Background Color - Choose a background color for the comment section fields. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Fields Text Color - Choose the color of the text inside the fields. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Fields Focus Background Color - Choose a background color for currently used fields. So, for example, you could change the background color when a visitor clicks on that field and starts typing. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Fields Focus Text Color - Choose the color of the focus text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Fields Margin - Margins add space around the element. If you'd like to add space around the fields, do so here by typing in a numerical value in the text boxes or using the arrows to increase or decrease the margins.
Fields Padding - Padding adds space inside the element. If you'd like to add space inside the fields, do so here by typing in a numerical value in the text boxes or using the arrows to increase or decrease the padding.
Fields Font - Choose the font you want to use for the text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.
Fields Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the field font.
Fields Font Style - Choose the style of the field font:
Small Capitals
Fields Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the field text only:
Fields Text Size - Choose the font size of the field text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.
Fields Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the field text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.
Fields Line Height - Choose the line height of the field text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.
Fields Text Shadow - You can add a drop shadow to the field text here. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.
Fields Rounded Corners - If you want to round the corners of the fields, type in a numerical value. The higher the number, the rounder the corners will be. The corner values are automatically linked (as seen by the highlighted blue chainlink in the middle); however, if you’d like to have different values for each corner, click the blue chainlink to unlink the values. If the values are automatically linked, they will always have the same value and update automatically if one value is changed.
Fields Border Styles - This is where you can add a border to the fields. You can add a border to all sides of the image or individual sides (top, right, bottom, and left).
Fields Border Width - This is where you set the width of the border. For a thicker border, increase the number. The border width must be at least 1px to show.
Fields Border Color - This is where you can pick the border's color. You can select a color from your default site color palette that is already displayed or click on the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Fields Border Style - Here, you can select what border style you’d like: solid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, or none.
Use Focus Borders - Toggle this option to yes if you'd like to add a border to fields in focus.
This sets the overall text styles for this module; however, you can set specific styles of specific text in other toggles like Title Text, Body Text, and Meta Text.
Text Alignment - This allows you to choose how the text aligns: left, center, right, or justify.
Text Color - Select this module's default text color palette: light or dark. The default light color palette and dark color palettes can be configured in the Divi Theme Options.
Text Shadow - Here you can apply a drop shadow to all the text inside this module. When a shadow type is selected, it will apply to all the content, both the number and the title text.
Title Text
These are the specific styling and configuration settings for the Title Text only.
Text Heading Level - Choose the heading level assigned to the title text: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, or h6.
Title Font - Choose the font you want to use for the title text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.
Title Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the title text font.
Title Font Style - Choose the style of the title text font:
Small Capitals
Title Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the title text only:
Title Text Color - Choose a specific color for the title text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Title Text Size - Choose the font size of the title text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.
Title Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the title text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.
Title Line Height - Choose the line height of the title text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.
Title Text Shadow - You can add a drop shadow to the title text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.
Body Text
These are the settings for specific styling and configuration for the Body Text.
Body Font - Choose the font you want for the body text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.
Body Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the body text font.
Body Font Style - Choose the style of the body text font:
Small Capitals
Body Text Alignment - Choose the text alignment specifically to the body text only:
Body Text Color - Choose a specific color for the body text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Body Text Size - Choose the font size of the body text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.
Body Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the body text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.
Body Line Height - Choose the line height of the body text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. The line height is the amount of space between each line of text. The higher the number, the more space.
Body Text Shadow - You can add a drop shadow to the body text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.
Use Custom Styles For Button - By default, buttons are styled globally via the Theme Cuztomizer. However, to apply unique styles to this button, toggle this option to yes.
Button Text Size - Choose the font size of the button text by dragging the range slider or typing in a numerical value.
Button Text Color - Choose a specific color for the button text. Select from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Button Background - Style the background of the button here. You can add a solid color, gradient, or image. Choose a color from your site’s color palette, or click the dropper icon to choose a new color. To add a gradient background, select the second icon tab, the gradient icon, and then click Add Background Gradient, which will bring up the styling options for a gradient background. To add an image background, select the second icon tab, the image icon, and then click Add Background Image, which will bring up the styling options for an image background.
Button Border Width - Determine the width (thickness) of the button's border by dragging the range slider or typing a numerical value.
Button Border Color - This is where you can pick the border's color. You can select a color from your default site color palette that is already displayed or click on the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Button Border Radius - The radius of the button border determines how round the corners of the button are - the higher the number, the more round the corners will be.
Button Letter Spacing - Choose the letter spacing of the button text by dragging the range slider or by typing in a numerical value. Letter spacing is the space between each letter. The higher the number, the more space.
Button Font - Choose the font you want for the button text. The default font is automatically selected; however, you can choose a different font or upload a custom font by clicking the dropdown box.
Button Font Weight - Click the dropdown to select the boldness of the button text font.
Button Font Style - Choose the style of the button text font: italicized, capitalized, small capitals, underlined, or strike-through.
Show Button Icon - Toggle this option yes or no to show or hide the button icon.
Button Icon - The default icon is
. However, you can choose a unique button icon here.Button Icon Color - Select the color of the button icon.
Button Icon Placement - Choose the icon's placement on the button's right or left side.
Only Show Icon On Hover For Button - Toggle this option to no if you want the button icon to be visible at all times. By default, this option is set to yes, meaning the button icon will only display on hover.
Button Text Shadow - You can add a drop shadow to the button text. Once a style is selected, you can configure the direction of the shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the drop shadow blur, and the shadow color.
Button Margin - Add margins to the button by typing in numerical values. Margins add space outside the button element. To lock in ratios and keep the values the same, click the chainlink icon between the values you want to always be identical (ex, top and bottom).
Button Padding - Add padding to the button by typing in numerical values. The padding adds space inside the button element. To lock in ratios and keep the values the same, click the chainlink icon between the values you want to always be identical (ex, top and bottom).
Button Box Shadow - Adds a drop shadow to the button. Once a shadow style is clicked, you can customize the position of the drop shadow (horizontal and vertical), the strength of the blur, and the spread strength by adjusting the range slider or inputting numerical values. Select the drop shadow’s color from your site’s color palette or click the eyedropper to find a new color. Choose the box-shadow position inside or outside the container via the dropdown.
Width - Defines the
of the module. For more information, please check out the official documentation.Max Width - Defines the
of the module. For more information, please check out the official documentation.Module Alignment - If a
or aMax Width
value is set, the module alignment can be set using the three options:Left Aligned
Center Aligned
Right Aligned
Min Height - Defines the minimum value for the module's height. For more information, please check out the official documentation.
Height - Define the
of the module. For more information, please check out the official documentation.Max Height - Defines the
value the module can have. For more information, please check out the official documentation.
You can add margins or spacing to this module by typing numerical values.
Margin adds space outside the module, and padding adds space inside the module. To lock in ratios and keep the values the same, click the chainlink icon between the values you want to always be identical (ex, top and bottom).
values for the module are0
values for the module are0
Add a border to the module. You can add a complete border or a border to only one side of the module. Adjust the width via the range slider and select a color. Choose a border style by clicking the dropdown.
Rounded Corners – Type in a numerical value for round border corners. The higher the number, the rounder the corners will be. The corner values are automatically linked (as seen by the highlighted blue chainlink in the middle); however, if you’d like to have different values for each corner, click the blue chainlink to unlink the values. If the values are automatically linked, they will always have the same value and update automatically if one value is changed.
Border Styles – Here, you can add a border to all sides of the module or individual sides (top, right, bottom, and left).
Border Width - This is where you set the width of the border. For a thicker border, increase the number. The border width must be at least 1px to show.
Border Color – This is where you can pick the border's color. You can select a color from your default site color palette that is already displayed or click on the eyedropper icon to find a new color.
Border Style – Here, you can select what border style you’d like: solid, dashed, dotted, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, or none.
Box Shadow
Here, you can add a drop shadow to the entire module.
Once a shadow style is clicked, you can customize the following options:
Box Shadow Horizontal Position - Defines the horizontal position of the drop shadow.
Box Shadow Vertical Position - Defines the vertical position of the drop shadow.
Box Shadow Blur Strength - Defines the strength of the shadow's blur. The higher the value, the bigger the blur and the wider and lighter the shadow becomes.
Box Shadow Spread Strength - Defines the spread strength of the blur. Increasing the spread strength will increase the density of the box shadow. Higher density results in a more intense shadow.
Shadow Color - Defines the shadow's color.
Box Shadow Position - Defines the shadow's position. It can be inside the module or outside the module.
Adjust the module's filters:
Hue - Defines the hue angle of a color.
Saturation- Defines how intense the color saturation should be.
Brightness - Defines how bright the colors should be.
Contrast - Defines how distinct bright and dark areas should be.
Invert - Invert the hue, saturation, and brightness by the specified value.
Sepia - Defines a warmer, more yellow/brown appearance.
Opacity - Defines how transparent or opaque the background (color, gradient, image, etc.) should be.
Blur - Defines the amount of Gaussian Blur applied to the module.
The Blend Mode refers to how the module blends with the layers beneath it. By default, normal will be selected.
Origin points
Tab through to access each option. Configure each option by inputting numerical values or dragging and expanding the box or circle.
You can lock in these values to always be identical by clicking the chain link icon at the bottom right.
Here, you can apply animation to the module. Once you choose a style, you can adjust the following options:
Animation Duration - Defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Animation Delay - Define the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Animation Starting Opacity - Define the starting opacity value.
Animation Speed Curve - Define the easing method of your animation. Easing your animation in and out will create a smoother effect than a linear speed curve.
Animation Repeat - By default, animations will only play once. If you want to loop your animation continuously, choose the Loop option here.
Advanced Tab
Within the Advanced tab, you will find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS.
Here, you can apply custom CSS to your module. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module's styles with more advanced CSS properties or to apply custom CSS code using the module's CSS class.
CSS ID & Classes
Assign a specific CSS ID or Class to this module. This is helpful when applying custom CSS to a module by using your child theme's stylesheet.
Custom CSS
Free-Form CSS - Write free-form CSS using the keyword
to target this module. Example:selector h1 {color: red;}
Module Elements - You can also apply custom CSS to this module by pasting it in this tab. When you click on the Module Elements tab, you'll see individual sections where you can add custom CSS properties.
This tab allows you to choose when to display this module based on a set of conditions, like when a user is visiting the page if they've already purchased from your company before, what browser they are using, what operating system they're using, and more.
You can add one condition or multiple conditions.
Disable on - Defines the visibility of the module. You can disable it (hide it from view) when the display window is a Phone, Tablet, or Desktop by clicking the corresponding checkbox.
Horizontal Overflow - Defines what shows when content overflows a block-level element's left and right edges. This may be:
Visible - The content will show if the module's content overflows its height.
Scroll - If the module's content overflows its height, a vertical scroll bar will be used to scroll through its content.
Hidden - If the module's content overflows its height, the part of the content that overflows will be hidden.
Auto - The browser will decide whether a scroll bar will be shown.
Vertical Overflow - Defines what shows when content overflows a block-level element's top and bottom edges. This may be:
Visible - The content will show if the module's content overflows its height.
Scroll - If the module's content overflows its height, a vertical scroll bar will be used to scroll through its content.
Hidden - If the module's content overflows its height, the part of the content that overflows will be hidden.
Auto - The browser will decide whether a scroll bar will be shown.
This controls the hover animation's transition duration, delay, and speed curve.
Transition Duration - Defines the duration (in milliseconds) of the transition of the hover animation.
Transition Delay - Defines the transition delay of the hover animation (in milliseconds).
Transition Speed Curve - Defines the transition speed curve of the hover animation.
Position - This defines the position of the module:
Relative (default value) - The module is positioned according to the normal flow of the document, and then offset values are relative to itself based on the values of
Vertical Offset
andHorizontal Offset
. The offset does not affect the position of any other elements; thus, the space given for the module in the page layout is the same as if the position were default (static).Absolute - The module is removed from the normal document flow, and no space is created for the element in the page layout. The module is positioned relative to its closest positioned ancestor (if any) or the initial containing block. The Location options determine its final position
Fixed - The element is removed from the normal document flow, and no space is created for the element in the page layout. The module is positioned based on the location options in relation to the browser window. This can be used to create a
Vertical Offset - Defines the module's vertical position.
Horizontal Offset - Defines the module's horizontal position.
Z-index - Defines the order of the module in the page layout. Modules with a higher
number overlap modules with a lowerz-index
Scroll Effects
This defines how the module behaves upon scrolling. You can make the module sticky (to top, bottom, or top and bottom) and choose if the module transforms upon scrolling.
You can also enable vertical motion on this module, which allows you to adjust the speed at which this element scrolls (making it faster or slower) without affecting the surrounding elements.
The Motion Trigger Effect allows you to choose when the scroll effect you just applied is triggered: when the top of the element is in view, the middle, or the bottom.
Save Your Design
Once you are finished styling and configuring the module, click the green arrow at the bottom right of the module to save your design. If you close the module without saving, your work will be lost.
Next, Save the Page Design
To save the page design, you can type CMD + S
on a Mac or CTRL + S
on a PC. You can also use the bottom Divi toolbar to save your page design by clicking the circle purple icon with the three dots …
to expand the toolbar and then clicking the green Save button at the bottom right.
Exit the Visual Builder
Now that all your changes are saved, click Exit Visual Builder on the admin toolbar at the top to exit the Visual Builder.