Accessing The Theme & Module Customizers
The Theme Customizers give you control over just about every single element on your page.
The customizer panels can be accessed via the Extra β Theme Customizer link in your WordPress Dashboard.
The Theme Customizer gives you control over site-wide theme elements, such as your menu & logo size or your body and header text styles.
Exploring The Theme Customizer
There are hundreds of options here, separated into different categories.
When you first open up the customizer, you will see several panels, such as:
General Settings
Header & Navigation Settings
Footer Settings
Social Media Networks
Site Identity
Background Image
Homepage Settings
Additional CSS
As you adjust the settings within the customizer, you will be given a live preview of their effects.
Once you save your changes, the new styles will be reflected on your live website.
You can do almost anything with the Theme Customizer without touching a line of code.
For a more detailed look at some of the different customizer options and some creative ways to use these options together, be sure to watch the instructional video above.
Note: If you use the Theme Builder to build custom Headers and Footers, the Header & Navigation Settings and Footer Settings will not be available in the Theme Customizer.
Those will be controlled/customized from the Extra β Theme Builder.