An Overview Of Inline Sharing Button Settings
Monarch dynamically detects where the content of your pages and posts begins and ends so that it can automatically place social sharing buttons above or below your content.
Place icons and share counts at the beginning of your content to show your readers how popular your posts are, or place them at the bottom to encourage users to share your posts after reading.
Choose Icon Style
Select Hover
This option lets you choose from any hover styles Monarch offers for Inline Sharing Buttons. You can hover over any options to get an example preview of the hover effect.
Once you decide on an option, click to select any style, and a green checkmark will indicate your section.
Choose Icon Shape
Select Shape
Monarch offers 3 shapes for your icon buttons:
You can create various great-looking social buttons with the style options mentioned above.
Display Settings
Choose Location
This dropdown lets you display sharing buttons either above your content, below your content, or above and below your content.
Icon Alignment
This option lets you select either Left or Centered.
Selecting Left will display your button labels and/or share counts to the right of your network icons, creating a more horizontal button shape.
Selecting Centered will place your button labels and/or share counts below your network icons and center the button content, creating a taller button shape.
Number of Columns
Monarch offers 7 column width options. You can choose to have up to 6 equal-width columns or let your buttons take on an auto-width based on the width of your buttons' content.
No matter your selection, Monarch accommodates small browser widths and adjusts your column selection for mobile devices.
Display Share Counts
Displaying share counts is a great way to show off how many times your pages have been shared and even a great way to encourage visitors to spread your content.
This number will appear inside each button to the right or below your network icons based on your 'Icon Alignment'.
Minimum Count Display
Sometimes, it is better to not show counts than to show that your content has yet to be shared over a certain threshold.
This setting allows you to set the minimum share count that Monarch will display in your inline buttons. This is a great feature for new content that has yet to have the opportunity to be shared for a long time.
Display Total Shares
This share count will add up the shares across all displayed networks and display the total right above your buttons. This is a great way to show how popular a given page is.
Display Network Names
Check this box to display the network labels in your sharing buttons. These can be customized to whatever you wish. For example, you can choose to replace the Network Name Twitter with something like Tweet This or Share This.
Outer Text Color
If the option above is selected, this option will appear to allow you to choose your Outer Text Color.
This setting will affect your Total Shares Count and your Network Label and/or individual share count if you have selected circular buttons, which place button text outside the background color of your buttons.
Your page's background may be light or dark in color value β this option lets you make sure your text stands out on top of your background.
Remove Icon Spacing
By default, the inline icon buttons are spaced with a small margin.
Checking this option lets you remove the spacing between your icons for a whole new set of design possibilities.
Hide On Mobile Devices
You can check this box if you wish to not display the Inline Sharing Buttons on mobile devices.
Color Settings
Use Custom Colors
Monarch uses the default network colors by default, but for a more custom approach, you can select your own button colors. If the option below is not defined, the element's default setting will be used.
Background Color
This color picker will define the background color of the Inline Sharing Buttons.
Hover Background Color
This color picker will define the background color of your Inline Sharing Buttons when the user hovers over a button.
Icon Color
This color picker will define the color of the Inline Sharing Buttons' icons.
Icon Color
This color picker will define the color of the Inline Sharing Buttons' icons when the user hovers over a button.
Post Type Settings
Select Your Post Types
All post types on your website will appear in the Post Type Settings, whether it is a post or page, a WooCommerce Product, a Project post from a portfolio plugin, etc.
These global settings allow you to choose the posts you want the Inline Sharing Buttons to appear on.
Note: You can override any of these settings on a per-post basis.