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Divi AI Unlimted Pricing Overview
Divi AI Unlimted Pricing Overview

You can purchase Divi AI on a monthly or yearly subscription.

Updated over a year ago

Purchasing Divi AI grants you unlimited text and image generation uses. You can learn more about purchasing Divi AI here.

Note: The free trial of Divi AI usage is tied to your Elegant Themes Username and can only be used 100 times regardless of how many websites you have. Generating 4 images at the same time will still only count as a single use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Divi AI for free if I am a Divi customer?

You can use Divi AI for free in a limited capacity for free. Once you reach your free trial limit, you will be asked to purchase a Divi AI membership to unlock unlimited text and image generation.

Can I really generate unlimited text and images if I buy Divi AI?

You can use Divi AI for free in a limited capacity for free. Once you reach your free trial limit, you will be asked to purchase a Divi AI membership to unlock unlimited text and image generation.

What makes Divi AI better than other tools like Jasper and ChatGPT?

Divi AI is unique for a couple reasons. First of all, it's integrated right inside the Visual Builder, which is incredibly convenient! Text you generate gets applied to the page automatically, and images you generate get uploaded right to the WordPress media library.

Divi AI's biggest advantage is the fact that it understands Divi and learns from your website, allowing it to create more contextually relevant content automatically. Other tools can't do this because they don't have access to your database or Divi's code.

What languages does Divi AI Support?

You can use any language when interfacing with Divi AI's text generator and associated AI writing tools. Divi AI is capable of writing text in any language. When creating images, you must write your prompt in English.

Can I use the images I generate for commercial purposes?

Yes, you are granted a royalty-free license to use the images you generate. You can use them for commercial purposes.

Do you offer Divi AI as a lifetime membership?

Divi AI, Divi Cloud, Divi VIP, and Divi Teams are only available as monthly and yearly subscriptions.

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