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How to Create a One-Page Website With Divi

Learn how to structure your site to showcase content on one page effectively and how to create anchor links for smooth scrolling navigation.

Updated over 8 months ago

A one-page website can provide a streamlined and engaging user experience, making it easier for visitors to find information quickly without navigating through multiple pages.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a stunning one-page website using Divi.

The process of creating a one-page website requires 3 steps:

  1. Create a WordPress page

  2. Build the layout - each major section of your website will be a Divi Section element

  3. Build the WordPress menu to create the anchor links

Create a new WordPress page

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard

  2. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Pages → Add New Page

    WordPress - Create a new Page

  3. Give your page a title, for example, Homepage - you can use any title you want

    Divi - Create a new Page
  4. Click on the Use Divi Builder button

    Divi - Enable the Divi Builder
  5. Start adding/building the page's layout, or you can load one of our Premade Layouts.

  6. Publish your page.

Note: Split your page's content/layout into different Sections. Each Section will be used to create the Anchor Scroll Navigation.

Example: Let's assume that the one-page website will have 4 different sections showcasing different aspects of your business:

  • Case Studies

  • Services

  • About Us

  • Contact Us

Note: Use Divi's Section element for each of those main Sections. You can have as many Sections as you want; however, at least four of them will be used to create the Anchor Points.

Create the Anchor points

Anchor points are the points to which each WordPress menu item will scroll when clicked. In the above example:

  • Clicking on the Case Studies menu item will scroll to the Section designated for the Case Studies

  • Clicking on the Services menu item will scroll to the Section designated for the Services

  • Clicking on the About Us menu item will scroll to the Section designated for the About Us

  • Clicking on the Contact Us menu item will scroll to the Section designated for the Contact Us

To create each of those Anchor points, edit each Section to which you want the menu items to scroll, and:

  1. Go to Advanced Tab → CSS ID & Classes → CSS ID

  2. Type in the CSS ID (which later will be used to create the Navigation menu items)

    Divi - Set a CSS ID to the Section element

Important Notes: When choosing the CSS ID, keep the following things in mind

  1. Use Descriptive Names - Ensure the ID name describes the element’s purpose or content. This makes it easier for anyone reading the code to understand what the element represents.

  2. Follow Naming Conventions - Use a consistent naming convention throughout your project. Common conventions include

    1. Kebab-case (case-studies),

    2. CamelCase (caseStudies),

    3. Snake_case (case_studies)

  3. Avoid Generic Names - Avoid using generic names that do not provide meaningful information about the element.

  4. Use IDs for Unique Elements—IDs should be unique within a page. They are best used for elements that appear only once per page, such as headers, footers, and specific sections.

  5. Keep IDs Short and Simple - While IDs should be descriptive, they should also be concise and easy to type.

Create the WordPress Menu

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Menus

  2. Edit an existing WordPress menu or create a new one

  3. Use the Custom Links option to create 4 Menu items

    1. URL - type the # followed by the Sections CSS ID. For example, #case-studies

    2. Link Text - This is the text that will show in the Menu area; in this case, it will be Case Studies - this can be any text you want.

    WordPress - Create Custom Links menu item

  4. Check the Primary Menu option

    WordPress - Create a WordPress Navigation Menu

  5. Click on the Save Menu button.

Set up the website's Homepage

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Setting → Reading

  2. Enable the A static page option for Your homepage displays

  3. For the Homepage option, select the page you just created.

  4. Click on the Save Changes button

    WordPress - Reading Settings

Enable the Dot Navigation (optional)

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Pages → All Pages

  2. Edit the Page you just created

  3. From the right sidebar under the Divi Page Settings box, set the Dot Navigation to On

Note: The number of Dots appearing in the Dot Navigation will equal the number of Section elements you have in your page layout.

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