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How to Set a Row to be Fullwidth

Any row inside a normal section can be set to full width.

Updated over 7 months ago

Creating a fullwidth row in Divi can dramatically enhance your website's visual impact and layout flexibility.

By utilizing the full width of the screen, you can create immersive sections that captivate your audience and provide a modern, clean design.

While you can use Fullwidth sections to create fullwidth layouts, the number of modules you can use inside a Fullwidth section is limited.

Note: A Row in Divi has a width of 80% and a max-width of 1080px.

Divi - Default Row Width

Change the Row's default width and max-width values

  1. Open the Row settings by clicking on the Gear icon

  2. Go to Design Tab β†’ Sizing

  3. Set the Width to 100%

  4. Set the Max Width to 100%

    Divi Row Sizing Settings

The result can be seen in the screenshot below:

Divi - Fullwidth Row
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