The Spam Protection options help prevent unwanted submissions by bots. For enhanced security and reliability, you can enable a basic math captcha or integrate third-party services like Google reCAPTCHA.
Where to Find the Spam Protection Options
Open the Contact Form Module Settings: Click the gear icon or the module itself to access the settings.
Navigate to the Content Tab: Locate and expand the Spam Protection option group.
Spam Protection Customization Settings
Use A Spam Protection Service: Toggle this option to On to use a Google reCAPTCHA for bot prevention.
Service Provider: Select a service provider from the dropdown menu. Currently, Google reCAPTCHA is supported.
reCAPTCHA v3 Account: Add your Google reCAPTCHA account credentials:
Visit the Google reCAPTCHA site.
Enter the Account Name, Site Key (v3), and Secret Key (v3) in the corresponding fields.
Minimum Score: Set a minimum score to determine interaction validity.
Scoring Range: Scores range from
:Higher scores (e.g.,
) are likely human interactions.Lower scores (e.g.,
) indicate bots.
Default Value:
Use Basic Captcha: Toggle this option to On to enable a simple math-based captcha, such as "What is 2 + 3?" This adds a straightforward challenge for bots to fail.
Tips for Using Spam Protection
Choose the Right Protection: Use Google reCAPTCHA for advanced protection and Basic Captcha for simpler setups.
Set an Appropriate Minimum Score: Start with the default score of
and adjust based on your form's traffic patterns.Test Before Launch: Verify that your captcha or reCAPTCHA integration works smoothly across devices and browsers.
Monitor Submissions: Regularly check submissions to ensure spam is effectively reduced without deterring legitimate users.